In order to identify the morphological sources for yield variation and to determine the most important traits affecting yield in Corn hybrids, an experiment was conducted in 2008 in Shushtar City. 28 hybrids studied using a RCBD with 3 replications on 30 morphological traits. Correlation coefficients results indicated that grain yield with grain filling period, plant growth period, grain row number in ear and grain number in ear traits had positive significant correlation and with other traits had no torrelation. Stepwise regression results indicated that only grain filling period was input into the model and 63 percent determined variation of grain yield. In factor analysis traits, 9 independent factors, 84.49 percent of all data variation explained. Grain characteristics as first factor, explained 12.57 percent of all data variance. Second factor, plant growth characteristics, third factor podancul length, fourth factor phonological traits, fifth factor leafs number, sixth factor grain yield, seventh factor ear characteristics, eigth factor ear diameter and ear wood diameter and ninght factor hektolitr weight were named. This factors 12.2, 10.5, 9.92, 9.47, 8.5, 8.1, 7.75 and 5.48 percent recpectively of all data variations determined. 1000 grain weight and grain protein percent were enjoyed of low important.