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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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با گرایش ایرانیان به تشیع فصل جدیدی در ادبیات پارسی گشوده شد. از دیگر سو شخصیت برجسته حضرت علی (ع) باعث شد حتی شاعران غیر شیعه ایرانی نیز زبان به مدح او گشایند و در فضلش سخن برانند. یکی از مسائل مهم در تاریخ اسلام مساله «وصایت» و جانشینی حضرت علی (ع) به عنوان خلیفه پس از رسول خدا (ص) است که در ادبیات پارسی و تازی بازتاب داشته است. با روی کارآمدن سلسله صفویه (907 ق. به بعد) این مساله در ادبیات پارسی با کمیتی قابل ملاحظه مطرح شد تا بدانجا که این پندار برای برخی پدید آمد که خاستگاه این اندیشه همان دوره صفویه است. این نوشتار برآن است که به بررسی این مساله بپردازد و روشن کند که قدمت این اندیشه به قدمت ادبیات پارسی پس از اسلام است هرچند که نویسنده ادعای «استقصاء تام» ندارد که در آن صورت «مثنوی هفتاد من کاغذ شود».سروده ها به ترتیب تاریخی تا پایان سده نهم هجری مورد بررسی قرار گرفته اند با توضیحاتی کلامی و تاریخی.

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A new period of Persian literature was outstretched by Iranian attitude toward shiism, Also the prominence personality of Imam Ali provoked even non-shiite poets to praise and eulogize his excellence and Virtue. One of the important issues during Islam history was the matter of Imam Ali’s substitution which has been having reflection on both Persian and Arabic Literatur by emergence of Safavieh dynasty (907A.H. Lateron) this matter haz been represented in Persian Literature quantitatively considerable and this assumption that the origin and source of this thoughts was Safavieh era, has appeared. This thought is as old as Post- Islami Persian Literature, this would be the purpose of this note, although the author doesn’t claim to perfect and full-fledged seeking, which would result in long repeated topic.The poems regarding to chronological amangments with verbal and historical explanations to the end of 9th A.H. Century, have been considered.

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The improvement and manifestation in any phenomenon is only possible by analyzing and dissolution of its minute subjects and problems. And at the same time its retardation becomes to the negligence of this matter. Literature and its subjects too is no exception. This matter to day obvious among the scholars. one of the important subjects of literature is the subject of eloquence and a branch of it is Irony and metaphor, a matters that some ancients and even contemporary scholars believe that these two subjects are and similar. But those two are not the same and in this article it is shown, by giving examples and clear definitions, that they are two different subjects and meanings.

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Sepideh Kashani is regarded as one of the devoted poets of Islamic revolution and the imposed war, whose life, poems and thoughts are considerable from perspectives of presenting theological and revolutional remarks, resistance literature, the sacred defense and also reflecting Islamic revolution incidents and war’s. In this article besides introducing Sepideh and her literal writings we have tried to firstly, study her poetic period and then her stylistic characteristics from aspects of: poetic styles, literal and rhetoric remarks. And then we will discuss about the thematic and conceptual analysis of her poems.Most literal writings of Sepideh are in verses that have been published along with her only prose work. Although her poetry style is mostly neoclassic, her poems are written in traditional poem style as well as Nimai poem style. Sepideh’s poetic period is divided into two phases: before the revolution and after the revolution. And political and social incidents of the both phases, specially the second phase have strongly influenced her works.Sepideh is generally poet of her own time, and she is devoted to the revolution, the sacred defense and Islamic values. Although her poems are almost significant for conveying messages and expressing themes and concepts, contrarily to most poems of revolution poets, her poems present imaginary features and rhetoric. The main themes and concepts of Sepideh’s poems are: negligence conflict and invitation to awakening, waiting for the promised, Emam Hosseins Epic, martyr and martyrdom, resistance literature, the war, theology instructions, justice, eulogizing Mohammad the profit and his family, exalting religional and revolutional characters, elegies, the concept of life and death and etc.These cases have been researched and studied by analyzing Sepideh’s poems, life and thoughts and also by making use of other researches and scattered writings on this subject.

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Belief in good and evil and their everlasting conflict, the triumph of good whose outcome is harmony and the triumph of evil whose outcome is turmoil would not only serve as the daily topic of human beings but also as one of the main pillars of the everlasting epic of Ferdousi’s Shahname. The bipolar system design of the German epic of Nibelungenlied hymn that differs with Shahname portrays the developing structure of the main characters of the story. On the whole a survey of the two masterpieces Persian epic of Ferdousi’s Shahname, composed in 11th century, and German Nibelungenlied hymen, composed in 13th century bring us to the conclusion that the harmonized man who was united with nature at the outset goes astray as the result of the flaw in his faculty caused by certain forces or evil characteristics as jealousy, anger, hatred, greed, and need. The man who is no more in unity with nature, recalling what he has lost, narrates mythical tales in the framework of an epic.

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After Badiozaman Hamedani wrote his picaresques book, many writers to follow his after him, began to write Picaresque that the style of all Badiozaman’ picaresques are seen in all of them.Then Zamkhashry, prominent scientists uses from public attention to technical prose and picaresque rhymed and write the book “Almaqamat” and other than using various literary arrays in rhymed prose, uses his verbal Treasure and writing skills up to Instead of teaching cunning and begging ways to pay to moral respects and human high traits. Unlike other picaresques, Zamkhashry’s picaresques neither have the narrator nor the events that take place.These picaresques are free from jest and humor and its styles instead of the story, is the aphorism. Zamkhashry himself has been described his picaresques, and method of his writing style has impressed some of Picaresque writers after his.

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Discussion on Koran proverbs, with its fabulous diversity, is one of the most important fields in Koran sciences. Such proverbs convey philosophical, epigrammatic, reminding and consciousness messages. This research does not discuss the contents and concepts of such proverbs, but, it is aimed at classification of various proverbs in Koran, that are categorized as similes, comparative, descriptive, historical, individual and mystical examples, then classifies Koran proverbs prevalent in Farsi.

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One of the most pervasive social structures in religion domain which has distinguished position for God’s worship and has been constructed by the prophet Muhammad (P.) for this purpose in the first century of hegira is mosque.This holy place is the most important religious and historical place in every city and the greatest spiritual temple for every person and the place of demand and prostration and humility to the God.In the first century, mosque, in addition of being a place for the religious duties and prayer, was also regarded as religious, cultural, political, social and military place.Islam’s notice to the mosque and its importance is so high that prophet Muhammad (P.) said:In the resurrection day mosque from being abandoned, Holy Quran from being isolated and erudite from being between ignorant people will complaint.

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The very old territory of Iran was the center of growing of the great scientistics and men of Letters in different majors these mentioned points make Iran to have the special places among other countries in the word.Among the cities of this country, there are some cities that put Iran as the superior country that we can say Isfahan has the mentioned superior position.Panegyric is one of famous poetical content among Isfahanian poets songs. During the reign of Abbasi which has allocated a large amount of pomes to itself. Also, some times, many Isfahanian poets imitated and made modernism in their songs like many of theirself contemporaries; some of these changes are noticeable in Gassideh structure and its content and words.We can point to Abosaed Rostami, Hassaneibn salman Nahravani IsFahhani, Abo Abdollah Hoseini Natanzi and Eibne Heisam and Badiolzaman davai are most important Isfananian poets in this poetical objective, these potes songs are in Arabic language.

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