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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Municipality of zone 10 of Tehran established Bagh-Hakim Park in 2010, aiming at providing the inhabitants of Beriyanak neighborhood with a peaceful and airily environment. It is noteworthy that the municipality, while trying to provide recreational environment for the citizens, has had some other invisible and important targets in mind--converting the environment of prone to crime places to neighborhoods with high security level, and reducing crime rate e.g. drugs sales and abuse. The present article aims at considering the relationship between establishment of Bagh-Hakim Park and societal security and crimes in Beriyanak neighborhood--the research method used for conducting it, is utilizing quantitative techniques to assess its social impact. Inhabitants of Beriyanak neighborhood are the under survey statistical population. N=30 inhabitants of Beriyanak who have been selected for individual and group interviews. Site observations are also used for conducting the survey. Some factors such as violence, delinquency, poverty and addiction subculture in the neighborhood and its being old, surrounded and abandoned contributed to paving the road for the garden to become an unsecure place wherein societal insecurity, crimes enhancement and societal deviations were observable in the neighborhood. The present article argues that through making changes in physical and societal environment of urban prone to crime neighborhoods, crimes and societal deviations-drugs sales and consumption, and delinquency in urban defenseless areas-can be changed and controlled, and as a result societal security can be established. The findings of the research indicate that establishment of the park in the prone to crime neighborhood has led to change in the view of the neighborhood and has provided the citizens with peace and tranquility, and societal security. Meanwhile, it has resulted in reducing crime rate-those associated with drugs and violence- in Beriyanak neighborhood. The change has been made in a way that the neighborhood which was known as an unsecure and disreputable neighborhood, is being converted into a peaceful, airily and beautiful neighborhood.

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Whereas police provides physical, financial, mental and social security of tourists, it plays a very significant role in attracting more foreign tourists. The present research aims at recognizing role of police in expanding tourism industry and the impact of providing services and physical presence of police on increasing the number of foreign tourists in tourism attractions in Isfahan city.The research is of descriptive-analytical and correlative type. The under survey statistical population includes foreign tourists who visited Isfahan in 2010.320 tourists selected as sample statistical population through using Cockran method and a self-made questionnaire, and collected foreign tourists' views in relation with security.Chief among the results of the research, one can refer to level of satisfaction of foreign tourists with security in Isfahan city. However, the level of satisfaction with police in terms of providing information, supervision over performance of hotels, restaurants and travel agencies, as well as their visible presence in some tourism centers was so low. Nevertheless, with respect to the security conditions in Isfahan city, many foreign tourists have been eager to travel to the city again, and/or recommend their friends and acquaintances to visit the city.Reviewing the hypotheses of research indicates that there is a significant relationship between the variables. In addition, the hypotheses which have dealt with assessment of the relationship between the variables are also confirmed.However, there is no significant relation between excessive physical presence of police in tourism attraction sites and mental security feeling level among foreign tourists. Therefore, the above-mentioned hypothesis is not confirmed.

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The present research aims at designing, evaluating and implementing drugs' abuse prevention training courses (cheer) for juvenile prone to hazard, and reviewing the impact of the pattern on hazardous behavior (behavior anomaly and comparative behavior anomaly) leading to drug abuse. The research hypothesis argues that prevention pattern deals with reduction of behavior anomaly and counter- behavior anomaly and counter- behavior anomaly, and in general as hazard factors for drug abuse. Drug abuse theories, prevention, prevention patterns, relevant resources and experts' comments reviewed for designing the program.With respect to theoretical and experimental background of the research, the above-mentioned program designed and developed, and it was confirmed by ten psychology professors holding PhD degree as well as relevant experience in terms of drugs abuse prevention. Agreement of referees on the content of the program indicates that the designed pattern is reliable enough to be conducted. The contributor sample in the research selected randomly.The designed pattern implemented trially on 15 individuals, and control group did not receive anything in this regard. The research projects were of «pre and ante-test» type with control group. Assessment questionnaire based on Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) conducted to assess behavior anomaly and counter-behavior anomaly on trial and control groups. The designed pattern implemented for sixteen weeks. Finally, the data reviewed through using covariance analysis. Results of the research implies that there is a significant difference between behavior anomaly and counter behavior anomaly in trial group compared with control group, and the aforesaid period has had significant impact on reducing behavior anomaly and conflict.Prevention pattern (Cheer) may be applicable in a wide range as initial step for preventing juvenile from drug abuse.

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The present research conducted among South and West Azerbaijan provinces' youth aiming at identifying the relationship between identity base and crime. The research is of survey--post event type. Statistical population is comprised of two groups: Group one) prisoners who are sentenced to imprisonment because of committing moral crimes and prohibited actions ranging from 15-24 years of age imprisoned in prisons of Tabriz, Urumiyeh, Ahar and Maragheh, Group two) ordinary young individuals in the same age range living in the above-mentioned cities. N=111 in group one. N=111 in group two, where samples selected through using quota-based sampling method, which is a well-known and improbable method. EIS2-EOM used for assessment of the identity base assessment. The data analyzed through using t and X2 tests.Findings of the research indicated that there is a significant relationship between the youth identity base, and crime commitment. Scores of scattered or scrambled identity base on the part of guilty youth is significantly higher than the average of the identity base in ordinary youth. There is direct relationship between the extent that individuals experienced identity crisis and the higher probability of committing criminal behavior.

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Driving accidents are the most important source of Iranians’ death. Personality character is one of the factors leading to danger. The present research aims at comparing personality characters of reckless drivers with that of normal male drivers. So, this casual comparative research compares personality characters within 2 groups: reckless and normal drivers. Statistical population included male drivers ranging from 25to 55 who drive private cars in Iran. The drivers selected through cluster sampling (N=35) whose vehicles detained by traffic police in Karaj, because of not observing speed limit and traffic regulations, as well. In the comparison group, 35 male drivers ranging from 25 to 55 who did not have traffic regulation violation records selected. The drivers selected among taxi drivers in different regions of Karaj through cluster sampling. Personality characters of the reckless and normal male driver groups measured by NEOPI-R Test with 240 questions, and then analyzed by «X square Test» and T test for independent groups. Results indicated that reckless drivers, with respect to Neuroticism and extraversion indices got higher scores than normal drivers (P<0.01).Meanwhile, in terms of flexibility, conformity and conscientiousness, normal drivers significantly got higher scores than reckless drivers (P<0.01).Demographic indices indicated that the higher the experience and age of the drivers, the less is the probability of accidents to happen. After all, it came out that there is no relationship between financial and educational status of the drivers and the way they drive.

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Addiction or drug abuse is a social phenomenon which has caused a lot of problems for many communities, and nowadays the abundant statistics regarding drug abuse and chemical psychedelic substances are a proof for this claim. Therefore, it would not be irrelevant to argue that drug abuse has severely threatened many aspects of the human being’s life. Cases like reduction of the age of drugs’ use, hazardous diseases such as AIDS, introduction of industrial and synthetic drugs (ecstasy, shisheh, …) and popularity of smoking cigarettes and opium on the part of youth, all together confirm the issue .In addition, the growth of drugs abuse in Iran, especially over the last few years have led to several problems for our society. The phenomenon not only threatens physical health of people, but also challenges cultural values of the society including family, trust, integration, social contribution, ….The youth who are severely prone to drugs, mainly live in satellite towns near megacities.Tehran is right close to one of the densest megacities of the country.Based on the comments of the officials, Islamshahr with population density of 2470 persons per kilometer is among the cities who receive immigrants. It has a population of 800000, and has a rather young population. Addiction in the town is one of the most important probable dangers for the youth. With respect to the demographic characteristics of the town, addiction has been promulgated among the youth. Therefore, the current research aims at analyzing the social factors impacting the increase of addiction in Islamshahr, to prevent the youth from getting addict, and identifying the existing shortages.The main question in the research is:” what are the factors that can contribute to the tendency of the youth toward drug abuse? ” Social control approach is used to answer the question through Cockran sampling and the information available at Islamshahr treatment center. N=100 including all the addict youth, ranging from 18 to 29 whose record existed in the center, and another group including 100 ordinary youth, ranging from 18 to 29 selected through random sampling. The required data collected through using questionnaire. Results of the research indicated that there is significant relationship between youths’ levels of fondness, commitment, contribution and belief on one hand and their addiction on the other.

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The issue of security and its way of realization, and establishing it are among the issues worth paying attention to in every society. Various factors lead to insecurity and violation of societal order. One of these factors is anti-social and deviated attitudes on the last Wednesday of the year, which may act as a factor threatening public security feeling. Therefore, the current research aims at reviewing relationship between family performance and excitement seeking and anti-social attitudes on the last Wednesday of the year. The research is of descriptive type. The statistical population includes all the individuals attending the ceremony. N=529participants at the ceremony selected through available sampling method by consultants and social workers working with consultation clinics all over Iran. A self –made questionnaire is used for collecting data. Three aspects: family performance, excitement seeking and tendency toward anti-social attitudes.Experts active in this field, approved reliability of the questionnaire, and validity of every aspect assessed through using Cronbach’s Alpha Test and announced to be acceptable. The present research used Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis to analyze the data. Findings of the research indicated that 1) there ids significant relationship between family performance and anti-social attitudes 2) there is significant relationship between excitement seeking feature and anti-social attitudes 3) family performance and excitement seeking maybe suitable items forecasting anti-social attitudes on the last Wednesday of the year.

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