Iron deficiency anemia is the most prevalent kinds of anemia. Becase of blood loss in menstrual bleeding, this kind of anemia is important in adult women, specialy at 18-40 years age. In this study 112 female students (with above age range) of Payam-e Noor University of Tehran were examined. Blood indicates of anemia are hemoglobin (HB), hematocrite (Hct), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), serum iron, total iron binding capacity (TIBC) and transferring saturation. Inclusion criteria in this study for iron deficiency anemia are: Hb<12.6 gr/di, Hct<37.8%, MCV<78 fl, MCH.27 pg, MCHC<33.3 %, serum Iron<50 μgr/dl, TIBC>4 μgr/dl and transferrin saturation<15%.In final examination of result, iron deficiency anemia occuracy were done. Totally result showed that 8 persons (7.1%) have iron deficiency anemia and two persons (1.8%) had weak symptoms of anemia that with more examination were identified as non iron deficiency anemia. Among students that had iron deficiency anemia, 3 patients (2.6%) with old diagnosis of deficiency anemia have treated by physician.