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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: motivation is the learning incentives in human. In order to change the trainees’ behavior, the factors related to motivation and the degree of their impacts should be identified. So the present research was designed to determine the degree of the university student's educational motivation and their related factors in Zabol University of Medical Sciences Students.Methods: This is a descriptive analytical cross-sectional research with 400 students. In order to collect the data educational motivation questionnaire (AMS), English samples translation with 27 questions of seven option is fully disagree to fully agree were used. to determine related Factors of questionnaire included three parts -university student welfare, faculty education and job futurethat its validity and reliability were tested in the previous studies. Finally, the data were analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and analytical statistics and the independent t tests, one-way variance analysis and Pierson correlation. p<0.05 was considered significant.Findings: According to the results, educational motivation mean of the students was 131.32 17.57 (total maximum of 189 scores) and 17/8% (71 peoples) having weakness educational motivation, 68/5% (274people) moderate educational motivation and 13/7% (55 people) good educational motivation. There was significant difference between the students educational motivation and each of the welfare, educational and job future levels (p<0/05), but there was not significant difference between the educational motivation and each demographic and educational variables except residence status and faculty (p>0.05.)Discussion: In regard with the results and the indication of the moderate educational motivation among the students, it is necessary that more attention be paid to the factors through the officials in order to determine these factors and obviate the welfare and educational obstacles, it finally ending in promoting the students motivation and the actualization of their potentials.

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Introduction: The impact of information technology on higher education in Iran caused the need for the development of information literacy skills among faculty members. As information literacy affect research and educational activities, this research aimed to survey information literacy skills of faculty members.Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study is carried out in 2009-2010 at the Zabol University of medical sciences. The population of this study was 48 full time Faculty members who filled out the information literacy questionnaire. Content Reliability of questionnaire was verified by experts and we used test and re-test method to ensure validity that leads to 0.85. SPSS 16 software was used for data analyzing, and we used descriptive statistics for presenting findings.Results: 64.6 percent of participants were men and others women.77.1 percents were instructors and 22.9 percent were assistant professors. School of public health with 39.6 percent and paramedical school with 4.2 percent had the most and the least frequency of faculty members. The most faculty members with 77.1 percent had Master of Science degree and 2.1 percent were fellowships. Frequency distribution of PHD and medical specialist With 10.4 were the same. The comparison of years of teaching and faculty ages showed that the least teaching year was 6 months and the most was 19 years. The youngest faculty was 27 and the oldest was 52 years old.Conclusion: The population of this study has moderate information literacy skills. As the average age of faculty members is young and they are in the first years of teaching, learning information literacy skills for using in education and research activities is very important for them. So organizing workshops to educate information literacy skills for faculty members of this university is necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The prosperity of any organization depends on the selection of the people carrying out important tasks. Since nurses are the largest professional group in medical and health organizations using their knowledge and skills for delivering services to the patients, the present research assumed it necessary to design a study aimed at assessing the degree of client – orientation among nurses so that the nurses motivation could be determined and promoted, resulting in the hospital efficiency and productivity.Methods: This is a descriptive analytical cross-sectional study. The research universe includes all the Zabol educational hospital nurses. The data were collected by questionnaires the stability and reliability of which was tested before. Sampling method used was census sampling. The collected data were analyzed by the SPSS software and chi square.Results: The findings showed that of the demographic variables, the nurses average age was 29.65+/- 5.954, 22% (32 nurses) were men and 78% (117) were women. Of the studied variables the average emphasis on patient and his or her demands was 23.146+/-3.977 indicating most of the nurses had a good emphasis on patients (63.3%) and the average nurses ability in dealing with the patients complaints was 31.786+/-5.82, showing most of the nurses had desirable skills in this regard. There was no significant difference between the focus on the patient and his or her demands and the nurses demographic factors but there was a significant difference between the nurses working duration and their ability in dealing with the patients complaints (p<.05).Conclusion: Based on the findings in order to promote the nurses skills in dealing with patients complaints it is necessary to provide the nurses with educational means and facilities.

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Introduction: One of the main criteria about Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is to create and maintain of consumers which they are in the educational organizations as a main audience of educational process. Objective of this research is assignment of satisfaction based on criteria of EFQM model‘s client results in students of Zabol University of Medical Sciences in 2009.Material and methods: This is descriptive-analytical cross-sectional research with 361 students. Instrument of collecting data was a questionnaire based on EFQM model. The validity and reliability of this questionnaire is approved. Data of this research analyzed by SPSS software using statistical tests such as one-way ANOVAs and Tukey test.Results: The rate of mean satisfaction of educational services was 40/91. The most client-oriented faculty and educational group were Health Faculty and Medical Records group respectively.Conclusion: Based on the results, the most students were dissatisfied of delivered services. It is proposed for increasing client-orientation to constitute educational workshops about how must services delivered and increasing relationship with clients.

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Introduction: Attention to physical, healthy, and safety objects in acknowledgement learning places is the most effective agent in natural growth of students. In point of importance, present study investigated the Environmental Health and Safety situations in elementary and guide schools of Zabol, 2010.Materials and method: In this descriptive and cross sectional study 37 schools were chosen and their Environmental Health variables such as building, classes, solid waste disposal, wastewater disposal and etc. were investigated. The whole Environmental Health variables were 11 and the safety were 8 such as; Fire capsules, stairs safety and Electricity power safety. For data collection we used "schools Environmental Health investigation forms" that were according to schools Environmental Health law. After completing the forms data were inputted to SPSS, version 17, and statistically were analyzed. p£0.05Results: Results show that 49.38 percent of schools had suitable Environmental Health situation and 63.30 percent of them had also good safety. The biggest problem in view of Environmental Health was about lavatory with 68.2 percent unsuitable situation. The 88.7 percent of schools had not good safety and their main problem was emergency exit door.Conclusion: The Environmental Health and safety are two important subjects and we must attend them especially in poor areas like Zabol.

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View 3995

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Introduction: Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a useful tumor marker in diagnosis, staging, monitoring and determining the recurrence prostate cancer. This study was design to compare the serum level of PSA in fresh and frozen (at -20C for 72 hrs) blood samples.Methods: 111 Patients referring to the urology clinic of Imam Reza hospital, having voiding symptoms, and in need of testing their PSA serum level were selected as the study population. For these patients the PSA was measured stimulataneously in fresh and frozen (at -20C for 72 hrs) blood samples in two independent labs. Then data analyzed using SPSS soft ware.Results: In two labs, there was not any significant difference between the levels of PSA (in fresh and frozen blood sample (P>0.05). Significant correlation was found between the level of Free PSA (P=0.001). Besides, significant difference was observed between FPSA/PSA ratio in fresh and frozen samples (P=0.01).Conclusion: Using of frozen blood samples is useful instead of fresh blood samples in evaluation PSA but not for Free PSA.

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View 1551

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Introduction: every years over than 5 million people as a result of injury and accident are dead that it make 1/10 all of deaths and 10 millions to this reason clientele to the medical emergency centers. Although accidents and injuries of out house have noticeable share of all accidents but accident and injuries housing rates need to more survey.this study conducted to epidemiological study of home injuries to clienteles hospital of Birjand in 2004.Material and Methods: in a cross-sectional retrospective study, 3090 persons of Birjand population that referred to hospitals emergencies as a result of injury of accidents housing in 2004 were studied. Data were analyzed by SPSS and descriptive and analytic statistics and used of x2 test and p£0.5 was considered significant.Results: our finding revealed that highest percent of accident between persons who was studied regularly blunt trauma (32.8%), fall (18%), poisoning (17%), collision to sharp substances (9.9%), burn (7.8%), reported. there was a significant relation ship between accident and sex and this number was more in men (p<0.5).the most common accident in among of injury housing regularly is related to the wound (32.9%), cut (19%), burn (10.4%), fracture (9.6%), and poisoning (7.2%).as well as the results there was a significant relation ship between accident and age, geography area, year season and out com (p<0.5).0-14 and 15-24 groups were the most vulnerable and the most accident was happened in spring and summer seasons.Conclusion: according to the results, the considerable percents of accident related to blunt trauma and fall and considerable percents of injury related to wound and cut. In this case recommended educational program for reduce of this accident and their out comes. so that this programs should concentrate on younger age and mothers groups with regard to the fact that the majority of cases are in under 24 years old age groups.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: In marriage life welfare is not easily accessible. To achieve this goal, couples have to invest in advance in this matter; otherwise, happiness is not achievable. In these study criteria of spouse selection has been determined in the boy and girl students in the Zabol University of Medical Sciences in 2008.Materials and Methods: This research is a descriptive, cross-sectional study. Population of this research was 384 boy and girl students of Zabol University of Medical Sciences in the academic year of 2008. Students are selected from different academic.The answers of students to questions regarding factors that influence the spouse selection have been collected. Investigated factors were education, beauty, religious beliefs, income, spouse occupation, and the amount of dowry. The results of the study analyzed in two genders separately. Data collection was prepared by researcher-made questionnaires that composed from 21 questions. Data were statistically analyzed by Chi-square test using SPSS software.Results: chi-square test showe that almost all of the criteria of spouse selection were significantly were correlated to the gender of the students, else religious beliefs) p<0.05). The most significant difference between answers was found in the beauty and the spouse occupation that were more important for boys and girls, respectively.Conclusion: Results obtained in this study demonstrate that in girl groups, criteria of spouse selection changed with level of education. In more educated girls, the importance of partner education level is less. Conversely, in boy group no correlation found between education levels of this group and selection criteria.In more educated girls, the impotence of beauty as a partner selection criteria has not been significant. However, in more educated boys, beauty was a significant selection criteria for spouse selection. Similar religious believes in partners was one of the important criteria in spouse selection.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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