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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (پیاپی 12)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (پیاپی 12)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (12)
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Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze the theoretical foundations, the concept, documentation history, steps and the procedure of documentation of knowledge on the basis of life cycle of organizational knowledge and the introduction of automatic and semi-automatic operational strategies of the extraction of tacit knowledge and coding or the representation of explicit knowledge.Methodology: This paper is an overview-analysis which is done using the library method and the theoretical sources analysis.Findings: In this study, based on the postulate that without extracting and documenting knowledge, knowledge management will find no objective expression in any organization, the literature and history is analyzed to document the organizational knowledge. To our knowledge, it became clear that the Iranian organizations are not in good conditions regarding the knowledge documentation. One of the most important reasons for this problem is that organizations are not familiar with the documentation procedures and the lack of knowledge about its practical strategies. In order to meet these organizational issues in this research first it is tried based on the postulate that the process of documenting the patterns will follow the life cycle of corporate knowledge to introduce the most important cyclical patterns and to analyze the process of documenting based on the life cycle pattern. The next step, regarding the necessity of organizations’ familiarity with the operational strategies of extraction of tacit knowledge and coding or the representation of explicit knowledge along with referring to the variety and selection criteria of each strategy, the most important practical strategies in both automatic and semi-automatic individual and group level under the title strategies of generation/analysis protocol were introduced. In the end, some recommendations are provided based on the research findings.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (12)
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Purpose: This paper aims to examine the role and the impact of the intellectual capital on the knowledge management in Atomic Energy Organization of Iran.Methodology: The study method is descriptive correlational and the type of poll is cross-sectional. The statistical populations are the workers of the organization. The statistical sample of the study based on the Morgan table is 93 people. To collect the data, the standard intellectual capital questionnaire (BONTIS) and the Koenig standard knowledge management questionnaire were used. To test the hypothesis of the study, the statistical correlational analysis methods and the REGRISON analysis were used. In order to analyze the data, SPSS software of version 19 was used.Findings: According to the findings of the study, the intellectual capital can be so effective on creating and sharing the available knowledge in knowledge-based organization. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between the intellectual capital and its dimensions and the knowledge management process.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1123

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    2 (12)
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Purpose: This paper reviews the literature related to the impact of culture as a contextual factor on human information behavior.Methodology: The article reviews past studies related to the culture and information especially cultural theories by Hall and Hofstede and the studies that have used their cultural dimensions in the area of information behavior.Findings: Past studies show that culture as a contextual factor has an impact on various aspects of information behavior. Although there have been studies on the use of culture for designing user interfaces, few studies have dealt with the impact of culture on the information behavior. Better understanding of the impact of contextual factors, especially culture on information behavior, can lead to a right plan for training, proper website designing and the service designing for users in order to increase the utility and profit of information resources in a country. Paying attention to the relation between dimensions of Hall and Hofstede’s cultural models and information seeking process can lead to the better information system design in a society and a particular culture.

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View 1156

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    2 (12)
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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the barriers to information seeking behaviors (in the phases of needs identification, information seeking, designing search strategy formula, and using information) of faculty members of Islamic Azad University of Shiraz based on the expansion of Dervin’s sense making theory (Kari’s theory).Methodology: This is an applied study using the survey method. The subjects of the study were the full-time faculty members of Islamic Azad University of Shiraz being comprised of 288 people.108 people were selected as the sample of the study by applying random sampling and using Morgan table. The measuring tool is a questionnaire comprised of 32 questions being designed by the researchers. Item analysis and Cronbach’s alpha were used to measure the validity and reliability, respectively. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics were used.Findings: The findings revealed that most of the information seeking barriers were found in the search for information resources phase and in the information needs identification phase. Using information resources and the searching strategy were among the other barriers. The results of the hypotheses testing revealed that recognition of information needs had a strong and meaningful relationship with the information seeking. And there was a strong and meaningful relation between the information seeking and the use of information. Information use also had a positive and strong relationship with the information needs. The results revealed that there is a possibility to identify the barriers in all stages based on the expansion of sense making model.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (12)
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Purpose: This study aims to assess the information seeking behavior of Medical Science university researchers using neural network in Khorasan Razavi.Methodology: The study is an applied and descriptive survey which is conducted through the quantitative approach using neural networks. The data were collected through the questionnaire to examine the information seeking behavior of Medical Science university researchers in Khorasan Razavi.298 participants took part as the sample of the study. After collecting data, the neural network was selected to cluster the data using Matlab 14 software. The university students were clustered on the basis of the main components of the study information seeking skills, seeking methods and information barriers. Then, after removing each sub-component of the main components of the research, the most effective and the least effective option on information seeking behavior of university students were determined.Findings: Considering clustering using self-organizing neural networks, the most important components of information seeking skill was awareness of their information needs, however, the least important component was not observed. The most effective way to access the information was the electronic resources and the least effective way was buying the required resources. The most effective common barrier of information seeking was the lack of time due to the workload and the least effective component was the distance of libraries and the information centers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (12)
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Purpose: The similarities and the discrepancies of 2002 information literacy standards and the information literacy framework for the higher education published in 2016 were investigated in addition to introducing the new 2016 framework and its dominant basics such as sense-making theory and constructivism approach.Methodology: In this context, Information literacy documents including 2002 information literacy standards, 3 drafts and 2016 final framework of information literacy were reviewed.Findings: The information literacy framework for higher education published in 2016 superseded the 2002 version of information literacy standards to be appropriate for teaching at the universities and higher education institutes. The 2016 information literacy framework which had a different structure can be used in thelearning information literacy as a proper framework due to the changes in modern information environment and learning systems based on the modern information and communication era.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2034

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    2 (12)
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purpose: This study examined the performance management component of librarians and library staff using internal valuation models at the Central Library of Astane Quds Razavi.Methodology: This study, based on its nature and the data collection methods, is a descriptive research. The population studied here included public librarians and library patrons at the control library Astane Quds Razavi. For data analysis, we used descriptive statistical techniques and test such as T-test.Findings: Using a sample t-test and mean comparison with the number 3 (average) Overall, finding revealed that the success of the Public Library of Astane Quds Razavi in the sub-sectors of the research functions and from the view point of experts is more than average.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (12)
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Purpose: The present study aims to investigate the academic librarians’ cognitive, affective, and the behavioral attitudes to the organizational change in the library.Methodology: The current research is conducted using survey method. The Attitude toward change questionnaire which was developed and validated by Dunham and his collaborators was utilized for data gathering. The population of this study comprised of 52 librarians from different departments of the libraries of Shiraz University. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS software. A series of descriptive and inferential statistics like mean and standard deviation, one way analysis of variance, independent sample t-test, and paired sample t-test were employed for the data analysis.Findings: The results of the study show that the behavioral attitude of the librarians to the organizational change is more positive than their cognitive and affective attitudes. However, the overall attitude of the studied librarians toward the organizational change in the libraries was moderate. Moreover, the librarians’ gender and their educational level were found to be correlates of cognitive attitude toward the organizational change. In other words, women and librarians who have earned the bachelor or higher degree were found to have more positive attitude toward the organizational change in cognitive dimension. Conversely, no associations were found among librarians’ age and work experience and their behavioral, cognitive, and affective attitudes toward the organizational change. Studied librarians were reported to have moderate behavioral, cognitive, and affective attitudes toward the organizational change in their work environment. The chance of success in the implementation of organizational changes would be enhanced by improving positive attitudes toward change, readiness, and the receptivity to change.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 966

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    2 (12)
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Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the status of the open access policies of highly-ranked digital repositories in the world’s universities by identifying the policies regarding the components of submission, content, data, meta-data, preservation, and access.Methodology: This survey was descriptive-analytical. Data was collected by administrating a researcher-made questionnaire completed by sending e-mails to the managers of nine highly-ranked university digital repositories of the world in 2013.Findings: In 55.5% of studied repositories, the main submitters were university researchers. In 44.4% of them, the submission of abstracts and full-texts was mandatory for some resources and optional for others. In 77.7% of them, the submitted resource was theses. In 77.7% of them, the access to abstracts and full-texts was possible.77.7% used Dublin Core metadata.55.5% provided meta-data for non-commercial objectives.All supported the PDF and word file formats.44/4% have non-defined preservation period.66.6% defined the preservative strategy by providing backup file and its holding in a safe place.66.6% applied handle digital object identifier.55.5% relied on the updated item for the control and mending process.66.6% did not define the condition for the close repository and 55.5% provided open access repository to the public.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 750

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    2 (12)
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Purpose: The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between the organizational commitment and the psychological empowerment in the libraries of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.Methodology: This study is an applied research on the librarians of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Data were collected relying on Allen and Meyer (1990) organizational commitment questionnaire and Spreitzer (1995) psychological empowerment questionnaire.Findings: The organizational commitment and the psychological empowerment has an average status. Besides, the results show that there is a significant relationship between the psychological empowerment and the organizational commitment.

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View 790

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Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify the key factors influencing the user’s attraction to the public libraries of Iran.Methodology: The solutions to attract the audience were extracted using Delphi method and the questionnaires.21 experts participated in the first and 17 in the second round of Delphi.Findings: 34 components at the end of the first round and 73 components at the end of the second round were identified as the ways of attracting the audience to the public libraries. Among the components of public libraries, the foundation to attract the user, digitalization, library locations, entrepreneurship, t library equipments, the interior design of library were recognized. Among the role of librarians in attracting the user, the librarians’ skill and assessment have a higher average than the rest of the components.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1970

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Purpose: Personalization can meet the unique needs of the individual customers.. This study was done in order to find out the feasibility of the personalized services of public libraries in Mashhad.Methodology: This survey is cross-sectional. The data were collected through questionnaires.142 people participated in the study.Stratified random sampling based on Morgan table was used based on which 110 were selected as the sample. To analyze the data, analysis of variance, repeated measures, and Bonferroni post hoc test were performed using SPSS software.Findings: The results showed that the levels of society tend to personalize the service is above top average (3) personal priority services ' document delivery' (86.4) and the lowest priority of "abstracting services" (03.2) respectively. The first priority is to get the personalized service to the faculty members (71.2) and the lowest priority is to provide personalized services to all the library members (96.1). Besides, from the perspective of public librarians, the most important priority should be given to the equipments and facilities along with the Internet speed (61.8), and the lowest priority should be specified to the adequate electronic sources (68.2).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1269

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Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of training courses for the librarians of the Librarians Association of Iran, Khorasan branch, implementing the Kirkpatrick model.Methodology: The method is based on the applied research and the nature of the survey and analysis. The population consisted of 156 librarian members of the association who had participated in the training courses until 2014.The Measuring tool included the learners’ Patrick Kirk model whose questionnaire was used after determining its validity and reliability. It was distributed among the participants. The questionnaire has the three levels of reaction, the learners’ learning, and the learners’ behavior which were measured.Findings: The results showed a positive and significant impact, in other words, it was found out that the more training courses are executed, the higher the satisfaction, learning, and behavior change will be.Comparing the average scores of the reaction, learning and behavior in men and women shows that the average score between male and female librarians is not significantly different. Furthermore, the comparison of the average scores of the reaction, and the learning concerning the educational level indicates that there is no significant relationship in between. However, comparing the average scores for the behavior variable concerning the different educational levels, it was found out that there is a significant difference between the holders of different educational levels. Also, no significant difference was found comparing the means of reaction, learning, and behavior considering the different age groups.

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View 1270

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Purpose: The distinction between the concepts of science and technology has made it necessary for economic and scientific policymakers to know the realms of these two areas. The relationship between the science and the technology is changing and also is variable depending on the circumstances, scientific areas, and from one time to another one. The current research aims at studying the growth trend and the scientific and technical strength of USPTO-patents in Nano-electronic.Methodology: This is a descriptive-analytical study, which uses scientometrics approaches. The Research material consists of all Nano-electronics patents in the USPTO database. For the purpose of data retrieval, several searches for different spelling forms of Nano-electronic keywords were conducted, and the data was extracted through c-sharp programming.Findings: The results of the growth trend analysis reveal a considerable increase in the number of Nano-Electronics patents, especially from 2000 onwards. The number of references listed in these patents has also increased significantly since 2002. Based on these findings, the science linkage indicator is considerable compared to other disciplines. On the other hand, the technology dependence on Nano-Electronic patents is twice more than their scientific strength, which demonstrates the interconnection between Nano-Electronic inventions and the previous technologies. The more technical aspects of nan electronics may be due to the applied nature of this field and the amount of associated patents.

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View 844

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Purpose: The main aim of this study was to determine the cost-utility of the integrated systems in the Iranian academic libraries.Methodology: This applied research was conducted through a survey method. The statistical population consisted of 118 academic libraries among which 75 libraries were selected using stratified sampling method. The researcher-made questionnaire was distributed among them. Finally 73 questionnaires were collected and the related data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics by SPSS.Findings: Security and functionality were the most important priorities of choosing ILS by the libraries. Amongst the evaluated ILSs, Payam-e-Mashregh was the least costly system and the self-made systems were the most costly ones. Besides, Payam-e-Mashregh was the most satisfactory system while the least satisfaction was with the self-made systems. Finally, Payam-e-Mashregh had the best cost-utility ratio.

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View 794

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Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to identify the type and the extent of hurtful elements in commercial picture storybooks which have been published in Iran for the children grades of A and B.These elements were categorized into two groups: i.e., carelessness in specifying book features, such as the title page, the information page, etc. and other elements (i.e., Attractive features, low quality of content and pictures, and high economic profit).Methodology: This survey research was based on the content analysis methods. The population of this research consisted of 960 picture books for the children grades of A and B. The sample of the research was 100 story books. In order to collect the data, three checklists were designed.Findings: The analysis of the collected data shows that the commercial picture story books for children were not published according to the publishing criteria. Many problems including the lack of title page, information page, proper book layout, or the lack of page number were identified. In terms of other inappropriate elements, the results indicate that in most commercial books (nearly 78%), the intellectual property rights have not been respected. In terms of the content, the theme of the most stories has been based on some ancient stories and fairytales. Some other translated stories are introduced as new books without referring to original book and its author. In addition, carelessness could be realized in assigning the story books to a specific age group and the quality of the pictures in the sample of the research.

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View 1030

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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to survey the rate of the precision in the audio and visual material retrieval by clustering techniques and k- means algorithm.Methodology: The type of the research method is experimental. For the purpose of this paper, twenty- three albums are studied directly through observation. Albums published in summer 1391 (solar). Songs catalogs according to PBCore metadata and one of the elements in this metadata choose instead of variable. In the next step, k-means algorithm in SPSS software was performed. Finally, the distance between any records with cluster center was calculated.Finding: After performing k- means algorithm, the cluster center for the four clusters of intellectual content, intellectual property, instantiation, and extensions were determined. Due to the distance between each record and the center of the cluster this value is measured as the precision of the resource retrieval records. The closer to the center of each cluster the shorter the distance would be. However, the record-with the highest similarity to the center of the cluster has the greatest distance. The precision is calculated at 99 percent.

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View 758

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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze and identify the different types of bibliographic relationships and vocabularies represented in Persian literary families. This could help cataloguers and catalogue designers to do more meaningful information organization.Methodology: Research population included the bibliographic records of four literary families: Shahnameh, Masnavi, Hafez's Divan, and Saadi's Gulistan. Content analysis was applied to identify and analyze the vocabularies representing bibliographic relationships in these families’ bibliographic records being stored in the OPAC of the National Library of Iran. Based on the systematic sampling method, 351 records for Shahnameh, 346 records for Hafez's Divan, 320 records for Masnavi, and 305 records for Saadi's Gulistan were selected.Findings: 63.41% of the records had at least one type of relationship from which most of them were derivative. The most frequent type of the relationships were abridgement”, revision, based on specific expression, ommentary”, and adaptation. Also, the pattern and the frequency of the relationships in all families were different. Most of the relationships were seen with different types of vocabularies. In order to better display the information in library OPACs, the categorized file of vocabularies representing the bibliographic relationships in OPACs can be developed and implemented. Also, the paper introduces the most frequent vocabularies as a means for automatically managing the records related to the bibliographic families and enhancing the vocabulary control in RDA and Uniform Titles.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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