The SAVEH JAME mosque, like Isfahan’s and Ardestan’s Jame, was erected at different periods.Consideration of these constructions provides a lot of information about Iranian architectureevolution. Therefore, scholars analyze and separate the historical and physical periods in thesebuildings to understand Iranian architecture and the process of conversions correctly, based onhistorical method. Main four historical terms are suggested for SAVEH JAME mosque. Thiscategory is based on some criteria like techniques of architectural structure and covering, materials,date of ornaments and coincidence with the behind structure, precedence and subsequence offabrics and relation between them and old floors, comparative analysis with similar construction.Today, some important parts of the mosque that is retained consist in the trapezoid yard (Sahn),southern Shabestan, western and eastern Shabestan with adobe columns and arc between them,Ahang arc, columns of northern Shabestan, rotunda and its forward Ivan, high western Ivan,construction with cross plan in southwest, the northeast minaret and various Mehrab and otherdecorations like Mehrab. Physical aspects of the mosque are vague at first glance. Western Ivan,singular northeast minaret, entrances, ornaments of different terms are constituents without anyrelation with each other. This paper seeks to clarify the vague points by considering durationof mosque construction in different terms. Historical terms of mosque: 1. first term (primarymosque) (first Hegira century till the middle of fifth century) some adobe columns and somecolumns which are made from the combination of adobe and mud are remained from this duration.Moreover, there are some adobe arcs that connect these columns to each other. 2. Second term(the middle of fifth Hegira century till early in the seventh century) in this term, especially duringMalekshah kingdom, some important parts of Saveh mosque were completed. The foundationof the minaret was built. In addition, two Navs were omitted, then rotunda and its forward Ivanwere constructed, adobe columns and arcs between them were invigorated by brick and somedecorative elements were built of plaster on three northern columns in southern Shabestan. 3.Third term (seventh Hegira century till early in the tenth century) three Navs were removed anda high Ivan is constructed about 11 meters in length. Furthermore, some main inner elevationswere ornamented by brick. 4. Fourth term (early in the tenth Hegira century till the middle ofthirteen century) in this term, the general structure of mosque did not change a lot. Some parts ofconstruction (with structural problems) have been repaired. A cross plan, building was constructedin the southwest corner. Beside last arc (Tavizeh) and the next arch after it were omitted in westIvan and a half dome was constructed there. A new tow-layered domed construction with squareplan was constructed instead of an old domed construction with rectangular plan.