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Religious places as signs of urban, will effect in mobility, visibility and a sense ofbelonging to urban neighborhoods. Signs and physical elements (mosques, roads, bridgesand schools) that are formed over the time and through the Iranian culture in the city, havean important role in originality and cultural richness of Isfahan. However, many of thesecultural signs are forgotten. This study aims to identify the identity indicators and theircommunication and influence in the Shahzadeh Ibrahim neighborhood. And to investigatethe question of identity to the neighborhood Shahzadeh Ibrahim what are the indicators?Identifying impact indicators on each other? The method of research is descriptive andanalytic. The required data are obtained through the distribution of the questionnairesamong 300 residents of the neighborhoods. Structural equation modeling was used inthe Amos Graphic software to assess the effectiveness of identity indicators and therelationship between them. The results show that the social indicator like commitment,interest, sense of ownership, people connection in the space of Shahzadeh Ibrahim spaceis appropriate. The functional variable loadings are low compared to other major variablein the between the intimate shrine space, residents proper use of this space is better. In thephysical dimension (indicator), visual quality, the type of materials, decorations and Islamicarchitectural pattern was more satisfying. The environmental indicator, effectiveness,the cleanliness of street environment is high, but gardens and vegetation in the space ofShahzadeh Ibrahim are low. For perceptual Indicator, the most variable loadings are forthe strength of inviting of ones, good feeling, tranquility and comfort, and varied use ofthe space to address has little weight in comparison to other variables. The relationshipbetween the factors also show that social factor influence on the environmental, physicaland perceptual factor. Environmental factor influence on physical and functional factorand physical factor influence on perceptual factor. There was a significant relation andcorrelation between factors.

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Studies of Iranian architectural history have often been focused on the history ofarchitecture per se, while people involved in creating architectural monuments have usuallyreceived less attention in research. Looking at the resources about Iranian architecture,it can be said that most of the structures in Iran were built and repaired by masons,craftsmen, or builders. On the other hand, apart from the formal patrons, masons have aswell contributed remarkably to the Iranian architecture. Similarly, masons and traditionalrestorers had an important role in conservation of Iranian architecture throughout thehistory. There is no doubt that the evolution of society, particularly in the modern age hashad fundamental effects on the way that traditional builders and architects used to work.Academic education and modern material and architecture are some of the reasons for thischange. Modern development (after the introduction of academic education in Iran) andits consequence needs is one of the reasons for dramatic changes in masons’ practice. Thisstudy brings into attention the importance of the knowledge that contributed by traditionalmasons/builders and stress the significance of their skills for a better understanding of thetraditional Iranian architecture. Furthermore, the paper highlights the factors that led to theignorance of masons in Iran today’s restoration practice. These factors will be provided bythe pathological view in this study and for discussing the causes of this situation, employsqualitative and historical approach as methodology of study. It seems the subsequentchanges in society and the influence of modern architecture has led to the gradual loss ofposition of traditional architects in the design and supervision process. Nonetheless, inthe conservation field, the hands-on experience of the traditional architects was regardedan advantage, and attempted to be employed.

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The SAVEH JAME mosque, like Isfahan’s and Ardestan’s Jame, was erected at different periods.Consideration of these constructions provides a lot of information about Iranian architectureevolution. Therefore, scholars analyze and separate the historical and physical periods in thesebuildings to understand Iranian architecture and the process of conversions correctly, based onhistorical method. Main four historical terms are suggested for SAVEH JAME mosque. Thiscategory is based on some criteria like techniques of architectural structure and covering, materials,date of ornaments and coincidence with the behind structure, precedence and subsequence offabrics and relation between them and old floors, comparative analysis with similar construction.Today, some important parts of the mosque that is retained consist in the trapezoid yard (Sahn),southern Shabestan, western and eastern Shabestan with adobe columns and arc between them,Ahang arc, columns of northern Shabestan, rotunda and its forward Ivan, high western Ivan,construction with cross plan in southwest, the northeast minaret and various Mehrab and otherdecorations like Mehrab. Physical aspects of the mosque are vague at first glance. Western Ivan,singular northeast minaret, entrances, ornaments of different terms are constituents without anyrelation with each other. This paper seeks to clarify the vague points by considering durationof mosque construction in different terms. Historical terms of mosque: 1. first term (primarymosque) (first Hegira century till the middle of fifth century) some adobe columns and somecolumns which are made from the combination of adobe and mud are remained from this duration.Moreover, there are some adobe arcs that connect these columns to each other. 2. Second term(the middle of fifth Hegira century till early in the seventh century) in this term, especially duringMalekshah kingdom, some important parts of Saveh mosque were completed. The foundationof the minaret was built. In addition, two Navs were omitted, then rotunda and its forward Ivanwere constructed, adobe columns and arcs between them were invigorated by brick and somedecorative elements were built of plaster on three northern columns in southern Shabestan. 3.Third term (seventh Hegira century till early in the tenth century) three Navs were removed anda high Ivan is constructed about 11 meters in length. Furthermore, some main inner elevationswere ornamented by brick. 4. Fourth term (early in the tenth Hegira century till the middle ofthirteen century) in this term, the general structure of mosque did not change a lot. Some parts ofconstruction (with structural problems) have been repaired. A cross plan, building was constructedin the southwest corner. Beside last arc (Tavizeh) and the next arch after it were omitted in westIvan and a half dome was constructed there. A new tow-layered domed construction with squareplan was constructed instead of an old domed construction with rectangular plan.

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The international conservation documents are one part of the most consequentialachievements of human community’s collaboration in recent 50 years. These documentsare the abstract of international experiences as well as demonstrating the increaseand evolution of communal knowledge and conception in the conservation field. Theexpansion of new conceptual vocabulary, and also the entrance of novel meanings to thedocuments after the Venice charter, has caused the conservation doctrine to be improvedand the more complicated heritage patterns such as rural heritage, to be considered.Mentioning some of these meanings has directly affected on the overall admission ofsome neglected aspects of village - as a dominant part of human heritage, and someothers in presenting more elaborated and multidisciplinary attitude to it. The purposeof this study is to discuss the effective concepts in the documents and to analyze howeffective they would be on improving the necessity of rural values conservation. Thispaper is the result of analyzing and studying about forth documents extracted from 3international organizations: UNESCO, ICOMOS and Council of Europe, hence limited tothem. Library studies and investigation of the original texts have provided the necessarybasic information for the essay. This study is considered to be categorized in qualitativeresearches, following a descriptive-analytic research strategy. This essay is exploring theappearance of seven meanings, having the most influence on the genesis and evolutionof the concept of rural heritage: living heritage, quality of life, sustainability, culturallandscape, vernacular, intangible heritage and the spirit of the place. The following studyreveals that each one of those meanings being recognized precisely, can illuminate widelythe new aspects of rural heritage and lead to approximate the “rural heritage” to the totalconcept of “village”. The overall analysis of this process Illuminate that the future visionof the evolutionary concept of “rural heritage” will confront the challenge of multiplicityand adopting it with its ontological roots.

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This research which is an analytical descriptive survey, aims to measure the satisfactionof tourists visit the monument of experience Alighapoo, prioritize the satisfaction ofdifferent dimensions and comparing the satisfaction of domestic and foreign tourists asthe need to develop sustainable tourism monuments. The sample size was determinedusing a sample of 268 samples. Data collection tool was questionnaire made by 42variable whose was approved in 740/ reliability using Cronbach’s alpha. The datawere collected using sample t-test T, T-test, Friedman test and chi were analyzed usingSPSS software. The highest level of satisfaction varies according to the treatment andknowledge, then architecture and historic charm of the building. Satisfaction of seatingand surroundings, transport and access and ultimately environmental quality andindoor facilities are in place by next satisfaction. Satisfaction between the domesticand foreign tourists there are significant differences in terms of satisfaction andsatisfaction of foreign tourists was lower in all cases of domestic tourists’ satisfaction.

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It is now since some decades ago that the issue of physical decay, and urban deterioratedfabrics reached the Iranian cities and has imposed itself as a serious urban problem.However, it is deemed to be more significant and problematic issue due to the redefinitionof physical decay within a triple criterion defining the urban deteriorated fabrics. The mostimportant part of this definition is the division of physical fabric into three layers dividedto hyperfine-grain, impermeability and structural instability of buildings. Although itcould reveal some critical issues in the terms of the physical setting of urban deterioration,but it seems that a major part of the problem would remain apart. This article states thereality of deterioration as a vast concept containing interrelated factors which revealsa nature of integrity in the phenomenon of urban decay. As such the physical decay isonly a sign of the distress which could be formally analyzed by the triple criteria. Thisarticle seeks to demonstrate the concept of integral deterioration and make an emphasison this fact that the integral deterioration is something vaster and somehow unknownthat whether it would not be considered as it is, a series of ignored factors would lead toa worse condition during a process of declination. In this study, the related dimensionsand indicators of integral deterioration have been extracted and then the most relevantindicators are weighted through an AHP process. This indicates the importance of eachfactor in the process of estimation of integral deterioration. Finally the official map ofthe deteriorated fabrics in the 10th Municipal District of Mashhad has been comparedwith a new map developed through the projection of weighted indicators in the GISenvironment. The newly developed map would show the different aspects of deteriorationin a framework of interdependent indicators and makes a holistic perspective towardsthe reality of deteriorated urban fabric. The result shows that a significant part of thedeteriorated fabric has been ignored in the official map and the lack of an integratedapproach is the main cause of this ignorance that makes the inefficiency of urban fabricremain misunderstood and therefor unsolved.

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Architecture and Urbanism of Iran and consequently, the house architecture in theQajar and the first Pahlavi periods has changed greatly. Gorgan city’s architecture, likeother places in Iran, has received different developments which have made the structureof historic houses of the Qajar and the first Pahlavi different from each other. Thesedevelopments in the physical field have led to changes in three fields of houses: indoors,semi-open spaces (balcony), and outdoors (yard). These changes have their roots indifferent factors like alteration in habitation style, conversion of multi-family living insingle-family one, novel building materials, westernization, conversion of traditionalintroverted housing into foreign extroverted one, or generally speaking change in lifestyle. This research makes an attempt to study the process of changes in indoor andoutdoor spaces of Gorgan’s native houses from the Qajar to the first Pahlavi period. Thus,using descriptive-analytic research method, test of the means at spss software was usedto prove that changes of the means of spatial dimensions of data are significant withan error of 0.05 (p value<0.05).Then determining the process of prediction, the relationbetween changes of spatial dimensions of indoors and outdoors is specified and the resultsare shown in diagrams. To this end, all worthy and historic houses of Gorgan city whichwere suitable physically for field survey were chosen as a sample. So 10 houses related tothe Qajar and 8 houses related to the first Pahlavi have been chosen and their indoor andoutdoor spatial dimensions were measured. The results of the study not only prove thatprocess of changes in spatial dimensions of indoor and outdoor spaces of houses over twoperiods is significant, but also introduces A=025/B12+B25/0+B3 as a change function ofspatial dimensions over two periods. In this function B1 represents semi-open space, B2represents outdoor space, and B3 represents an indoor space. This research also tries tosay that overall process of changes in spatial dimensions more than any other factor is afunction of social changes and change of lifestyle.

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This research has endeavored to investigate popular locations in the Isfahan’s Jamemosque (Atiq) for different groups of users, discover the meaning that they receivedand finally identify the architectural features which effect on stops and behaviors bya reverse process. The main question of this study is: how do the dominant physicaland spatial features of the Jame (Atiq) mosque impact the behavior of its users? All ofthe behaviors have studied through analyzing the basic theories and the psychologicalfieldwork including observation by the techniques of “behavioral map and list” and“Questionnaires” through the techniques of “differentiation meaning” and “grasping themental map”. Through employing the SPSS21 software, the results of the gathered datafrom the questionnaires were separately analyzed for the different groups of the userswhich were divided by the “age”, the “gender” and the “aim of being in the mosque”.By overlapping the results of mentioned methods it can see that there is a meaningfulrelationship between the architectural features of different parts of the Jame (Atiq) mosqueand the behavior of its users; the architectural features of each part of the mosque create adifferent meaning in different groups of users and cause different behaviors.

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Calligraphy is the outstanding art of the Islamic world. Hence, one can easily see theinfluence of the art of calligraphy in the Islamic art branches, including architecturaldecorations. The main purpose of this fundamental research, assess and compare thecontent of wooden Nastaliq inscriptions that have been used in architectural decorationin Safavid dynasty in Iran .The case studies are chosen among of those samples thatcontain Nastaliq inscription which made of wood. The time limitation of this study is theSafavid era (9061135- AH). In this paper, after preliminary library studies, due to limitedstatistical samples (because of separation of Nastaliq of the other calligraphic styles)census is taken.The two main questions of this study are: When Nastaliq inscriptions usedin the wooden architectural decorations for the first time? And what are the main contentsinscribed on wooden decoration by Nastaliq in Safavid period? The results indicate thatthe 17 inscriptions have been studied, in most of the buildings are located on the entrancedoors. In the case of chronology, Nastaliq was used in middle 10th century A.H for thefirst time in the wooden inscriptions. General concepts used, including valuable historicalinformation that can be invoked as evidence first-hand. Also, the results show that Contentposted in this group of inscriptions are not the Koranic verses and Islamic phrases. Often,themes of the inscriptions are lyrics fit with the date, description of the building or workand mentioning the names of various people (King, Bonnie, Calligrapher, Poet andManufacturer) and panegyric writing.

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Historical Bazaar of Tehran, which has been the commercial center and the heart ofthe city in Ghajar eras, still is the commercial center of Tehran despite some changes thathave been made in its corpus and function. It is one of the most memorable treasuries ofhistoric Tehran along with Arg and baghe melli Complex. There are various functional andcorporal aspects of Tehran’s historic bazaar that could be discovered if there are studiedand classified. The goal of this study is to introduce the classifications of different corporaland functional qualities of Tehran’s historic bazaar. This study was conducted through adescriptive historical method which is based on a quantitative qualitative study. In thisstudy ,the assessment of corporal and spatial parts of Tehran bazaar is based on a Matrixformed of three corporal scales and two functional scales which are as follows: “assessmentof corporal integrity”, “Qualitative measurement form and historical corpus”, “Evaluationof corporal interventions”, “Functional mobility assessment”, “Measurement functionaldurability”. Finally, after the evaluation of historic bazaar of Tehran in terms of durabilityin two dimensions of corporal and functional, which was based on the mentioned Matrix184 states were found. 43 states of those possessed values, of which 9 possessed morevalues. In this study, these values have been found and presented as dominant qualitiesin the corporal and the functional resilience of Tehran’s historic bazaar.

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