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In the history of architectural conservation, conservators or conservation theorists’ viewpoint regarding the identity of historical places, particularly from the perspective of facing change, is one of the most significant bases of the conservation theories. However the Iranian society today, doesn’ t have a clear view consistent with the cultural principles of the historical places identity as a subject of conservation. This is what causes to arise such questions as “ what is the approach of Persian-Islamic culture toward the identity of historical places from the perspective of dealing with change and temporality? In the present study with the aim of understanding the historical places as a conservation subject, firstly an overview of related perceptions in conservation theories is represented. Existing approaches include three different approaches toward identity of the historical places with the titles of “ Identity as a variable having a constant element” , “ Identity as a process” and “ Subjective identity” . What follows after a description and critique of these approaches, is an explanation of the Islamic wisdom approach as one of the most important thoughtful bases of the Iranian culture. Consequently, based on this approach, the identity of place is a variable having a constant subject. In this approach the constant subject involves some degrees of relative constant to absolute constant. Accordingly, the continuity of place identity in the process of change is rooted in some degrees of constant subject from traditions and patterns belonging to a specific region to higher degrees, divine constant traditions, substances and immutable archetypes of natural phenomena and their proportions and relationships. Thus, the relative degrees of constant subjects such as regional traditions and patterns, regardless of their relationship with higher levels of constant subject, can’ t be considered as timelessness criteria for identity of historical places, unless it refers, in a non-repetitive manner, to higher degrees of constant subject as in the contemporary era that the manifestation of constant subject in the lives and creating of place-making humans has reached its lowest levels.

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Safavid era is a glorious period in the history of Iranian urbanization and architecture in which the gardens and palaces constructed in the mentioned era have been architecturally very important and their remains such as Naqsh-e Jahan Square, Hashtbehesht garden and palace, Chehelsotoon palace, etc. have been valuable works in the city texture. However some ruined palaces in Isfahan are superior to the remained ones. And also it is possible to perceive and complete a fabric and social illustration of the city and its historical buildings through referring to the literal and historical texts, pictures and photos remained from the certain period of the city. During the governance of Mass’ oud Mirza Zell-e Soltan, the governor of Isfahan in Qajar era, inattentiveness to the architecture had been reached to its culmination; to such an extent that the valuable works of architecture such as Haft Dast palace, Ayeneh Khaneh (Mirror hall) palace and Namakdan building in Saadatabad garden were ruined by his order. So the visual recreation of Ayeneh Khaneh has been focused in this research. The preliminary plans drawn in Qajar era from this Safavid building, and also the plans which involve the changes to the building in Qajar era, have been drawn secondly in the real scale. The elements and components of this Safavid palace have been completed through the analysis and comparison of the documents, images and the mentioned drawings. Final drawings as plans, East, West and South elevations were provided and the process of palace construction was presented in 3D display. This article is a theoretical and fundamental research that its basic data was collected from library sources and was analyzed by the means of deductive approach. In this research the Ayeneh Khaneh has been identified and analyzed by historical – descriptive method and using authentic documents and content analysis of the historical texts. And also some analytical illustrations of Ayeneh Khaneh, from its structure to the architectural details, have been represented by the means of computer softwares. Finally, the obtained results can provide documentary evidences to future archeological studies and also contribute to determine the buffer zone of ruined buildings. It also worthily contributes to completion of the city image in Safavid era and also contemporary period, as well as promotion of cultural and tourism attractions of the city.

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In international contexts, Intangible heritage is divided into five groups. First one is the oral traditions and expressions, including language. And also the important function of language is known as a vehicle for intangible heritage. Recognizing language in the field of intangible heritage, some languages and linguistic patterns such as the skill of storytelling, minstrelsy and songs are listed in the world intangible cultural heritage list, and on the other hand, many endangered linguistic heritages are under consideration to be preserved. Though there are sporadic references for damages to the language, the vacancy of a comprehensive pathology for the threats to linguistic heritage is felt. For scientific pathology of linguistic heritage, it is required to 1-compute its representations, 2-analyze its function, and 3-extract its influencing components in cultural heritage. In this paper, living languages, accents, dialects, proverbs, narratives, idioms and names are classified as different representations of linguistic heritage. Then, two general functions of linguistic heritage namely cultural transmission and human communication are discussed. According to this classification and analyses, the damages to linguistic heritage are extracted through descriptive-survey analysis, and finally, some suggestions are delivered for continuation of linguistic heritage as one of the important sections of intangible cultural heritage.

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The growing process of building design and construction, regardless of reducing sources of energy, is one of the threats to the environment and human life. Therefore it is necessary that design strategies in new buildings be orientated to the aim of reducing energy consumption and environmental pollution. Earth sheltering is a passive idea that reduces building energy consumption and ensures its thermal comfort to a great deal. Taking shelter in the earth and advantage from its thermal properties is one of the tricks that even was used in some climates in the past. This study investigates the energy efficiency of Earth-sheltered building with regard to the interaction of different building uses in the city of Yazd. The thermal simulation software (EnergyPlus) was applied to accomplish this aim, following the study of the basic requirements of a specific research on this subject. Regarding the results, increasing in the depth of penetration in the soil, increases the percentage of savings compared to aboveground conventional buildings. In this condition, with increase in the depth of building position, residential use has the most and educational use has the lowest correlation with energy consumption. And also the optimum depth for each building use is assessed at a different rate. In this situation, residential use has 69% and religious, administrative and educational uses respectively have 61, 60 and 54 percent energy savings.

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The mausoleum complexes constitute a specific part of Iranian architecture in Islamic period. Burial of a great religious or political man was the fundamental base of formation of such complexes and the other supplementary buildings such as mosque, school, Monastery, etc. were added gradually to them in the next periods. In Ilkhani period which has been one of the significant periods of the Islamic architecture of Iran, the process of building tomb complexes developed more than ever. Baba Abdullah complex is one of the Ilkhani buildings in the town of Nain that new dimensions and information about the variety and function and its developing periods have been discovered through recent interventions and restorations. In this article which is based on descriptive-analytical method and library sources and field studies, the stylistic characteristics and development processes and architectural changes of the Baba Abdullah complex have been investigated and discussed. One of the results of the study is to determine the elementary base of the complex which is a single and domed tomb that the mosque was built next to it in the next periods. So the Baba Abdullah tomb is one of the developed tomb buildings that the gradual process of intervention in it has continued from Ilkhani period till now.

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Historical urban textures remind the period of time that cities were constructed based on the requirements, purposes and tastes of residents. On the other word, the viewpoint of builders and residents were close together. But nowadays, without attention to the memories and fixation of citizens, rapid growth in historical urban textures leads to destruction of memories and perishing the identity of cities. Therefore architecture as an important sector of urban fabric, is experiencing rupture not only in the urban texture but also in the residents’ authentic cerebration. In addition to illuminating the importance of the authentic cerebration for the approach of new architectural design in historical urban textures, this paper aims to answer this question: How can we explain the architectural approach in infill developments through extracting living qualities from the authentic cerebration, with regard to the diverse architectural approaches ranging from opposition to similarity. The research method is qualitative with case study approach. Data collecting is firstly based on library and digital resources. The information regarding architectural approach in historical urban textures and the ways of identity formation for the considered urban textures were firstly studied. Then the joint memories were identified through interviewing with the elder residents in the district of Imamzade Yahya-one of the three districts in Oodlajan. After distributing questionnaires among the residents, the data analysis was carried out by the means of SPSS software. The results indicate a meaningful relationship between the authentic and modern cerebration approach to the new architecture (infill developments). Besides, considering the variety of the studied places, there are some results concerning the authentic cerebration in historical urban textures that are related to land uses, proximity to the valuable urban grains, joint intangible events, etc. which are the cases in this point and all are capable of being extracted from the authentic cerebration of the urban textures. So in order to improve physical identity, the results should be employed in architectural design of historical urban textures.

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View 3285

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Development of the architecture profession in recent years has led to the quantitative development of architecture schools. While much attention has been given to quantitative aspects of such educational spaces, their quality has been neglected. This paper concentrates on two key questions: (1) what are the desirable and acceptable characteristics of educational spaces from the architecture students’ point of view? And (2) does the architecture of existing educational spaces have satisfactory acceptability and desirability? This study aims to identify factors affecting the quality of the architecture schools from their students’ perspective. This study is an empirical, descriptive, and applied research in which we conducted a survey to collect data on the case studies. In structural equation modeling between the latent variables of the study, two types of factors have been studied: the physical, functional, and perceptual-semantic factors are considered as the qualitative components of the educational spaces and on the other hand, standard satisfaction and acceptability factors of the architecture schools which influencing the preferences of the students, explain the structure of the models. The results of our findings indicate that the weakness of the architecture schools in terms of functional component is related to the proportions between form and function of the school, as for the physical component it is related to architectural values, and in case of perceptual-semantic factors the interior design of the school is identified. Moreover, the result of multivariate regression analysis reveals that among the effects of the physical, functional, and perceptual-semantic factors, the functional factor is most effective. Therefore, paying attention to the characteristics of the proportion between form and function in the design of architecture schools is a priority.

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Qaen Friday mosque besides the other Friday mosques represents the grandeur and glory of Iranian architecture in the Islamic period that in addition to being a religious and social center, is of great importance in terms of architectural features. The building of this mosque is considered as a one-iwan. The iwan of this building is built in 1368 AD /770 AH by J. ibn Qaren and the naves, arcades, entrances and water-reservoirs were attached during the regin of the Safavid Soleymon king. The mosque architects considered principles in architectural form and space planning in terms of the nature of architecture that are derived from geometrical shapes and proportions between them. Therefore we intended with the approach of analyzing geometric proportions in the building to answer this question that how the applied proportions system used in Qaen masque have benefitted from the Islamic– Iranian proportions in the architectural elements? This research is based on analytical method and the data is collected by observation from field and library sources both. Reverse engineering on architecture, plan, section and elevation of the Qaen mosque was geometrically analyzed in an attempt to answer the research question and the results indicated that the building is constructed with regard to the system of Islamic-Iranian proportions which are based on irrational numbers and geometric properties of square and double square. And also the use of golden proportion can be observed in elements such as iwan and the main entrance and positioning of the north-west entrance that were used to achieve the visual balance.

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ROSTAMI NAJAFABADI MOSTAFA | Aghahosseini Dehaghani Mohammad Bagher

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Architecture requires creativity and its teaching is a creative issue and accordingly, teaching architecture is complex and it cannot be limited in determined and pre-defined frameworks. Despite the educational scholars’ efforts in recent decades, and by some reflections from the architectural works in this period, it is observed that such teaching styles are accompanied with failures in their ideals. The recent increasing number of students in this major has also doubled the educational problems of architecture teaching centers and schools. So it is inevitable and necessary to maintain the least minimums in the quality of teaching architecture. Thus, the two courses of “ construction and construction material workshop” and “ construction materials” are selected among the various and multiple courses of architecture major, due to their content similarities, to improve the teaching quality. “ Improving the construction quality” and “ regional and environmental accordance” and finally, “ aesthetics” , “ stability” , and “ living conditions improvement” are among the results of teaching such courses. Therefore it is tried to understand and find better solutions to improve the teaching quality through collecting data from library sources and questionnaire analyses among the professors and students of this major. The necessity of the combination of these two courses in a theoretical and workshop framework presented in the first semester is one of the most important results of the present study. It is hoped that this new course provides the following objects: the students’ theoretical familiarity and then the practical one with different construction materials, providing the skills to apply them for multiple form construction and/or manufacturing, attention to the aesthetic features, geometry and solid stability conceptions and understanding the role of construction materials and forms in architectural works. The other results of this course are: increasing the attention and curiosity of the students, increasing the interest toward the architecture major and interest for learning and group work teaching through creative exercises.

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