In this study the researcher has examined the effectiveness of content, images, graphics - design, sound, color and size attractions and different dimensions of television, radio, press, Internet and Post Bank advertising. Also environment and beauty of space and equipments as well as local branches and the number of interest -free account and Post Bank account awards were studied.Goals of this research include "main goals" and "sub goals". Main goals include Evaluation of Post Bank advertising among its clients in Tehran and sub-goals includes goals of Post Bank, which are deposit and maximum financial absorption of people, exhort people to deposit in bank accounts, especially low-cost, to achieve more revenue and increase profitability through the provision of banking services, increasing market share bank and introduce more services at the community level, to increase public confidence in community. Also attraction of financial contributions for public financing of economic and infrastructural projects in the country, to help economic development and social welfare society, with financing of projects and reduction of unnecessary transportations in community level through the provision of electronic services and Internet.The main motivation of selecting this topic is access to new demands and needs of fellow bank all country cities and towns and creating a competitive atmosphere between the monetary and banking institutions. also the need of doing this study is the wide variety of services and effectiveness of Post Bank advertising.Hypotheses of this study includes forecasting the existence of significant relationship between advertising and introducing the bank in society, increase public trust towards the bank, exhort people to Depository Bank, to reduce unnecessary transportations at the community level. also the existence of a significant relationship between finding more customers and music, audio, video, graphics -design, content, color, size attractions and different dimensions of television, radio, press, environmental advertising, as well as internal beauty of space and equipments. The test findings in bank branches and analysis of the data confirmed the entire hypothesis.Method of implementation of this research is survey and questionnaire used as the research tool. The city range of study is the capital city Tehran and branches of 1st and 2nd municipality Regions of Tehran and also the Independent branch of Motahari, in July of 2009 and study population 56420 people and sample size of 400 people has been done. Pre-test and the validity of research based on the "Alpha Cronbach" and through SPSS Software the number of 9/8 has been obtained, indicating that the questionnaire has good validity.In general, this study includes five chapters in the first chapter the problem, research objectives, the importance of the topic, questions and hypotheses, research models, operational definitions of variables, range and volume of sample problems and limitations were expressed. the second season of research in about the theoretical Advertise comments, Post Bank, Customer, research theoretical background and the third chapter analyzes the data and research and finally in fifth chapter conclusions and recommendations were discussed.