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2013 - 2011


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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this study, the researcher has carried out a comparative study of populist discourse in Iranian Media during the area of 2007-2008. The overall purpose of this research is to determine the coverage extent of diverse topics by newspapers with different political inclinations from a populist standpoint and their comparative analysis. Therefore the main question is: Which Iranian newspaper shows a greater potential in regard to populist discourse during the 2007-2008 area?Keyhan and Etemad Melli newspapers were chosen as the case studies. In the next step, in answer to the main question of the research, a number of hypotheses were formed. Next, the actual research was carried out through determination of the related populist factors.To assess the accuracy of the stated hypotheses, out of 282 volumes printed during this period by each of the newspapers under study, 52 Monday volumes were chosen by simple randomness, through content analysis method and based on Cochran formula. These two newspapers were quiet dissimilar in comparison and were operating under different situations, both from the aspect of political standpoints and cultural-social approaches and also from the aspect of media framework and structure (what was printed and circulated).Studies show Keyhan newspaper of having a greater potential to cover topics and address issues which can be viewed somehow as emphasizing and approving of populist discourse, compared with Etemad Melli newspaper. In fact, it can be clearly stated here that the potential for media populism was greater in Keyhan.

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The main goal of the research is to study the role of (Television, Satellite and Internet) media in the process of globalization with emphasize on cultural policy in Iran. This research is an applied one due to its discovering nature with uses a surveying method in order to collect information.In order to collect the required information ‘structural and nonstructural interviews have been held (questioner and interview). A total 72 people from the lecturers of the Azad University Department of Social Science of Tehran Central Branch, Alameh Tabatabaii University and the Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch have been selected using classified sampling method.The research assumptions are:1-There is a meaningful relationship between sociological acceptance of the media and acceptance of new behavioral models in Iran.2-The number of media is influential factor in enhancement of people attention in Iran.3-The Activity of the media in the field of educational behavior of the society causes evolution of new behavioral patterns proportional to the daily requirements of development among the people in Iran.4-Tthere is a meaningful relationship between the personal relation and enhancement of cultural acceptance of the people of the society in Iran.5- Activities of the media influences people’s obedience of the law in Iran.6- Activites of the media influences the closeness of different culture of different nation in Iran.Conclusion: Assumptions, 2, 3, 5 and 6 have been found discredited and assumption, 4 was accepted.

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Having intended to study the role of mass media in establishing social capital among citizens of Yazd, this research studied the relationship between the amount of using mass media and social capital and its dimensions (social confidence, social participation and social norm). With regard to measurement parameters regarding the objective, the methodology is an applied one and with respect to time was a sectional one. The data were gathered by using a questionnaire. The sample size was determined by Kokran formula with a reliability of 95%, a confidence distance of 5%. The sample was comprised of 370 persons. The value of the questionnaire was a content based one. Chronbach's alpha coefficient calculated for independent variable and dependent variable and its dimensions indicated a high level of correlation among the buoys or desired validity of the research tools. The findings indicated that there is a relationship between the amount of using mass media and social capital and since both of them were measured in a distance, Pearson's correlation coefficient was applied. Also, there is a direct relationship between the independent variable, amount of using mass media, and social capital and its dimensions (social confidence, social participation and social norm).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the recent years, cell phones have been spread out among various people and different groups of society as a communication phenomenon in today’s world. Nowadays we are even witnessing many elementary graders who have access to cell phones, as well. Although the use of cell phones should not be forbidden for children and adolescents, solutions should be offered for proper use of it. The present research intends to study the role and impacts of using cell phones on schoolgirls and to acquire information and awareness over the issue of what the impacts of the use of such medium on their behaviour are. In this research, cell phone as a rapidly spreading communication medium and as a new challenging instrument emerged in the age of communication, impelled us to study and investigate its impacts on the first high school graders from their own perspective. Some hypotheses are examined in this research and at the final point some suggestions are made to improve the appropriate use of such communication media. This research has been performed based on a survey method and the data collection tool has been questionnaires.The population in this research comprise first high school female graders (district one of Tehran city).

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In this study the researcher has examined the effectiveness of content, images, graphics - design, sound, color and size attractions and different dimensions of television, radio, press, Internet and Post Bank advertising. Also environment and beauty of space and equipments as well as local branches and the number of interest -free account and Post Bank account awards were studied.Goals of this research include "main goals" and "sub goals". Main goals include Evaluation of Post Bank advertising among its clients in Tehran and sub-goals includes goals of Post Bank, which are deposit and maximum financial absorption of people, exhort people to deposit in bank accounts, especially low-cost, to achieve more revenue and increase profitability through the provision of banking services, increasing market share bank and introduce more services at the community level, to increase public confidence in community. Also attraction of financial contributions for public financing of economic and infrastructural projects in the country, to help economic development and social welfare society, with financing of projects and reduction of unnecessary transportations in community level through the provision of electronic services and Internet.The main motivation of selecting this topic is access to new demands and needs of fellow bank all country cities and towns and creating a competitive atmosphere between the monetary and banking institutions. also the need of doing this study is the wide variety of services and effectiveness of Post Bank advertising.Hypotheses of this study includes forecasting the existence of significant relationship between advertising and introducing the bank in society, increase public trust towards the bank, exhort people to Depository Bank, to reduce unnecessary transportations at the community level. also the existence of a significant relationship between finding more customers and music, audio, video, graphics -design, content, color, size attractions and different dimensions of television, radio, press, environmental advertising, as well as internal beauty of space and equipments. The test findings in bank branches and analysis of the data confirmed the entire hypothesis.Method of implementation of this research is survey and questionnaire used as the research tool. The city range of study is the capital city Tehran and branches of 1st and 2nd municipality Regions of Tehran and also the Independent branch of Motahari, in July of 2009 and study population 56420 people and sample size of 400 people has been done. Pre-test and the validity of research based on the "Alpha Cronbach" and through SPSS Software the number of 9/8 has been obtained, indicating that the questionnaire has good validity.In general, this study includes five chapters in the first chapter the problem, research objectives, the importance of the topic, questions and hypotheses, research models, operational definitions of variables, range and volume of sample problems and limitations were expressed. the second season of research in about the theoretical Advertise comments, Post Bank, Customer, research theoretical background and the third chapter analyzes the data and research and finally in fifth chapter conclusions and recommendations were discussed.

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The purpose of this research is to examine the role of mass media in diffusion of the tendency for sports and exercising for all in society. In this research, the role of mass media is considered as the most impressive social institution for cultural and social changes. In human development, sport and having enough physical exercise is the most important way for enjoying healthy life. So, mass media can have an effective role to encourage the society to exercise and care about their health. This is a survey study which used questionnaire with the calculated reliability of 80/8 present. The sample of the research is 400 women who exercise in sport complexes in different regions of Tehran. Simple random and clustering sampling was the method of sampling in this research. In case of data analysis, we used SPSS and Chi Square. The main result shows that the Iranian mass media have had meaningful but weak influence on encouragement of society to exercise.

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The main purpose of this research is to review the impacts of news functions of national medium on the media experts’ tendencies toward foreign media -especially BBC Persian & VOA- during the tenth presidential election in Iran.Some of the main conclusions of this study which drawn out from the answers of more than 80 scholars, newspaper editors or media experts to the questionnaires, are as follows:The national medium was very active during the 10th presidential election. It had been successful to make a very hot and suitable atmosphere for competition of the candidates till the end of voting day, however everything changed as soon as the results of the election announced.The study shows the media experts tended to follow the news through foreign media more than national medium, but it doesn’t prove that they believed whatever they have heard or seen through BBC Persian or VOA. Anyhow, the study tells that media experts’ trust to foreign media is more than their trust to national medium.The study also argues that the experts’ curiosity to hear or see more about the post election unrests in Tehran was not fulfilled by the national medium news coverage and because of this; they had tilted toward foreign media.Meanwhile the study verify that being impartial or tending to be fair, has been a significant factor in trust making process in foreign media news coverage, a very important characteristic which national medium missed.

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The main and general goal of this study is considering image of women in elite and pulp films in Iranian Cinema during 90s decade.Sampling method: the sampling method of this study is purposeful method that is the main method of sampling in conversation analyzing and five films Elite and five films among pulp films were selected and compared.The study method: this study is counts in the framework of conversational studies, it means the use of qualitative methods (conversation analyzing) for comparing the films.The data gathering tools: the measurement tool and analyzing the study is generally considering cinema document and testimonies related to subject of the study.The general result: the result of the study show that there is clear and definite difference between way of showing pulp films and Elite trend of study’s sample, in fact the difference of producers of pulp films and Elite trend for showing the story characters is so much that we can say there is a conversational gap among these films. Also for an open cultural structure among these two kinds of films, there is one relative cultural conversation.

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