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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nequee Fatemeh | ALIPOR AHMAD

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Aim: this study aimed to compare the prosociality and social intelligence between students according to their handedness has been investigated. Methods: The statistical population of this study was all students of Mahallat universities in 94-95, who were selected by voluntary sampling method, 100 people as sample (50 top right and 50 of top left). was chosen through Edinburg`s hand dominance test, Tromso Social Intelligence Scale (TSIS), and Penner`s Prosocial Personality Questionnaire. Data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Results: The results showed that social intelligence and community personality have a significant difference in left-hand and right-handed students. So that left-handed individuals are more social intelligence and socialization than the right people. the left-handed had a better performance in Ability to understand (P<0/001), Social skills (P<0/001), Social Awareness(P<0/001), Empathic connection(P<0/001), Personal distress (P<0/001), Seen from the perspective of others (P<0/001), social responsibility(P<0/001), Mutual moral reasoning (P<0/001), Moral Reasoning orientation others (P<0/001), but no significant differences were found between the ability to self-report Altruism (P <0/23). Conclusion: Whereas left-handed individuals are superior to right-handed individuals in the components of social intelligence and community-friendly personality, which also include the perspective of others and personal distress And these two components make them vulnerable, despite their high intelligence, and it is better to focus on the emotional and emotional aspects of dealing with them so that their potential for social success can lead to social rather than Psychosocial disorders.

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Introduction: Diversity is an important part of fair city development. But what happens in heterogeneous neighborhoods due to the proximity of different socioeconomic groups is social judgment and comparison based on objective aspects of individuals, this perception is based on an assessment of neighbors which affect inhabitant’ s self-esteem. The purpose of this study is investigating the effect of external perception of the residential environment quality in heterogeneous neighborhoods on residents' self-esteem. Method: The method is descriptive-analytic and attempts to fin the correlation between factors in the form of a model. So, two groups of 250 people with the different socioeconomic class were selected randomly from the Hessenabad-Zargandeh heterogeneous neighborhood to judging the physical and human factors of the neighborhoods. Using path analysis and regression, direct and indirect effects of variables on the resident’ s self-esteem were investigated. Results: The results show that in lower-socio-economic neighborhoods, the external perception of the integrity and social status of residents, the characteristics of passage and open space, and the green private housing, with mediators determining the public and social self-esteem of residents Is. But in neighborhoods with higher socioeconomic levels, external perception of access to facilities and services, a facade of the building, perceptual density and voice conditions with mediators affects the public and social self-esteem of the residents. Conclusion: Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to these physical and human factors when planning and developing heterogeneous neighborhoods for the mental health of the inhabitants, because external judgments are made accordingly and effect their social contact.

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Introduction: The sense of possessing citizenship rights can create a sense of satisfaction and happiness in individuals. This research was conducted to investigate the relationship between the senses of possessing citizenship rights and the happiness of teachers. Methods: The method of this research was descriptive-correlational type. The statistical population was all teachers in the city of bordkhon, among which 78 people were selected through simple random sampling. Sam Aram & Barzegar questionnaire (2016) was used to measure the sense of possessing citizenship rights. Oxford’ s questionnaire (2001) was used to measure happiness. Validity and reliability were investigated by the researchers. Results: results show that the level of sense of possessing citizenship rights in teachers seems to be moderate (3. 24), the level of sense of possessing citizenship rights have a positive significant correlation with teachers' happiness (0. 65). Based on the results of multivariate regression, the rate of possessing of cultural rights has the highest impact on happiness score, the rate of possessing of social rights and the degree of possessing of civil rights are second and third respectively, in terms of impact on happiness. Conclusion: The sense of possessing citizenship rights plays an essential role in improving the happiness of teachers.

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Introduction: social issues is accepted in one country and rejected in another one at the one. Polygamy is a social and cultural issue that its causes and formations differ in various countries. The purpose of this study is to identify reasons and how polygamy forms in Saravan city. Methods: The method of this research was a qualitative type of ground theory. Participants were selected according to the aim of this study that they were Polygamy (Men who had more than one woman in Saravan city). The text Date was collected through semi-structured interviews. The interviews continued with theoretical saturation, after interviewing with 14 people, that theoretical saturation was achieved and interviews were continued for more than 17 people and then the text of interviews are coded on papers and their dates are analysed. Finding: The results showed that the constitutive factors of polygamy consisted of 10 main categories and one core category called "socio-mental arousal" which were presented in the form of paradigm model and story line. The results showed that traditional marriage and sexual instincts as causal conditions, First wife's mistreatment, religious view, two-residence and family facilitation as intervening conditions, authority representation, free-lance, attachment and financial ability as contextual conditions. It will become a social psyche that will eventually create the strategy of "Severe Objective and subjective transition from first mate". Conclusion: The results showed that religious attitudes along with financial issues and desirable social contexts are the most important causes of polygamy formation among men.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between cultural intelligence and social intelligence with decision-making style of managers and employees of government departments of Babol city. Method: The research method is a correlation based on Regression. The statistical population of this research includes 600 managers and employees of government departments of Babol in 2017. The sample size was selected by stratified random sampling method and based on Morgan's Morgan table 235 people. Data were collected using three questionnaires-Early and Ang cultural intelligence (2003); Tromso Silvera, Martin Yousen and Dahl Social Intelligence (2001) and Scott and Brose decision making style (1995). Results: The findings showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between cultural intelligence (r = 0. 179; p < 0. 05) and social intelligence (r = 0. 383; p < 0. 05) with decision making style of managers. The average cultural intelligence (M > 60) and decision making style (M >75) of managers are higher than average, but the average social intelligence (M < 84) is lower than average. The results of simultaneous regression analysis showed that social intelligence and cultural intelligence can explain and predict %67 of decision makers' style, the highest of which is social intelligence with a beta coefficient of 0. 496. Conclusion: in a world with high and uncertainty, managers should pay special attention to cultural intelligence, social intelligence, and its components to select the desired decision making style.

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Aime: The study aim of is investigating the relationship between the toxic leader’ s emotional exhaustion with the role of mediator of unethical behaviors based on organization silent has been accomplished. Method: The research method is descriptive-correlation. The Statistical population of the study includes all staff of Arak city service offices 27 offices and 120 employed. 101 people using Simple random sampling method was selected as a statistical sample. To collect the data, three standard questionnaires of toxic leadership (Hadavi nezhad & Rostaee, 2016), emotional exhaustion (Maslach & Jackson, 1981) and organizational silence(Dyne etal, 2003) were used. Result: The data collected using the Pearson correlation coefficient and structural modeling in statistical software LISREL, SPSS was analyzed. The results of the study showed that the relationship between toxic leadership and organizational silence with emotional exhaustion was positive and significant. The role of mediator of organizational silence in the relationship between toxic leadership and emotional exhaustion was positive and significant. Conclusion: to reduce emotional exhaustion in employees, it has been necessary to reduce the Toxic behaviors in the leaders and the organizational silence in the staff.

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Introduction: Purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of social support in the relationship between hardiness and sense of coherence with quality of life in 2017. Methods: In a correlation study, 116 employees of Musa ibn Ja'far and Army hospitals in Quchan were randomly selected and responded to WHO Quality of Life (1998), Antonovsky's sense of coherence (1987), Kobasa Hardiness (1979) and perceived social support questionnaires (1988). Data were processed through Mediated Hierarchical regression analysis using Baron and Kenny (1986) methods and using SPSS version 20 software. Results: Findings Shown that hardiness and sense of coherence are correlated with the quality of life separately (P <0. 01) and predict it, but with the advent of social support, the relationship between hardiness and a sense of coherence increases with quality of life. The mediating role of social support in interacting with hardiness variables (P < 0. 0001, F = 39. 12) and sense of coherence (P <0. 0001, FF = 14. 85) significantly increased the variance of life quality variable. Conclusion: Social support adds to the potency of the positive effects of hardiness and the sense of coherence on the quality of life. Therefore, implementation of management interventions in the hospital environment is recommended to increase the social support of the staff. The results are discussed for hospital managers.

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