Incomplete pollination of kiwifruit flowers could be the main limiting factor which reduces marketablekiwifruit quality. Therefore, at the current study effect of pollen suspension and dry pollen assupplemental artificial pollination were evaluated on characteristics such as fruit size, fruit weight, seednumber, dry matter percent, tissue firmness, total soluble solid, and vitamin C content, mineral nutrientelements such as nitrogen, phosphors, potassium, calcium, and magnesium of Hayward Kiwifruit. Theresults showed that pollination with dry pollen, at the 60% of full bloom stage, increased marketablefruits in compare to other treatments. There are more seed number in these fruits (11% and 5%respectively), which result to increase fruit size, length and diameter as compare to pollen suspension andcontrol. Fruit vitamin C could not affect by pollination, but fruit dry matter of flowers which pollinated at60% of full bloom was the higher than the other treatments. Supplemental pollination with dry pollenincreased fruit calcium, which resulted to improve nitrogen to calcium, potassium to calcium, the sum ofpotassium and magnesium to calcium, the sum of nitrogen and potassium to calcium ratios. Overall, itseems that supplemental pollination, especially with dry pollen at 60% of full bloom stage, could improvepollination and ovules fertilization. In conclusion, the same fruits have more seed number and strengthsink for accumulation assimilate and mineral elements especially calcium. Overall, the profit ofsupplemental pollination with dry pollen was calculated about 48, 800, 000 Rials per hectare.