In order to evaluate the effects of biological and chemical fertilizers at different cuts on some propertiesof the Rosemary, an experiment was carried out as split plot based on Randomized Completely BlockDesign (RCBD) with three replications, at the Zabol University Research Farm. Three times cuttingswere Autumn’ s first cut (late autumn), spring’ s first cut (late spring) and autumn’ s second cut (six monthsafter autumn’ s first cut) being considered as a major factor. The biological fertilizers includedAztobarvar, Phosphate Barvar-2, Petabarvar and chemical fertilizer NPK 20: 20: 20 and the control wasconsidered as a subplot factor. The results showed that spring’ s first cut had the greatest impact onessential oil content and phosphor. The autumn’ s second cut had the greatest influence on the percentageof leaf relative water and the concentration of potassium and sodium. Amounts of protein, solublecarbohydrates, dry matter yield, essential oil content and essential yield, oil percentage and oil yield, leafrelative water, chlorophyll, carotenes and nitrogen increased as affected by fertilizers compared withcontrol. The maximum amount of phosphor (7352 mg. kg-1) was obtained from application of PhosphateBarvar-2. Additionally, the maximum amount of potassium (5542 mg. kg-1) and the minimum of sodium(4760 mg. kg-1) was obtained from Petabarvar. Protein, dry matter yield and oil yield, oil percentage, chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll significantly increased under the interactions of spring’ s first cut andAztobarvar biologic fertilizer by 28/36 mg. liter-1, (3294 and 53/90 kg. ha-1) 1/63, 6/66, 1/94 and 81/4mg. gr-1, respectivly. The results also indicated that the interaction of spring’ s first cut and Petabarvarbiologic fertilizer had the highest essential oil yield (41. 46 kg. ha-1) and interaction of autumn’ s second cutand Aztobarvar biologic fertilizer produced the highest amount of nitrogen (12955 ppm) in shoot. Theresult showed that the application of Aztobarvar biologic fertilizer in spring’ s first cut improved andenhanced the quantitative and physiological characteristics of Rosemary. This would probably have beendue to facilitating nitrogen uptake and optimal environmental conditions for growth and development.