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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In order to investigate the effects of foliar application of ascorbic acid on the growth indexes andphysiological traits of thyme under drought stress, an experiment was conducted in the split plots basedon randomized complete block design with three replications at the Research Farm, Faculty ofAgriculture University of Zabol, Iran. The main factor was drought stress and applied based on theirrigation at 75, 55 and 35% FC and the subplot was foliar application with three levels including distilledwater (control), 10 mM and 20 mM ascorbic acid. Main effects of drought stress and foliar application ofascorbic acid were significant (P≤ 0. 01) for all studied traits. The interaction of water stress and foliarapplication of ascorbic acid was significant only for proline. Applying severe stress compared withcontrol was decreased the total chlorophyll, carotenoid, root and shoot dry weight (29. 0, 39. 9, 50. 5 and43. 0%, respectively), while the leaf proline and the root length were increased (44. 2 and 26. 6%, respectively). The foliar application of ascorbic acid (20 mM) significantly increased the amounts ofphotosynthetic pigments, shoot length, root and shoot weight. Simple correlation coefficients of the traitsshowed a significant and positive relationship between shoot dry weight and other traits, in drought stressand 20 mM foliar application of ascorbic acid conditions. Factor analysis was identified four factors fornormal and four factors for severe stress conditions that at overall were explained 98 and 95% of totalvariation, respectively. In general, it was concluded that photosynthetic pigments and root-related traitswould be the important yield related criteria (shoot dry weight), that can be beneficial in the developmentof thyme with higher performance under stress conditions.

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Peat is the most important source of casing soil for growing mushroom. Peat often imported or derivedfrom wetlands which have unfavorable environmental impacts. In order to evaluate the effects of thereplacing vermicompost and perlite as casing soil instead of peat on growth and yield of the mushrooms(Agaricus bisporus), a factorial experiment was conducted on the randomized complete block design withthree replications at Kosar mushroom farm in winter, 2015. Ten treatments in different ratios (volumepercentage) of perlite: vermicompost: peat including T1 (0: 0: 100) T2: (0: 25: 75) T3: (12. 5: 12. 5: 75) T4: (16. 7: 33. 3: 50) T5 (25: 25: 50) T6: (18. 5: 56. 5: 25) T7 (25: 50: 25) T8: (37. 5: 37. 5: 25) T9: (33. 3: 0: 66. 7)T10 (50: 50: 0) were used. The maximum yield was obtained with T3 treatment with the average of 14. 72kg /m2 and the minimum yield was observed in T10 treatment with 9. 43 kg/m2. The maximum andminimum numbers of harvested mushrooms were observed in treatment of T3 with 547 numbers and thetreatment of T10 with the number of 244. 67, respectively. For cap diameter, the treatment of T10 with anaverage of 5. 9 cm had the maximum and the treatment of T9 with an average of 4. 8 cm had the minimumcap diameter. For the average weight of individual mushroom, treatments of T10 and T3 with the averageof 38 and 26 gr had the maximum and minimum weight of each mushroom, respectively. The resultsshowed that T3 soil casing combination (12. 5: 12. 5: 75) can be replaced for peat.

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Oxidative stress is one of the most important consequences of drought stress. Salicylic acid is a phenoliccompound which serves as a growth regulator in the induction of resistance to drought. In order toinvestigate the role of salicylic acid on some anti-oxidant enzymes and some biochemical attributes ofmedicinal pumpkin under drought stress, an experiment was designed 2014 in Zanjan University’ sResearch Farm, Iran. The study was arranged as factorial experiment based on a randomized completeblock design with three replications including drought stress at four level; control, mild stress, moderatestress, and severe stress have been arranged in four levels including (100, 85, 70 and 55% FC). Salicylicacid treatments included salicylic acid were applied as foliar application spray in four levels: 0 mg/l(solution spray with distilled water), 0. 5, 1, and 1. 5 mg/l. Measured traits included peroxidase, catalase, Beta-sitosterol and oil yield proline, electrolyte leakage, malondialdehyde (membrane peroxidation index)content. The results showed that increasing drought stress levels reduced the oil yield, but in contrast, increasing the Beta-sitosterol, membrane peroxidation, electrolyte leakage, anti-oxidant enzymes such ascatalase and peroxidase, while application of salicylic acid at 0. 5 and 1 mg/l decreased oxidative stress, membrane peroxidation and Electrolyte leakage through increasing the anti-oxidant enzymes activitiessuch as catalase and peroxidase and proline which led to a balanced rise in oil yield and Beta-sitosterol inmild and moderated stress. These results show an increase in plant resistance to drought as a result ofsalicylic acid application.

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In order to assessment the relationship between traits affecting yield of garden cress, an experiment wasconducted in lattice square design with three replications in Eyvanekey Jihad Farm in 2016. The ANOVAshowed that the difference among accessions was significant for all traits. There was a significantphenotypic correlation between yield and most of the traits. The highest value of phenotypic correlationwas obtained between leaf height and leaf width (0. 92). The regression analysis showed that the highesteffect on the yield was due to leaf height and numbers of seeds per silique of lateral branches and mainaxis, as these three traits were about 93% of total yield changes and leaf height was the first trait thatentered to the model and explained 91% of the variation. The path analysis of phenotypic correlationshowed that the leaf height had the greatest direct effects on the yield (6. 81). Leaf length, in addition tothe direct effect on yield, through the rest of the traits has a positive indirect impact. In factor analysis, three independent factors explained about 70% of the yield variation. The first factor consists of numberof silique per plant, number of seeds per silique of lateral branches and main axis has named seed factors. The purpose of this study was detection of phenotype correlation between yield and yield components, estimation of direct and indirect effects of yield components on yield and its part in diversity justification.

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Secondary seed dormancy is known as the major reason for seed persistence of canola (Brassica napusL). Volunteer’ s rapeseeds emerging from the soil seed bank can lead to unwanted gene dispersal to otherplants after breaking secondary seed dormancy. At the current study, secondary dormancy was induced in41 lines and 5 cultivars of canola under laboratory condition with using polyethylene glycol 6000, during14 days and secondary seed dormancy recorded. This study was conducted as a randomized completedesign. High germination percentage was observed at the all lines and cultivars (higher than 94%), andthey were classified at five groups included very low, low, medium, high and very high secondarydormancy using cluster analysis. Among different lines, five genotypes were included at the very lowgroup and two genotypes were included at the very high group. The other lines were placed in averageand low groups. It was observed that five varieties (RGS003, Zarfam, Hyola401, Hyola308 and Hyola50)had average secondary dormancy (40-60%) that was related to breeding ignorance about secondarydormancy during seed production process. Lines classification based on different levels of secondarydormancy helps seed producers to select lines with low levels of secondary dormancy along with highyield and other characteristics, in order to deal with problems in seed producing process.

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Crop Simulation Models are advanced tools to estimate crop yield and optimizing of crop managementpractices. This study was conducted in order to evaluate DSSAT model under autumn cropping systemcondition in Jiroft, Iran, 2012-2014. The field experiment which repeated in two sequential years andthree replications were performed as randomized complete block design in split plots. The main factorwas planting date (17th, 23th, 29th September and 5th October) and its subfactor was potato cultivars(Sante, Satina and Boren). Data of first and second years of field experiment was applied respectively forcalibration and evaluation of model. Data-base requirement for model was created from 1. climatic dataincludes: temperature, radiation, relative humidity, wind and precipitation; 2. crop data attained from fieldexperiment, 3. soil data. Results of statistical evaluation of model showed the good fitness of simulatedand actual yield performance. Simulated tuber yields were similar to their observed value with RMSE of19% (1210 kg/ha) and high correlation between observed and simulated tuber yield (R2>0. 9). Simulatedbiomass had 2673. 5 kg/ha difference to its observed value that showed low estimation precision(RMSE>30%). This model couldn’ t predict tuber initiation stage correctly (RMSE>30%). Therefore, itwas concluded that DSSAT model predicted potato yield correctly but due to weak precision inestimation of phenological stage, had low assurance for use in autumn cropping system of potato underautumn cropping system in Jiroft region.

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Cinnamon essential oil has been used for centuries to protect food from microbiological infection and inthe last ten years. Cinnamon essential oil is also incorporated into food packaging materials asantimicrobial agent. The Main objective of the present study was to determine the antifungal activity ofcinnamon essential oil against Botrytis cinerea, Aspergillus niger and Penicillium digitatum fungi isolatedfrom grapes, tomato, and orange. Cinnamon Essential oil was extracted by the Clevenger-type apparatusand identification and amount of the essential oil was performed by using chromatography– massspectroscopy and gas chromatography. Analysis of the total essential oil content showed thatcinnamaldehyde (89. 51%), cinnamyl acetate (4. 56%), cinnamaldehyde (p-methoxy) (0. 97%) andcubebene (0. 29%) were the major constituents. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of cinnamon oilagainst B. cinerea, A. niger and P. digitatum were 200 μ l/l and minimum fungicidal concentrations were400 μ l/l for three pathogens. The antifungal activity of cinnamon oil against A. niger and B. cinerea wasstronger than that against P. digitatum in MIC concentration and the activity was improved withincreasing its concentration. In vivo study, the fungi in the vicinity of concentration 600 μ l/l of cinnamonessential oil grown in fruits, 11. 53% for strawbery, 7. 30% for tomato and 10. 10% for orange. Theseresults revealed that cinnamon essential oil has a good potential to be as a natural antifungal agent forcontrol postharvest fruit and vegetables disease.

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Identification of cultivars with tolerance to water stress has important for crop production in arid andsemi-arid areas. In order to, a factorial experiment was conducted based on completely randomizeddesign with two factors of 20 genotypes of canola and 5 water potentials of 0,-0. 15,-0. 3,-0. 5, and-0. 8MPa in 4 replications in Seed Technology Laboratory of College of Aburaihan, during 2015-16. Seedgermination of different genotypes was recorded twice in a day for each water potential at 20oC. Thereafter, hydrotime model was fitted to time course germination. Results indicated that Karaj 1 andOpera had the lowest value of base water potential with-1. 23 and-1. 2 (MPa) and they were the mosttolerant genotypes to drought. Genotypes of 203 and Likord had the highest value of base water potentialwith-0. 27 and-0. 22 and the most sensitive genotypes to water stress. The lowest hydrotime constantbelonged to Zarfam and Talaye with 22. 67 and 23. 73 MPa-hours and the highest hydrotime constantbelonged to 389 and Opera with 50. 93 and 48. 07 MPa-hours. The base water potential with 95% had thehighest broad sense heritability. Using this information it is possible to identify genotypes with higherefficiency and more tolerate to water stress in future breeding programs to breed new genotypes withtolerance to water stress.

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In order to study the effects of nitrogen rates and nitroxin inoculation levels on quantitative traits ofborage, a field experiment was conducted as split plots arrangement based on a randomized completeblock design with three replications during growing season 2011-2012. Treatments consisted of fournitrogen rates (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg/ha) and three nitroxin amounts (0, 0. 5 L/ha Seed inoculation and 0. 5L/ha as a foliar application) which were allocated to main plots and sub plots, respectively. Resultindicated that the treatments had significant effects on plant height, stem height, number of leaves, number of flowers per plant, number of branches, the yield of inflorescence and total dry yield of borage. The highest plant was related 100 kg/ha nitrogen + seed inoculation and the lowest value was achievedcontrol. There was a significant interaction between nitrogen and nitroxin due to most traits. The highestinflorescence yield (1168. 11 kg/ha) and yield of the plant (9294. 01 kg/ha) were achieved by using100kg/ha nitrogen + seed inoculation, which was 50% higher than the control.

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To study the effects of mycorrhiza, organic and chemical fertilizers on growth of tobacco plant, anexperiment was carried out as split plots in a randomized complete block design with three replications inMarivan during 2014-2015. The main factor was two levels of inoculation by mycorrhiza including noinoclution and inoclution by mycorrhiza (Glumus interaradices) and subplots were organic and chemicalfertilizers in five levels as, control (distilled water), fulvic acid, seaweed extract (Ascophyllum nodosum), urea and fulvic acid + seaweed extract + urea. The results showed that the studied characters were notaffected significantly by mycorrihza. Also, the results of foliar application of fertilizers were showed thatthe most characters were affected significantly. Mean comparison of lower part of leaves weight showedthat maximum leaf fresh weight in hectare and leaf dry weight in hectare was obtained by foliarapplication of seaweed extract. The maximum value of leaf length was achieved in fulvic acid and ureatreatments. Mean comparison of middle part of leaves weight showed that the maximum value of leaffresh weight in hectare was obtained by seaweed extract, and the maximum leaf dry in hectare wasachieved by fulvic acid and distilled water (control) treatments. In upper part of leaves weight showed themaximum value of leaf fresh weight in hectare and income were obtained by fulvic acid. In thisexperiment, the highest income was achieved by fulvic acid spraying treatment and following by seaweedextract and fulvic acid + seaweed extract + urea.

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The effect of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) vapor treatment on antioxidant enzymes activities and vase life ofgerbera cut flower was investigated in this experiment. This research was conducted as a split-plotexperiment based on completely randomized design with three replications at the laboratory of thepostharvest physiology, College of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University in 2013. Gerbera flowerswere harvested at early morning from a commercial greenhouse and cut flower stems were put in apreservative solution containing 200 mg/L 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate and sucrose 3%, exposed to 0, 0. 1, 0. 2 and 0. 3 μ lL− 1 MeJA with 20 μ lL− 1 ethanol and control for 24 h. The results showed that MeJAsignificantly increased vase life and improved postharvest characteristics of cut gerbera flowers. MeJA0. 2 μ lL− 1 treatment extended the vase life to 15. 67 days, compared to the control and ethanol treatments. Minimum of petal wilting symptoms were revealed in samples treated with MeJA. The lowestmalondialdehyde and lipid peroxidation rates were also observed in MeJA treatments that they had asignificant difference with ethanol and control. MeJA treatments resulted in increasing antioxidantenzymes activity and protein content compared with ethanol or control.

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Low temperature stress is one of the most important abiotic environmental stresses that affects the growthand yield of ornamental plants. In order to investigate of some physiological and biochemical indices offour varieties of ornamental Citrus used in urban landscapes under low temperature stress conditions, afactorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications was conducted in theCitrus and Subtropical Fruits Research Center of Ramsar in 2015. Treatments were included thetemperature with four levels (3, 0,-3 and-6° C) and four varieties of ornamental Citrus including(Kumquat, Fingered citron, Calamondin and Limequat). Results showed that amounts of electrolyteleakage, water soaking, prolin content, antioxidant capacity, lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutaseactivity were increased significantly by reducing of temperature, while chlorophyll and total chlorophyllcontents were decreased. Accordingly, the lowest leaf water soaking (20. 92%) and electrolyte leakage(30. 81%) amount, which are destructive indices, were showed in Kamquate. Total chlorophyll amount(2. 21 mg/gFW), antioxidant capacity (60. 61%) and superoxide dismutase activity (26. 53 IU/gFW), thatare tolerability indices, were more relevant at Kamquate. In general, Kumquat could tolerate the freezingstress up to-3° C by increasing of some indices such as proline, soluble sugars, antioxidant capacity andsuperoxide dismutase activity.

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In order to study the effect of water deficit stress and foliar spray of Megafol on yield, fruit quality andwater use efficiency (WUE) of tomato cv. Rio Grande, an experiment was carried out in a split plot basedon randomized complete block design with three replications in Research Filed at the University ofZanjan, Iran in 2015. Treatments consisted arrangement of three irrigation levels (starting irrigation at100, 75 and 50% ETc (crop evapotranspiration)) and four levels (0, 1, 2 and 3 ml/L) of Megafol. Resultsshowed significant effects of water deficit stress on yield, fruit quality, and WUE. Megafol treatmentshowed significant effects on yield, fruit firmness, lycopene content, and WUE. The highest total solublesolids (2. 41%) and titratable acidity (TA) (2. 09) was found at 50% ETc irrigation treatment. Foliarapplication of 2 ml/L megafol showed the highest value of TSS (2. 29%), TA (1. 97%), lycopene (0. 83g/l), fruit per plant (37. 94), fruit weight (59. 32 g) and WUE (21. 78 kg/m3). The interaction effect ofirrigation by foliar treatments had a significant effect on plant yield, fruits number per plant and TA. Themaximum fruit number (51. 73) and plant yield (3278. 43 g) was obtained by application of 2 ml/LMegafol under 100% ETc irrigation. Also, the highest TA was achieved in 1 ml/L Megafol and 50% ETcirrigation. According to the results, foliar application of 2 ml/l Megafol improved fruit yield under normalirrigation and deficit water stress and resulted in 16% increase in WUE. Irrigation at 75% ETc level with16% yield reduction, saved 25% of water as compared to 100% ETc treatment.

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To decrease the use of chemical fertilizers and improving the yield and yield components of sunflower, afield experiment was conducted at the Research Farm of Tarbiat Modares University in 2014 and 2105. Three irrigation regimes (irrigation after depleting 40, 60 and 80% of soil water at field capacity (FC)), three soil fertility systems (100% farmyard manure (35% chicken manure + 65% sheep manure), 50%farmyard manure + 50% chemical fertilizer and 100% chemical fertilizer (urea)) and three zeolite rates (0, 5 and 10 ton ha-1) were studied in a split factorial arranged in a randomized complete block design withthree replications, with irrigation regimes as the main plots, and factorial combination of the other twofactors as the subplots. Over two experimental years, there were significant increases in grain yield andwater use efficiency by applying either 100% farmyard manure (28. 2 + 14. 6 ton sheep + chicken manureha-1, respectively) or integrated fertilizer (14. 1 + 7. 3 ton sheep + chicken manure ha-1, respectively plus65 kg urea ha-1) with 5 or 10 ton zeolite ha-1 under all irrigation treatments. Based on the results, irrigationafter depleting 40% of soil water at FC was revealed as a most performance of all treatmentcombinations. The highest oil and protein concentrations of grain were obtained with zeolite applicationunder non-stress conditions. Chemical fertilizer application increased grain protein concentration, whileorganic manure increased grain oil concentration.

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One of the main problems of soybean production in the east region of Golestan, Iran is considerabledifference between actual yield and attainable yield which is called yield gap. In recent years, this gap hasbeen impressive, and therefore, identifying soybean yield-limiting factors is essentially needed. Thepresent study was conducted based on CPA method in 73 fields of Kalaleh (Golestan, Iran) in 2016. Inthis study all information related about management practices, soil characteristics and farmer socioeconomicstatus were measured and recorded. Then, using stepwise regression, the relationship betweenvariables and yield was considered. The results showed that there is a 2606. 4 kg/ha difference (gap)between actual yield (average farmers' yield) and attainable yield (maximum farmers' yield). It wasidentified that farming experience, burying plant residues in the soil, planting date, Sprinkler irrigation, the amount of used water and plant density were contributed to yield gap, 30. 1, 5. 1, 14. 7, 13. 8, 13. 8 and22. 5%, respectively. It could be concluded that improving these factors will increase the yield up to1802. 9 kg/ha.

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This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of Ajowan's (Carum copticum) essential oil as anatural and non-chemical fungicide on flower longevity and gray mold infection as the most importantagent of rose postharvest losses. Different essential oil concentrations of Ajowan (0, 300 600 and 900μ L/L) applied as a postharvest foliar application on rose cut flowers (Rosa × hybrida cv. Angelina) whichinoculated with gray mold fungus compared to the control (non-contaminated). Based on the results, enzymatic antioxidant capacity (CAT and POD), lipid peroxidation, vase life and gray moldcontamination were affected significantly by gray mold infection and foliar application of Ajowanessential oil. According to the results, the minimum gray mold infection was observed at the highestessential oil level 900 μ L/L. The highest flower vase life of roses which were inoculated by gray moldwas observed at 600 μ L/L; while maximum flower vase life was observed at the same concentration butin non-inoculated flowers by gray mold (control plants). The results of the present experiment led toconclude that increasing of flower longevity of infected roses by gray mold under Ajowan's essential oilwas achieved because of lipid peroxidation reduction and ion leakage as well as a consequence ofantioxidant activity which has been happened under essential oil treatments.

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In order to evaluate the effects of biological and chemical fertilizers at different cuts on some propertiesof the Rosemary, an experiment was carried out as split plot based on Randomized Completely BlockDesign (RCBD) with three replications, at the Zabol University Research Farm. Three times cuttingswere Autumn’ s first cut (late autumn), spring’ s first cut (late spring) and autumn’ s second cut (six monthsafter autumn’ s first cut) being considered as a major factor. The biological fertilizers includedAztobarvar, Phosphate Barvar-2, Petabarvar and chemical fertilizer NPK 20: 20: 20 and the control wasconsidered as a subplot factor. The results showed that spring’ s first cut had the greatest impact onessential oil content and phosphor. The autumn’ s second cut had the greatest influence on the percentageof leaf relative water and the concentration of potassium and sodium. Amounts of protein, solublecarbohydrates, dry matter yield, essential oil content and essential yield, oil percentage and oil yield, leafrelative water, chlorophyll, carotenes and nitrogen increased as affected by fertilizers compared withcontrol. The maximum amount of phosphor (7352 mg. kg-1) was obtained from application of PhosphateBarvar-2. Additionally, the maximum amount of potassium (5542 mg. kg-1) and the minimum of sodium(4760 mg. kg-1) was obtained from Petabarvar. Protein, dry matter yield and oil yield, oil percentage, chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll significantly increased under the interactions of spring’ s first cut andAztobarvar biologic fertilizer by 28/36 mg. liter-1, (3294 and 53/90 kg. ha-1) 1/63, 6/66, 1/94 and 81/4mg. gr-1, respectivly. The results also indicated that the interaction of spring’ s first cut and Petabarvarbiologic fertilizer had the highest essential oil yield (41. 46 kg. ha-1) and interaction of autumn’ s second cutand Aztobarvar biologic fertilizer produced the highest amount of nitrogen (12955 ppm) in shoot. Theresult showed that the application of Aztobarvar biologic fertilizer in spring’ s first cut improved andenhanced the quantitative and physiological characteristics of Rosemary. This would probably have beendue to facilitating nitrogen uptake and optimal environmental conditions for growth and development.

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In order to evaluate the effect of irrigation withholding and foliar potassium application on somephysiological traits (photosynthesis, cell membrane stability and chlorophyll) and harvest index of wheat(Triticum aestivum L. ), an experiment was carried out using a split plot factorial based on a randomizedcomplete blocks design with three replications in 2011-2012 in two locations: Seed and PlantCertification and Registration Research Institute, Karaj and Agricultural and Natural Resources ResearchCenter, Yazd. The experimental factors were included drought stress (three levels of irrigationwithholdings were irrigation withheld from ear emergence to physiological maturity, irrigation withheldfrom grain filling to physiological maturity, and normal irrigation) foliar potassium application (withoutpotassium application, 1. 5 and 3. 0% K2SO4) and genotype (two wheat cultivars of ‘ Marvdasht’ , ‘ Pishtaz’ and aline‘ WS-82-9’ ). Results showed that the studied characteristics were significantly reducedby increasing drought stress level. The highest harvest index was observed in ‘ WS-82-9’ in Karaj undernormal irrigation (32. 69%) and the lowest harvest index was obtained from ‘ Marvdasht’ cultivarin Yazd, under severe stress (11. 50%). Genotypes were different for cell membrane stability and the lowest ratewas belonged to ‘ Marvdasht’ (35. 5%). Foliar application of 3. 0% K2SO4 caused to significant differencesin physiological characteristics, especially for leaf photosynthesis under severe drought stress condition: photosynthesis increased 99. 1 and 69. 7% in Yazd and Karaj, respectively. It can be concluded thatcultivating of ‘ WS-82-9’ and spraying of 3. 0% K2SO4 were effective to moderate drought stress, especially when fields have limitations for irrigation water at the end of crop life cycle.

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Purple coneflower as top-selling medicinal plant is widely used in Europe and North America for thetreatment of common cold. This experiment was conducted as a randomized complete block design insplit plot arrangement with three replications in Research Farm of Genetics and AgriculturalBiotechnology Institute of Tabarestan in 2012-13. Experimental treatments included three transplantingdates (April 9, May 9 and June 8, 2013), and three plant population densities (7, 10 and 16 plant/m2)which considered as main and subplots, respectively. Results showed a relative compensatory effect ofhigher population density until 10 plants/m2, however, delayed planting resulted to decrease in total shoot, leaf (L) and stem (S) dry weights. It represents that the highest flower (F) dry weight (27. 1 g/plant) wasrelated to planting on May 9 with 10 plant/m2 density. Ratio of L/shoot was greater than S/Shoot thanF/shoot dry weight. The highest (L+F)/Shoot ratio was related to the April and May planting dates whilethe highest S/Shoot ratio was related June’ s planting date. Maximum total phenol content of leaves (51. 1mg of GAE/ g dry matter) and stems (35. 9 mg of GAE/ g dry matter) were measured in plants cultivatedon April 9 with a density of 10 plant/m2. The highest total phenolic content of flowers (56. 5 mg of GAE/g dry matter) was determined in plants cultivated on May 9 with a density of 10 plant/m2. Total phenol offlowers was greater in leaves than stems. Overall, it could be concluded that early planting of purpleconeflower on April 9 with 10 plant/m2 density was suitable for leaf and stem dry weight and total phenolproduction, while the delayed planting until May 9 with a population density of 10 plant/m2 was favoritefor flower as production of dry weight and total phenol, according to the experiment conditions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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