Nomads are societies with a special economic activities and unique social,cultural and settlement characteristics. From economic view point their income relies on traditional animal production with continuous migration across the rangelands.
In Iran nomadic system witnessed diverse changes during the recent decade. The present study tries to give a better understanding about production systems of nomads in Khorasan as a representative of nomadic society in Iran.Data were collected from 1831 questionnaires in 19 cities during summer quarter and 29 questionnaires in 4 cities during winter quarter. The results showed that animal, wool, milk and hair accounts for 66.2, 13.8, 16.8 and 3.2% of total annual income, respectively. In addition to cattle raising activities, 12.9 percent of the sample nomadic householdes were engaged in crop farming activity as well.Of the total number of these households, 60.3 percent had crop farming activities in summer quarter, 8.5 percent in middle quarter and 29 percent in winter quarter. Furthermore, of the total number of these nomadic household's 43.6 percent were producing handicrafts, of which 71.1 percent was for self consumption, 11.9 percent for sale and the rest for both sale and self consumption.