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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    3 (96)
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The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of age, sex on thyroid’s hormones levels and rhythmicity of these hormones in turkey chickens.20 turkey chickens were randomly assigned to two groups (male=10 & female=10). Blood samples were collected at 10 d intervals during 80 days. Data were analyzed with Proc Mixed of SAS. In second experiment, circadian rhythmicity of thyroid hormone in male and female was studied.16 turkey chickens (male=8 & female=8) were randomly selected and blood samples were collected at 2 hours intervals for 24 hours. Then, the plasma concentration of thyroid's hormones were measured. Results showed that the effect of age on plasma concentration of thyroxin was significant but there was not significant different between male and female birds. By aging the birds, concentration of thyroxin enhanced. Plasma concentration of thyroxin in female and male was 20.63±1.6 vs.20.58±1.7 mg/dl, respectively. Effect of genus and age on plasma concentration of triiodothyronine was significant. Overall mean plasma concentration of triiodothyronine in female chicken (209.72±0.34 ng/ml) was higher than male chicken (187.74±0.30 ng/ml). Possitive correlation was indicated between age and triiodothyronine level in male birds, while negative correlation was detected in female birds. Results of second experiment showed thyroxin increased during the night and decreased during the daytime, while the mean plasma concentration of triiodothyronine increased during the daytime and decreased during the night.

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    3 (96)
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An experiment was conducted under completely randomized design to study the effects of using different levels of probiotic (Biomin Imbo) on performance and carcasses characteristics of broilers.400 day old cobb chicks were distributed into four treatment and four replicate (each replicate with 25 mixed male and female chicks) which were fed with standard feed supplemented with different levels of probiotic as (0.0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15%) in starter, (0.0, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.075%) in grower and (0.0, 0.125, 0.025 and 0.0375%) in finishing rations for 49 days. Daily weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion, two bird's male and female were selected randomly and sacrificed for carcass characteristics purpose, production index and livability were studied. Supplementations of probiotic had significant effects on performance and carcass characteristics of birds throughout of experimental period. The highest and the lowest daily body weight gain of birds was observed in at terminating experimental periods fed diets containing 0.0375 percent probiotic and control groups (82.51 and 61.96g) respectively and differences were significant (p<0.01). Nevertheless, same increasing trend in daily body weight gain were observed during experimental period. Significantly increasing trend in feed intake were observed in control groups where as, minimum feed intake referred to diet supplemented with probiotics at 0.025 percent (p<0.05). Optimal feed conversion were owed to enriched diet with probiotic at 0.0375 percent as compare to other experimental groups ((p<0.01). Best production Index was observed in treatment supplemented with probiotic at 0.0375 percent as compare to control groups (p<0.05). Carcass characteristics was effected significantly by addition of probiotics (p<0.05). Nevertheless, the highest and the lowest live weight to carcass weight ratio were owed to diets containing probiotic 0.0375 percent and control groups (p<0.01). Probiotic Supplemented diets did not affect on birds live abilities through out the experiment.

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    3 (96)
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In order to investigate the effect of some isolated bacteria from commercial probiotics on growth, carcass composition and immune system of Japanese quail, an experiment was conducted using two hundred and ten 1-d old. Birds were randomly assigned into 7 experimental groups consist of 10 chicks, and 3 replicates. The 6 isolated bacteria from commercial probiotics were Pediococcus acidilactici, Enterococcus faecium, Bacillus subtilis, B. licheniformis, Lactococcus lactis, and Pediococcus pentosaceus. Isolated bacteria were cultured on a daily basis and administered via drinking water at 109 cfu/l. The control group did not receive any additive in drinking water. All administered bacteria caused increase in 42 d body weight compared to control, else Pediococcus acidilactici. The heaviest body and carcass weights were belonging to birds fed on Lactococcus lactis (P<0.01). Lipid and protein contents of carcass were influenced by administered probiotic isolates. The birds drank bacilli isolates had the highest fat and the lowest protein contents in their carcasses. Carcass efficiency, spleen and bursa of Fabricius relative weights were influenced by isolates. However, no differences were observed when compared to control (P>0.01).The highest anti-SRBC antibody titer was observed in the birds received Bacillus subtilis and Pediococcus acidilactici.

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    3 (96)
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chemical composition (dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber, ash, crude fat, calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen-free extract), sugar and total starch according to standard methods, resistant and non-resistant starch with kit method (Megazyme) and metabolizable energy of 13 varieties elite triticale was measured. Results of chemical composition showed, the average rate of dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber, ash, crude fat, calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen-free extract, respectively were 93.23, 13.23, 3.8, 1.71, 1.57, 0.162, 0.30 and 80.30 percent. Gross energy was equal to 4116.88 kcal/kg and amounts of sugar, total starch (chemical method), feed resistant and non-resistant starch, and both of them, respectively were, 6.73, 58.15, 2.29, 27.34 and 29.63 percent. Metabolizable energy (AME, AMEn, TME and TMEn) among the triticale varieties had significant difference (p<0.05). The T8 had lowest and T6 had highest amount of Metabolizable energy. According to the results, the experimental treatments T2 (ET-85-9), T3 (ET-84-15), T5 (ET-79-3) and T6 (ET-79-4) were better than the other varieties, so these varieties are considerable and suggest for development.

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    3 (96)
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Awareness of Daily metabolism energy required livestock rangelands in different climatic zone, In order to calculate the grazing capacity in range management plans is essential. In this regard, Daily metabolism energy required in Kurdish race sheep of Kurdistan in Saral rangelands were studied. For this purpose according to the average values of forage quality indexs in plant species and their proportion in the composition of rangeland vegetation in different growth stages, metabolism energy value in one kilogram of dry matter for livestock grazing rangelands was estimated and considering of daily metabolism energy required in Kurdish race sheep of Kurdistan amount of forage which supplies animal requirements in different stages of growth in this region, were estimated. Daily requirement of sheep, ram, three month lambs and six month lambs of Kurdistan kordi race sheep based on metabolism energy, according to the MAFF Equation proposed (1984) in the state of maintenance and livestock grazing in rangeland and considering the physical characteristics of the rangelands, intervals of animal drinking places, plants density and 50% additive coefficient, were calculated 10.6, 13.3, 6 and 8.6 Mj respectively. According to the results, amount of forage required to provide the daily requirements sheep, ram, three month lambs and six month lambs of Kurdistan kordi race sheep considering the forage quality of rangelands in 2008, in the initial stages of growth respectively is 1.25, 1.56, 0.7 and 1.01, in the middle of stages growth respectively is 1.38, 1.73, 0.78 and 1.12 And in the final stages of growth is 1.77, 2.21, 0.99 and 1.44 Kilograms of dry forage. This implies that time grazing affects on the daily requirements of livestock and needed that daily requirements of livestock to be determined according to forage quality. Obviously, depending on the conditions years it may some be changed quality of the forage plants but since the determination of forage quality is expensive, the results obtained can be used to estimate daily requirement use of livestock in the different years.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (96)
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The experiment was conducted to determine dry matter and protein digestibility of rations containing soybean meal, rapeseed meal and cottonseed meal by Hydroenzyme XP on in-vitro and effect on broiler performance. For determination of protein and dry matter ration digestibility prepared two samples from per diet. This three hundred Twenty-four day old Lohman chickens in three treatments by 4 replicates and 27 chickens in each that were modulated in complete random design (CRD). Treatments include: 30 percent of cottonseed meal, soybean meal and rapeseed meal. In soybean meal in-vitro protein digestibility were dramatically greater than cottonseed meal in both starter and grower diets (P<0.05). In-vitro digestibility of dry matter was significantly higher in soybean and rapeseed meals than that in cottonseed meal in grower Period, (P<0.05). Feed intake were dramatically greater in soybean meal than cottonseed meal (P<0.05). Average body weight was significantly higher in chicks fed with soybean meal than rapeseed meal in grower Period (P<0.05), Also average body weight in chicks fed with rapeseed meal was greater than cottonseed (P<0.05). Index of production increased significantly in chicks fed with soybean meal treatment in comparison to cottonseed treatment in grower period (P<0.05). Breast weight was significantly higher in soybean and rapeseed meals than that in cottonseed meal in grower Period, (P<0.05). Final results in this experiment have shown that showed that there is no significant difference between rapeseed meal and soybean meal treatments in many factors such as feed intake, breast weight and dry matter digestibility in 42 days of age.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (96)
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In a factorial experiment, the effects of insemination methods and intervals on fertility and hatchability of Fars native chicken were investigated in this study. Insemination methods were control method (M1) and experimental method (M2), and insemination intervals were 7 (T1) and 14 (T2) days between two insemination. One hundred and twenty hens and forty roosters at seven months ages were considered in four experimental groups (30 hens per each group). Hens were inseminated for 10 weeks. Two days after insemination, eggs were collected and hatched to determine percentages of fertility and hatchability. The results indicated that the effect of insemination methods, insemination intervals and interaction effects on egg laying percentage were not significant (p<0.05). Insemination method significantly affected the percentages of fertile eggs and total hatchability, that M2 method had better results in compare with M1 one. Fertility and hatchability percentages were significantly higher for T1 in compare with T2 (p<0.05). Hatchability of M1T2 was significantly lower than other treatments. Between all treatments, higher and lower levels of fertility were 79.2 and 48.2 percentages for M2T1 and M1T2 respectively. There were no significant differences between treatments for hatchability percentage of fertile eggs. Between treatments, M2T1 had the best fertility and hatchability, therefore use of this treatment is recommended in artificial insemination program of Fars native chicken.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (96)
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The main objective of this study is an investigation of educational needs of poultry cooperative members about production management of broilers. This research was applicable from objective point of view and descriptive-correlation method considering its method, which has been done with survey approach. The statistical population is the members of the poultry cooperatives in Southern Khorasan Province which were included 413 persons. Among this population, 144 persons were selected using Cochran formula and proportional stratified random sampling method. Meanwhile, the total number of 22 experienced experts in livestock and veterinary sinces from southern khorasan province Jahad-Keshavarzi organization and veterinary general office were selected through a survey. The main tool for data collection was questionnaire and its reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was equal to 88 percent. The results of this study showed that acquaintance cases about vaccination method and drinking systems, water quality test, acquaintance regarding frostbite and heat stroke control in chicks are the most important educational needs of poultry producers. In this study, there is a significant and positive relationship between the number of poultry, number of family and income from production of broilers with the educational needs of poultry producers. Whereas, there is a significant and negative relationship between education levels, access level to city, Communication-information channels and appropriate educational practices with the educational needs of poultry producers were observed. Access level to city, appropriate educational practices, education level and number of poultry were variables with maximum share in variation of dependent variable (educational needs of poultry producers). As a whole, these variables determined 42 percent of variance in dependent variable.

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