É criture feminine or Women's writing is one of the topics of interest for literary scholars and stylists which attempts to answer questions such as what women’ s writing is and what its characteristics are. In this regard, Sara Mills proposes a model based on "feminist stylistics" which is one of the socio-cultural approaches to stylistic knowledge, and is considered to be the most concise interpretation of feminism studies using linguistic methods and analysis in texts. In the present study, we answer these two questions: what are these characteristics? And how does it appear in the novel in question? In this regard, Mills and other experts in this field believe that women writers, influenced by feminine emotions, characteristics and views, use different language options in the structure and content of their works. In linguistic analysis, three levels of words, sentences and discourse should be considered. Therefore, this article is conducted based on practical stylistics and descriptive and library research method with the aim of finding the characteristics of women’ s writing in the selected work; and the novel Dog and Long Winter by Shahrnush Parsipour, as an example of contemporary Iranian fiction, was examined at these three levels according to the Mills Model. The findings of the research indicate that the women’ s writing characteristics in the mentioned work are evident by using the following items: morphology, feminine terminology, color words, and multiplicity of female characters; In terms of syntax, the use of declarative sentences, short, descriptive, interrogative sentences in the form of Soliloquy, and meta language sign of suspension point; At the discourse level, inner firstperson point of view, main female character, narrative discourse and female narrator, polite tone and a theme with feminist ideas.