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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    1 (69)
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This paper purports to analyze the effects of Mahr on marital behavior and some important intra-family decisions by applying microeconomic tools. Theoretical analyses imply that an increase in Mahr increases the implicit price of marriage, and it would decrease demand for marriage and thereby increase demand for marriage substitutes. An increase in Mahr would increase the net expected benefit of fertility for the husband and would decline it for the wife. It creates divergent incentives for fertility in the family that might decrease it. Due to the contradictory incentives of wife and husband, the final effect of Mahr on the divorce is not theoretically predictable. However, it seems that if the wife is not inclined to exchange part or whole of her Mahr for divorce and custody rights (which are given to the husband by default), then domestic violence might increase in the divorce process.

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    1 (69)
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Cognitive structures form one’ s appraisals of their relationships. Spouse's family play an important role in the quality of marital relationships in Iran. The present study examines some of these cognitions, namely the standards from the perspective of Iranian parents about the desired in-law, with the approach of interpretive phenomenology. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews were conducted with20 parents with at least one in-law. The mean ages of mothers and fathers were 57/5 and 58/5 years, respectively. Data were analyzed by Klaizi method. four themes were, Desirable characteristics of the couple and relationnship with the spouse and communication with the spouse's family, desirable family characteristics and desirable individual capabilities. Reasons for standards include facilitating a good relationship between the spouse and the child, facilitating a good relationship between the family and the spouse, and between the grandchild and the spouse. The way parents' standards refer to themes are dual strategies of fulfilling standards before marriage and dual strategies of responding to nonfulfillment of standards after marriage. The essence of standards is maintaining family Period.

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    1 (69)
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The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of marital life enrichment training based on two approaches of choice theory and Guttman on forgiveness in women in marital life. The study population consisted of married women with marital problems who were referred to Tasnim Counseling Center in Shoush in 2019, from which 60 people were selected by available sampling method and randomly assigned to three equal groups. The first group received 9 sessions of marital enrichment based on choice theory and the second group 8 sessions of marital enrichment based on Gottman theory. the control group completed the forgivenessquestionnaire in both pre-test and post-test stages and did not conduct any training. Subjects completed the Ray’ s forgiveness questionnaire in the pre-test and post-test stages. For data analysis, repeated measures analysis of variance and Bonferroni post hoc test were used. The findings showed that marital enrichment based on choice theory is more effective. Also, the results of Bonferroni post hoc test showed that the effectiveness of marital enrichment training of both methods is effective on forgiveness and the choice theory has a higher durability.

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  • Volume: 

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    1 (69)
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Having a family member with a chronic illness affects relationships, roles, hierarchies, and the family system in general, and challenges the family to manage and adapt to the new circumstances. The purpose of this review of the research literature is to identify the issues that the family faces in managing a member's chronic illness. For this purpose, a systematic review was conducted to review articles public-shed in Persian and English in domestic and foreign journals since 2014 (Dey 1392) in the databases of SID, Magiran, Google Scholar, APA Psycnet, Cochrane Library, Science Direct and PubMed. 15 studies were selected and reviewed. The results showed that thestudies enumerated the specific issues of chronic illness manage-ment in the family, in the form of several topics, which are: motivation of family members in patient care, the effects of the illness on the family, family needs in the face of chronic illness and how to cope with chronic illness. Awareness of these issues will help professionals provide support and design appropriate interve-ntions for these families and guide future research.

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KHATIBI A. | Alikhanipur a.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (69)
  • Pages: 

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The main purpose of this study is to examine the social factors and the perception of positive consequences after divorce on consensual divorce from the perspective of divorce applicants. Its method was descriptive-analytical and hybrid data collection technique were used. First, a semi-structured interview technique was usedand 20 people were selected by purposive sampling to participate in the interview and identify the components. Then 329 people were selected by simple random sampling anda researcher-made questionnaire based on the components was administered among them. The reliability of the questionnaire variables was 0. 730. In-depth interview findings showed that exemption from military service for the son and receiving the life insurance of the deceased father and immigration were the most likely informational and normative identity styles (p<. 01). Perceived family function had a significant negative association with diffuse/avoidant identity style (p<. 01). The results of path analysis showed that ego had a mediating role in the relationships between perceived family functioning and informational identity style. According to the results of the present study, it can be concluded that the relationship between family function and identity styles is not a simple linear one. This is partly mediated by some personality characteristics such as ego.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (69)
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This study is aims to present the causal model of the effect of perceptions of parenting styles on motivational orientations with regard to the mediating role of the function of thinking styles. The research method was correlation of the path type analysis. 352 people were selected by stratified random sampling from undergradduate students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, who answered the questionaires of Baumrind parenting styles, Sternberg and Wagner thinking styles and the academic motivation scale of Vallerand et al. Data analysis was performed by path analysis by AMOS software. The results showed that authoritative and permissive parenting styles have a positive and negative effect on internal motivation, respectively; but authoritarian style had no direct effect on intrinsic motivation. Parenting styles did not have a direct effect on external motivation; but among parenting styles, only authoritarian style had a positive effect on amotivation. Executive thinking style had a positive and significant effect on internal and external motivation. Authoritative parenting style mediated by executive thinking style can increase students' internal and external academic motivation. Therefore, the tendency of families to have an authoritative educational style influences the choice of children's thinking style and internalization of academic motivation.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (69)
  • Pages: 

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The aim of this research Is to predict Internet addiction based on parental affection and social skills considering the mediating role of loneliness in ninth grade students in Yazd. The population of the research included all ninth grade students in Yazd in the academic year of 2018. using cluster sampling 260 were selected. Yang's Internet Addiction Questionnaire, Buri's Parental affection, Inderbitzens' Social Skills and Dehsiri's Loneliness were filled out by participants. data were analyzed using SPSS 16 software and Amos21. Results showed that loneliness has a significant mediating role in the relationship between parental nurturanceand Internet addiction, but in the relationship between social skills and Internet addiction, the mediating role of loneliness was not significant. Also, internet addiction and loneliness in boys were significantly higher than girls and social skills in girls were significantly higher than boys, but no significant difference was observed between girls and boys in parental affection. Therefore, through parental affection and increasing social skills, as well as mitigating students' sense of loneliness, Internet addiction can be prevented to some extent.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (69)
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The aim of this study is to design and validate an excellent parenting program to create peace and reduce challenge in families of children suffering from hearing loss. The research deals with basic knowledge in the field and its methodology is data collection and is of a quantitative nature. The first two steps were performed by content analysis method, the next three steps were performed using the Grounded Theory method and the next steps were performed by Delphi method. The statistical population included specialists in psychology and education of children suffering from hearing loss, teachers of preschool children with hearing loss and mothers of children suffering from hearing loss. The statistical sample included five specialists, five teachers and fifteen mothers. The program validation process was done in eight steps: reviewing the theoretical foundations of the program, reviewing the background and existing programs, determining the goals and content of the program, needs assessment and interview with the target group, designning program content, validating, reviewing and finalizing the program, and explaining program validation. The primary program was designed based on theoretical foundations and backgrounds. Then, the challenges of raising preschool children suffering from hearing loss were identified and 14 selective codes and 51 axial codes were obtained. Primary program and interview results were used to design an excellent parenting program, which was done in three rounds based on the Delphi approach. Then, the examiner triangulation, percentage agreement andLawshe methods were used to determine validity, reliability and content validity index of the program, respectively. Therefore, an effective parenting program was designed in thirteen sessions. The reliability of the program was obtained by the percentage agreement method equal to 96% and its content validity index was equal to 0. 97. According to the findings, an excellent parenting program has a high validity and reliability to create peace and reduce challenge in families of children suffering from hearing loss.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (69)
  • Pages: 

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The purpose of this study is to explain model of coronavirus anxiety based on parental distress, Hope for the future and obsessive behaviors mediated by fear of death. This study is applied in terms of purpose and the method of data collection was descriptive correlation. Statistical population of this study included parents of children and adolescents living in central and southern regions of Tehran. Sample of the study was 231 people who participated in the research by two stages of cluster and available sampling and through the internet. Data collection instruments included Alipour et al. coronavirus Anxiety Questionnaire (2020), Abidin Parenting Distress Questionnaire (1995), Snyder Hope Questionnaire (1991), Researcher-Made Obsessive Behaviors Questionnaire, and Templer Fear of Death Questionnaire (1970). Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and path analysis using SPSS and AMOS software. Results showed that modified research model is a good fit after removing the variable of future hope (GFI=0. 99). Obsessive behaviors have a significant direct and indirect effect on coronavirusanxiety (p<0. 01). Parental distress also has a significant indirect effect on corona anxiety (p<0. 05). Considering the relationship between coronavirus anxiety with obsessive behaviors and parental distress, interventions for parents during and post-corona outbreaks with the aim of reducing psychological harm is essential.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (69)
  • Pages: 

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The aim of this study is to determine the relationship and predictive contribution of sense of meaning in life and sense of coherence in post-traumatic growth in re--covered married people from COVID-19inIlam. The design of the present study was quantitative, cross-sectional and correla-tional, in which the relationship and prediction of the dependent variable (post-traumatic growth) was determined based on independent variables (sense of me-aning in life and sense of cohesion). The statistical population of the present study included all patients with coronary heart disease (5000 people) in Ilam city who were discharged from Mostafa Khomeini Hospital in Region 4 (Ilam). The sample of this study was determined based on the number of statistical population; in this way, first the population size was determined and then according to Morgan table, the sample size (350 people) was calculated and 198 were male and 152 were female. The sampling method was random. Data were collected based on the Meaning of Life Questionnaire by Estger and Oishi (2004), the Antonovsky Cohe-rence Questionnaire (1993) and the Tede-schi Vacalon Post-Traumatic Developm-ent Questionnaire (1996). The results showed that the sense of meaning in life and the sense of cohesion significantly predict posttraumatic growth. This means that the higher the sense of meaning in life and the sense of cohesion in those who have recovered from COVID-19, the more post-traumatic growth they experienced (p<0. 05). Based on these results, it can be said that strengthening the sense of meaning in life and the sense of cohesion in people with coronavirus can be considered as an important item for the possibility of tolerating this disease, as well as changes and positive growth after it.

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