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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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AIMS: The Covid-19 epidemy has become a serious threat and challenge to all people of the world. Due to the new and unknown nature of this disease, many scientific products have been published in this field in recent months. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to review the COVID-19 scientific publications by Iranian researchers in 2020 to identify the current situation. MATERIALS & METHODS: This applied research was carried out using scientometric methods and analytical approach. All Covid-19 scientific publications by Iranian researchers were extracted from the Scopus citation database between January 2020 and January 2021, using an appropriate search strategy. Excel and VOSViewer software were used for analysis. FINDINGS: In 2020, 2108 COVID-19 scientific publications have been published in the Scopus citation database. 45. 35% of publications are related to articles, 24. 09% are related to letters, 22. 53% are related to review and other types of publications. The highest level of international cooperation of Iranian researchers has been with researchers from the United States, Italy and the United Kingdom. The most publications have been in the fields of medicine, immunology and microbiology and biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology. Also, the main thematic clusters of these publications have included research related to testing and diagnosis, treatment, prevention and health. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study show the one-year status of the COVID-19 scientific publications in Iran to assist and guide researchers and policymakers. It has also identified various aspects of research in this field in Iran.

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AIMS: One of the effective ways to control weight is to use regular exercise and herbal supplements. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of spirulina supplementation, and CRTon plasma levels of resistin, and some indicators of body composition of overweight and obese police officers. MATERIALS & METHODS: The present study was a single-blind, semiexperimental, and applied study. For this purpose, 60 overweight and obese men with a body mass index of more than 25 (kg/m2), and with an age range of 30 to 55 years were purposefully selected, and randomly divided into four groups: training + spirulina, training + placebo, spirulina, and Placebos. The intervention and placebo groups took two 500 mg spirulina, and placebo capsules daily for eight weeks, respectively. CRT were performed for eight weeks, three sessions per week. resistin levels, and some body composition indices were measured before and after exercise. FINDINGS: There was a significant difference in body weight between groups (p<0. 05). In the intragroup study, the values of resistin in the training + spirulina group, body weight, and body mass index in the training + spirulina, training + placebo, and spirulina groups fat percentage, waist-to-hip ratio in the training + spirulina, and training + placebo groups decreased significantly (P<0. 05). CONCLUSION: It seems that spirulina supplementation combined with CRT by reducing the plasma levels of resistin, and some indicators of body composition, can be effective in weight loss, obesity, and cardiovascular health.

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AIMS: Many people around the world, especially soldiers and military personnel who require a lot of physical activity to perform combat tasks, face with musculoskeletal injuries. To automatically diagnose musculoskeletal disorders in the medical images, the first step is to segment the bones and the muscles in these images. The aim of this study is an automatically segmentation of bones and skeletal muscles in the medical images. MATERIALS & METHODS: Various medical imaging methods such as CT scan can be used to obtain images of different parts of the body for identification and assessment of injuries and diseases. In this research, 1200 CT-Scan images from NAJA staff were used to segment muscles and bones. These datasets were taken from the imaging center of Hazrat Vali-e-Asr Hospital. There are different image processing algorithms for medical image segmentation. In this study, the fuzzy clustering algorithm was used. In the proposed method, depending on the anatomical position of the slices and the presence of dense or spongy bone in the slices, a different number of classes were defined for the fuzzy algorithm according to the image brightness histogram. There was one intensity class for the muscles in all slices. FINDINGS: The results of muscles and bones segmentation are shown in 2D and 3D. Two and Three-dimensional segmentation allows the observation and assessment of broken bones and changes in muscles volume due to various injuries and during treatment. CONCLUSION: The use of different medical image processing methods for automatic musculoskeletal segmentation in these images can help physicians in diagnosing and evaluating the healing process of musculoskeletal injuries among military personnel.

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AIMS: The aim of this study was to evaluate the security of water facilities in Hashtgerd with a passive defense approach. MATERIALS & METHODS: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study that was conducted in 2020 in Hashtgerd city of Alborz province. The assessment of the degree observance of passive defense principles was performed by completing the checklists for each of the drinking water facilities by field visits, observation, and interviews, review of necessary documents as well as consulting and polling the head of operation and ABFA experts' opinions. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. FINDINGS: The overall situation of the passive defense principles observance in the Hashtgerd city water facilities was evaluated at a moderate level. The Well N. 3 with the lowest mean score (55. 31%) was at the weak level and well N. 1 with the highest mean score (71. 67%) was at the average level. In the overall evaluation of the observance level of passive defense principles, the site selection and safety against fire and early warning with the highest score (78. 12 and 77. 63%) were evaluated at the average level and the principle of dispersion, camouflage and concealment with the lowest score (48. 39%) were evaluated at a poor level. CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed that the serious attention of officials and the implementation of necessary reforms in water facilities to reach the desired level, increasing visits and field monitoring in various ways and holding training courses with a passive defense approach for employees is necessary.

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AIMS: The psychological ability of nurses on the one hand increases the mental strength of individuals to cope with stressful situations and on the other hand controls many factors that cause job stress. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the psychological factors and its effect on the ability of nurses. MATERIALS & METHODS: The present study was a mixed type (qualitativequantitative) and phenomenological strategy conducted in Al-Ghadir Hospital in Tabriz in 2019. The statistical population of the qualitative part of the study consisted of 15 nurses and the statistical population of the quantitative part of the study consisted of 89 nurses of Al-Ghadir Naja Hospital. Sampling was done by simple random method. The tool used to record the data was a questionnaire that was done in Smart PLS software environment and by survey method with hidden content analysis technique. FINDINGS: The findings of open and axial coding showed that the psychological factors affecting the ability of NAJA nurses are in the four areas of self-reliance, shyness, mutual trust and legal awareness. Also, the results of the path test showed that self-reliance has a path coefficient of 0. 862, camaraderie has a path coefficient of 0. 752, mutual trust has a path coefficient of 0. 734 and legal awareness has a path coefficient of 0. 948. CONCLUSION: Policymakers and managers of the health system should pay attention to the empowerment of nurses who make up the majority of the hospital staff and provide components that improve psychological factors and thus the empowerment of hospital nursing staff.

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AIMS: This study aimed to determine the pattern of structural relations of predicting craving based onchildhood maltreatment, negative emotionality and impulsivity with the mediating role of behavioral emotion regulation. MATERIALS & METHODS: The method of this study was descriptive-correlational. The whole people with substance dependence referring to Ardabil centers of addiction treatment in the second half of 2019 comprised statistical population of this research. Two hundred and twenty people were selected through multistage random cluster sampling and were asked to respond to questionnaires of childhood maltreatment, negative emotionality, Impulsivity, behavioral regulation of emotion and also craving. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical indicators, Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling using SPSS 25 and Lisrel 8. 8 software. FINDINGS: The final results of the structural equation model indicated that the pattern of predicting craving based on childhood abuse, negative and impulsive excitability is confirmed by the mediating role of positive and negative behavioral regulation of emotion (except the relation of impulsive with craving). The goodness-of-fit indices of RMSEA, CFI, PNFI, and IFI indicated the good fit of the proposed model and its conformity with the experimental data. CONCLUSION: These results showed that childhood maltreatment, negative emotionality and impulsivity, in adition to direct effect on craving, can effect indirectly it via dysfunction in beharioral emotion dysregulation and can be barrier to treatment of substance use, the findings can be applied to design the intervension for substance use.

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AIMS: The aim of this study is to present a conceptual model of criminal cognitiveperceptual structures in cybercriminals based on their life story analysis. These structures refer to the choices of the individual, and in the case of criminals, the decision to commit a crime is influenced by these thoughts and their values. MATERIALS & METHODS: This study was a qualitative study using life narrative analysis with a pluralistic approach. The statistical population consisted of 23 cybercriminals arrested by FATA Police in 2018 and 2019. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data and McAdams (2001) narrative analysis interview was used to collect individuals' life narratives. Data analysis was performed according to Strauss and Corbin coding instructions. FINDINGS: In the studied cybercriminals, cognitive-perceptual structures in different psychological domains, coping styles, insight, identity style, defense mechanisms to justify crime on criminal attitudes as the main causes of occurrence were found to be effective in occurring and maintaining criminal behavior. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study showed that maladaptive cognitiveperceptual structures can exist that may not even cross the threshold of mental illness, but affect guilt and create or perpetuate criminal behavior. Criminals have a special kind of thinking by which they formulate and interpret the thoughts and perceptions they have of their environment and thereby give them meaning.

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AIMS: Cycle of motivation-lifelong learning of police students is affected by specific pattern of relations among various factors of individual, educational, social and organizational. MATERIALS & METHODS: The statistical population of the study included police students with a grade point average of 19 and academic motivation, 16 of whom were purposefully selected as a sample until reaching the stage of data saturation. This research was performed in 2018 in Amin Police University using qualitative method of framework analysis and coding for data analysis. FINDINGS: Data analysis using coding showed that the individual factors had been consisted of 14 themes and classified in three comprehensive concepts of "brought of the person", "the crystallizer" and "strategies", instructional factors of 6 themes containing the professor and his purposeful activities, social factors of the 12 themes containing "career prospects" and "importance of education" and Organizational factors of 6 themes containing concepts of "climate" and "environment" and finally the model of effectiveness of these themes on cycle of motivation-learning designed in format of causal factors, conditions, context, strategy and output. CONCLUSION: University identity factors, which are divided into several sections: individual, educational, social and organizational, affect the individual's academic motivation, activate participation in learning, appropriate study approaches and metacognitive skills, and thus lead to lifelong learning and ensuring physical and psychological health.

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AIMS: Emotion regulation has obvious role in mental health and it is too important component in Policing. So the aim of this study was to compare emotion regulation among police university students and nonmilitary university students. MATERIALS & METHODS: This study is the descriptive and causal-comparative that done through field research. Data was collected through Emotion Regulation Difficulties Questionnaire (ERDQ). The population included all university students were studying at Police University and other universities in Tehran in 1395, of which 240 were selected as sample by systematic random sampling. To analyze the data, independent T test was used. FINDINGS: The findings of the present study showed that the mean and standard deviation of the scores of police university students in emotional regulation was (78. 65 and 19. 74, respectively) and the mean and standard deviation of scores of emotional regulation of nonmilitary students was (80. 35 and 19. 30, respectively). The score of police university students, except in the subscale of lack of emotional awareness, was lower than the average (2. 5) in all subscales. CONCLUSION: Based on the results of the present study, it seems that the emotional regulation of police university students is not significantly different from that of nonmilitary university students.

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