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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    1 (پیاپی 24)
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طبق رویکرد زبان شناسی شناختی، ساختار مفهومی ما ذاتا جسمی شده است و موضوع مهمی که در شناخت جسمی شده مطرح می شود این است که سیستم های ادراکی و حرکتی نقش بسیار مهمی بر روی عملکردهای عالی شناختی نظیر حافظه، تشخیص اشیاء، درک زبان و تصویرسازی ادراکی و حرکتی ایفاء می کنند. در همین راستا، طبق اطلاعات به دست آمده از مطالعات رفتاری و عصب شناختی مشخص شده است که یادآوری تجارب ادراکی منجر به فعال سازی ساختارهای ادراکی مشابه در مغز می شود. با این توضیح، پرسش مهمی که پیش می آید این است که آیا نقص در مهارت ادراک دیداری بر شبیه سازی ادراکی حین پردازش زبان اثرگذار است یا خیر. پژوهش حاضر سعی دارد تا با استفاده از آزمون جفت کردن تصویر با جمله، پاسخ این پرسش را پیدا کند و به بررسی این موضوع بپردازد که تا چه میزان کودکان مبتلا به اختلال ویژه خواندن قادرند مفاهیم ادراکی (شکل و جهت) که به صورت ضمنی در جمله مطرح شده اند را شبیه سازی کنند. بدین منظور 17 کودک 8 تا 13 ساله مبتلا به اختلال ویژه خواندن و 17 کودک 8 تا 13 ساله طبیعی در شهر شیراز مورد مقایسه قرار گرفتند. یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهد تفاوت معناداری در آزمون شبیه سازی ادراکی میان دو گروه وجود دارد و کودکان مبتلا به اختلال خواندن کمتر قادر به فعال سازی شبیه سازی ادراکی هستند و به درستی نمی توانند تفاوت میان تصاویر همخوان با ناهمخوان را تشخیص دهند. نتایج به دست آمده بیانگر آن است که تجارب جسمی شده نقش بسیار مهمی در پردازش زبان ایفا می کند و نقص در مهارت ادراک دیداری می تواند تاثیر منفی بر فعال سازی شبیه سازی ادراکی داشته باشد که این موضوع تاییدکننده ماهیت جسمی شده زبان و ارتباط میان زبان با دیگر مهارت های شناختی است.

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    1 (24)
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One controversial issue in embodied cognition is that lower cognitive abilities (e. g. perception) influence higher cognitive abilities (e. g. language). In particular, with regard to this idea, several studies have shown that visual perception and visual imagery share common neural representations. However, it is an open question whether visual perception deficit could influence perceptual simulation during language comprehension. To clarify this issue we carried out a behavioral experiment, using sentence-picture verification task to examine the extent to which children with developmental dyslexia can simulate the shape and orientation of an object implicitly described in the sentence. Seventeen children aged between 8 and 13 years with dyslexia and 17 age-matched control subjects participated in this study. Data analyses showed a significant difference between two groups and revealed that in the typically developed group reaction time for matching condition was faster than mismatching condition, whereas children with dyslexia were less able to distinguish between two conditions. The results showed that perceptual experiences can modify the subsequent processing of perceptual (visual) imagery and also suggest that visual perception and visualization during language processing share common representations. In addition, the finding highlights the influence of visual perception on language comprehension.

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    1 (24)
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While most new Iranian languages do not have a separate construction to express the future time, Jowshaqani a central Iranian language in northern Isfahan shows a triple construction for future time: a near future referring to immediate future and future certainty, a distant future referring to remote future and future possibility, which is also used for optative and irrealis, as well as a construction for a future imperative. Apart from describing the forms and uses of the future, this article also examines the historical evolution of the future construction in Jowshaqani, and how the new uses are developed for the older ones. The study of the form and function of the future tense in Jowshaqani shows that the new uses of the future tense has as optative, irrealis, and imperative meanings which can be analyzedin terms of the relation of the future tense with modality. For expressing near future, the aspect has been aWhile most new Iranian languages do not have a separate construction to express the future time, Jowshaqani a central Iranian language in northern Isfahan shows a triple construction for future time: a near future referring to immediate future and future certainty, a distant future referring to remote future and future possibility, which is also used for optative and irrealis, as well as a construction for a future imperative. Apart from describing the forms and uses of the future, this article also examines the historical evolution of the future construction in Jowshaqani, and how the new uses are developed for the older ones. The study of the form and function of the future tense in Jowshaqani shows that the new uses of the future tense has as optative, irrealis, and imperative meanings which can be analyzedin terms of the relation of the future tense with modality. For expressing near future, the aspect has been an important factor in the development of such a near future construction.n important factor in the development of such a near future construction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (24)
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This study aimed to investigate the intonation pattern of Kashani utterances with broad, narrow, and contrastive focuses on different syntactic structures, which were obtained by changing the order of verbs, subjects, and objects. Our data included 4 sentences produced in 3 syntactic structures with a broad focus, 1 syntactic structure with a narrow focus, and 1 syntactic structure with a contrastive focus produced by 16 speakers (8 males and 8 females) from Kashan City. The data were recorded in an anechoic chamber with the sampling frequency of 22050 Hz. A total of 320 utterances (4 sentences × 5 cases × 16 speakers) were annotated in the 2 tiers of tone and phone by using Praat software. The fundamental frequency (F0) of each word was measured at 5 intervals. After the average value of F0 was calculated for each word, their pitch contours were drawn. The results showed that the pitch contours of unmarked Kashani utterances followed a falling pattern. Moreover, the pitch contours were sensitive to the position of each verb as the sentence nucleus. "Verb" was the last constituent that received the pitch accent in a sentence, while it de-accented the constituents coming after it. Finally, the focal constituents appeared at the end of the sentences with narrow or contrastive focuses. These constituents had high prominence and amplitude compared to the other constituents in the sentences. In addition, alignment of the accent peaks in all the accented syllables corresponded to the vowels of the next syllables. The results of this research could be helpful in understanding the typologies of languages and dialects and identifying speakers of varied dialects.

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    1 (24)
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The present paper is a semantic survey of prepositions "/barā yē / and /tā /. The aim of study is to identify schematic meaning of the mentioned prepositions with a diachronic view in order to investigate semasiological changes of meaning as a result of their secondary grammaticalization. To achieve this goal, the meanings of each of the prepositions were gathered from Sokhan and Dehkhoda dictionaries. After analyzing prepositions' meanings, associative image schemas with the meanings have been mentioned. Prototypical and peripheral meanings of prepositions have been determined using Evan and Tyler's (2003) suggested method. After proving polysemy of the mentioned prepositions; semantic network of each preposition; is drawn. Finally, polysemy of the investigated prepositions has been explained with regard to imagery schemas as the result of secondary grammaticalization. The innovative aspect of this research is that the polysemy and secondary grammaticalization of prepositions had not been studied with regard to conceptual schemas associated with their semantic functions before.

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    1 (24)
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The main issue addressed in the present study was the psycholinguistic reality of representational complexities of tenses in Persian compared to English language. The cross-modal lexical decision method was used to examine relative tense processing during sentence processing. The theoretical frameworks applied here were those of Comrie (1985) and Shapiro (1990) dealt with linguistically and psycholinguistically, respectively. The dependent and independent variables were the participants’ reaction times and the type of tense, respectively. 25 university students aged 18-30 years were selected based on some specific factors like gender and university grade. The results of the 1st experiment showed that simple sentences, including factual scientific present and future tense verbs, as well as performatives, were processed faster than those containing other tenses. This was the result of either common experiences of human beings or instantaneous verbs uttered by them. The results of the 2nd experiment revealed that simple sentences containing non-finite relative tense verbs were processed slower than those having other tenses like present perfect, past perfect, and subjunctives. This might be related to the un-markedness of non-finites. What was common in these two experiments was that converting simple sentences into complex ones would erase the significant differences in the participants’ times of reaction to the simple sentences. The findings of this research demonstrated that cognitive load could be used in the curriculum design for non-native learners of Persian language so that learning the tenses that needed a much more cognitive load could be postponed in the learning process.

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REZAEI VALI | Makaremi Zhaleh

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  • Issue: 

    1 (24)
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Aspect refers to different ways of viewing the internal temporal constituency of a situation. It is divided into grammatical and lexical aspects. The focus of “ grammatical aspect” is on the event being completed, in progress, or prospective, while in “ lexical aspect” , such characteristics as dynamicity, duration, and telicity are considered based on the inherent meaning of the verb. Predicates referring to future are usually different from those denoting past or present; the events related to the past have happened, those related to the present are in progress, and a prospective event refers to the possibility of its occurrence in future, thus being neither true nor false at the moment of speaking. Speakers talk about the events related to future in various syntactic and morphological forms with different degrees of certainty. The objective of this paper was to analyze the prospective aspect of Aktionsart in Persian based on a functional approach so as to determine which aspectual classes could be used in prospective aspect. The data were collected from the spoken and written sentences used in the websites, mass media, and daily conversations. Considering data showed that most state verbs, due to the non-agentivity of their subject, cannot denote prospective aspect, but in some cases context is determinative in representing prospectivity. The distinction between progression and prospective aspect in activity verbs is mostly context-dependent. Progression in achievement verbs usually refers to the events that will happen imminently, while the possibility of the event to happen imminently or distantly from the present moment can be represented in accomplishments with regard to the context. Therefore, perfective, imperfective, and perfect aspects could represent prospective aspect of Aktionsart in Persian regarding some contextual characteristics.

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    1 (24)
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In our ordinary and everyday speech and in the informal and colloquial contexts in general, we encounter the use of constructions, in which two verbs appear in a “ verb-verb” situation, thus making a complex predicate construction, such as "keš id bordeš ", "gereft xabid", and "daram miravam". All these three constructions have a common feature of adjacency of verbs, in which one verb has a matrix function and the other has a dependent function. Thus, in the present study, they were studied under the title of "adjacent verbs". The authors believed that the “ Role and Reference Grammar (RRG)” would provide a useful theoretical framework for better understanding of the “ construction of adjacent verbs” . In RRG, all linguistic constructions are explained in three dimensions: syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic (focus structure). Accordingly, in the present paper, we first classified the different types of adjacent verbs and then discussed their features. It starts by identifying the syntactic, semantic, and focus structure representations will be discussed and then, the constructional scheme of adjacent verbs in Persian will be represented.

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