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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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هدف تحقیق حاضر، بررسی اثربخشی روش تدریس جیگ ساو بر خودکارآمدی ریاضی و اضطراب ریاضی در درس آمار و مدل سازی در بین دانش آموزان علوم انسانی دوره دوم متوسطه می باشد. روش تحقیق از نوع آزمایشی با پیش آزمون و پس آزمون همراه با گروه شاهد، و جامعه آماری نیز شامل کلیه دانش آموزان دختر شاخه علوم انسانی مقطع دوم متوسطه در شهرستان ارومیه می باشد. به منظور اجرای پژوهش، ابتدا به روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای چند مرحله ای، یک کلاس 36 نفری انتخاب، و به صورت تصادفی اعضای آن به دو گروه آزمایش و گواه گمارده شدند با انجام پیش آزمون برای هر دو گروه، تدریس مباحثی از کتاب آمار و مدل سازی برای گروه کنترل به صورت سنتی توسط معلم مربوطه، و برای گروه آزمایش توسط محقق صورت گرفت. بعد از اتمام ده جلسه آموزش، مجددا دو ابزار ذیل به عنوان پس آزمون، روی افراد گروه نمونه اجرا شد. برای اندازه گیری متغیرها، از مقیاس خودکارآمدی ریاضی قنبرزاده علمداری و مقیاس اضطراب ریاضی پلیک و پاکر استفاده شد. جهت تحلیل داده ها از روش های آماری تحلیل کوواریانس تک عاملی (آنکوا) و چند متغیری (مانکوا) استفاده گردید. نتایج نشان داد که روش تدریس یادگیری مشارکتی از نوع جیگ ساو بر خودکارآمدی ریاضی و کاهش اضطراب ریاضی در بین دانش آموزان موثر است .

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The aim of this study was to determine the predictive role of Behavioral Inhibition/Activation System (BIS/BAS) and dispositional mindfulness on the quality of life of middle school bright children. In a descriptive-correlational, cross-sectional and retrospective study, 120 bright students from middle schools for talented students in Tabriz, were selected by simple random sampling. Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS), Quality of Life Scale, Behavioral Inhibition/Activation System and Raven' s Progressive Matrices were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed by using Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression analysis. The results showed that the quality of life had a significant relationship (p<.01) with behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation system as well as dispositional mindfulness (observing, acting with awareness and non-judgment, and acceptance of experiences).29% of the variance in the quality of life was explained by the research variables.12% of the variance was explained by the BIS and BAS and 17% by observing, acting with awareness and non-judgment, and acceptance of experiences. According to the results, it can be concluded that brain/behavioral systems and dispositional mindfulness are essential determinants of the quality of life in the talented students.

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The present study aims at investigating the influence of social skills training on motivation and educational progress of high school students of Tehran. Among all second grade high school female students of Tehran (DISTRICT 18) studying in the academic year of 2014-2015, 30 students were randomly selected and classified into two groups of experimental and control through quasi-experimental methodology and pre- and posttests. First, the progress motivation questionnaire of Hermess was run on two groups, and the average of their first semester was identified. Then, the program of social skills training was administered on the experimental group through 8 one-hour sessions while the control group received no training program. Finally, the progress motivation questionnaire of Hermess was readministered and the average of the second semester was identified and compared. In order to analyze the data, we made use of Covariance Analysis (ANCOVA). As indicated by the results of the study, motivation and educational progress were high among experimental group receiving social skills training compared to the control group. The results of the present study can be applied for improving educational progress and motivation of students. All educational activities aiming at improving the progress motivation and educational progress of the students can be significantly increased through social skills training.

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The aim of this study was to determine the role of religious commitment and cultural intelligence in the identity of students. The population of this study was all the first junior high school students in Ardabil. Through cluster random sampling, 180 students were selected as the sample. For data collection, we used aspects of identity, religious commitment and cultural intelligence questionnaires. To analyze the data, we applied descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and structural equation modeling by the help of SPSS and LISREL. The results showed that there was a significant positive relationship between religious commitment and cultural intelligence and aspects of identity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of critical thinking training on problem solving (efficient and inefficient) of students. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design and a control group. The population included all first grade high school students of District Two in Ardabil during 2015-2016 academic year. By using random cluster sampling, 60 students were selected and randomly assigned to the experimental group (30 individuals) and control group (30 individuals). The experimental group received 6 sessions of critical thinking training program. Dzorila, Nezoo & Mead-Olivers (2000) social problem solving inventory was used to collect the data. The data were analyzed by multivariate covariance. The results indicated that the research hypothesis of the effect of critical thinking training on problem solving of students was verified. So, the average post-test scores of the students in the experimental group compared to the control group was significantly high in the efficient problem solving style (positive orientation to problem and rational style of problem solving) and less in the inefficient problem solving style (negative orientation to problem solving, avoidance style and impulsive style of problem solving). Therefore, we can conclude that critical thinking training has a significant effect on improving efficient problem solving style of students.

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Given that insomnia has an effect on the mental health of students, the present study aimed to develop a constructing model of mindfulness and quality of sleep by the mediation of psychological well-being. The study is descriptive/correlational and uses structural equation modeling. The population consisted of high school students in Delfan city during 2013-2014. For this purpose, 241 students were selected by using a multi-stage cluster sampling. To collect the data, we used 5-dimensional Mindfulness Questionnaire, Psychological Well-being Questionnaire, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The data were analyzed by Amos using path analysis. The results showed that the model had a good fit after a series of modifications. Further, they revealed the mindfulness effect on psychological well-being and the effect of psychological well-being on quality of sleep. Moreover, psychological well-being was the mediator between mindfulness and quality of sleep. This study is an important step toward understanding the important factors affecting sleep quality and developing research on modeling.

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The aim of the present correlational study was to investigate the role of moral intelligence and risk perception in predicting students’ academic burnout and procrastination. The population was all high school students who were studying in the first semester of 1394-1395 in Qorveh high schools. The sample included 120 students who were selected by convenience sampling and academic burnout questionnaire, procrastination questionnaire, moral intelligence questionnaire, and cognitive evaluation of high-risk events were used to collect data. Pearson correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The results of regression analysis showed that moral intelligence and risk perception explained 79.4% of the procrastination variance and 48.5% of the academic burnout variance. F ratio also showed that the prediction of procrastination and academic burnout is significant (P=0.000). Therefore, paying attention to variables such as moral intelligence that is "critical intelligence" for all humans and combining knowledge, desire and determination is an important step in the prevention of academic burnout and students’ procrastination.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present research aims to examine the effect of training studying techniques including planning and time management, concentration and memory on academic achievement and achievement motivation among Iranian students living in Tajikistan. To this end, using experimental method and multi-group pre-test and post-test design, 60 students were put into three groups (2 experimental groups and 1 control group). Hermans achievement motivation questionnaire was filled by the participants in the three groups and their Grade Point Average for previous year was recorded, and the participants in experimental groups were trained for 10 sessions. After the intervention, Hermans achievement motivation questionnaire was filled by the participants and their new Grade Point Average was recorded. Ultimately, the data were analyzed via Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA). The results of statistical analysis indicated that training techniques of planning and time management did not affect students' academic achievement, yet they affected achievement motivation. Furthermore, training techniques of concentration and memory affected achievement motivation and academic achievement.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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