Tahere safarzade, as a modernist muslim poet and translator, is a famous woman in the field of religious resistance poem. Her works are the reflection of a period of religious and religious-national intellectual's lifetime from the decade 30 (solar calendar) on ward. The examination and analysis of effective factors and different dimensions of her poem and opinions can make clear a part of contemporary literature, especially religious resistance poem.Safarzade is a poet that under the influence of different factors, has traversed poetic and ideational evolution from the stage of ancient new perception (Neo classism) ism till modern poetic insight (i. e. the stage of romantic poem, blank verse concrete poem, social and religious poem). She has covered three different poetic period and since decade 50, she was a very successful character as a modernist muslim woman.The most effective factors on her life, poem and opinion can be divided into two main parts: interior social, political and cultural factors, and etternal social, political and cultural factors. The Main etternal factors are her travel to west and the study of European literary and ideational schools, being familiar with liberated movements of nations, proficiency in English and publication of her works in the United State and Europe. Exterior factors are political and social affairs, national-religious parties' fights like Jun 5th uprising, Siyahkol movement and Iran revolution, and also contemplation in Qran and religious texts.In this research, The writer has tried to point to the most effective factors on Taherzade's life, poem and opinion by using criticism and ideas about her life, poem and opinion through analysis, classification and comparison and examination of her poems and interviews.