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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objective: Test anxiety as a major problem in teaching affects millions of students around the world and causes a drop in their academic performance. The effective factor in reducing anxiety is religious beliefs. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of Tavasol prayer on reducing test anxiety of students in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences.Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study with a pre-and post-test design was conducted on 70 new registered nursing students of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in 2013. Data was collected by demographic information and Spielberg questionnaires. After giving an initial test to 70 students, 39 of them were identified with high anxiety and were divided into experimental (n=19) and control (n=20) groups randomly. For the intervention group, about 15 minutes audio file of Tavasol prayer was broadcast through a loudspeaker 30 minutes before the test. Immediately and 15 minutes later, students’ anxiety of both groups was assessed again. The control group didn’t hear audio file. Data was analyzed by SPSS19 software using paired and independent t-test, Chi-square and Pearson correlation tests.Results: The mean of pre-test anxiety score in the intervention group (44.26±2.43) compared with the control group (42.20±2.27) showed no significant difference (P=0.09). But the mean of anxiety score after the first post-test (34.73±1.45) and 15 minutes later (31.74±1.45) showed a significant decrease in anxiety level of the experimental group (P=0.001). In the control group, after the first post-test (31.05±0.82) and 15 minutes later (28.80±0.53) no significant difference was observed (P=0.99).Conclusion: The results showed positive effect of Tavasol prayer on reducing students’ test anxiety; therefore, this prayer as a low-cost and simple method is suggested for students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Nowadays, E-learning is one of the most advanced educational techniques. It is, therefore, important to identify aspects and related factors of e-learning among faculty members. This study used Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to examine factors related to using of e-learning method.Materials and Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was carried out on 200 faculty members of Hamadan who were recruited with a stratified sampling method. The data-gathering tool consisted of a questionnaire based on the TPB constructs and demographic variables whose reliability and validity were approved by the experts. Data were analyzed using t-test, One-way ANOVA and Logistic regression SPSS-16 software.Results: The subjects received 52.3%, 49.5% and 61.5% of the scores for attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control, respectively. Among our samples, 42.5% indicated that they have no intention to use e-learning in the future. Also, attitude and perceived behavioral control were the best predictors for behavioral intention in the theory of planned behavior.Conclusion: Results demonstrated the poor motivation of faculty members toward e-learning. Therefore, it is recommended to implement educational intervention using the theory of planned behavior with emphasis on attitude and perceived behavioral control as facilitators of the adoption of e-learning in further education programs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Following an increase in quality and quantity of Continuing Medical Education (CME) Programs, assessment of educational needs is a part of research priorities in Education Development Centers (EDC). Due to lack of studies in this field among dentists, we decide to evaluate dentists' opinion regarding quality and quantity of current Continuing Medical Education program.Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was done Among Zanjan province General Dentists.60 dentists filled the questionnaire regarding qualitative and quantitative assessment of Continuing Medical Education. The data was analyzed by SPSS 20.Results: This study was conducted on 64% male and 36% female dentists with the mean age of 41.49±7.49. 52.5% claimed that the most effective way to increase efficacy of these courses is to ask experienced instructors to teach the courses and also the best method of performance is patient based method. The main problem of the dentists attending courses was the long interval between the CME courses. Most of the dentists agreed to have 5-10 programs in a year. 59.8 percent of them agreed with virtual Internet- based continuing education programs. They also claimed that there is a reasonable balance between their educational needs and the programs.Conclusion: The acceptance of virtual programs among most of the dentist. It is recommended to have virtual programs based on their educational demands.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: In recent years, researchers and managers in many organizations, especially educational systems, have focused their attention on the concept of learner organization and organizational learning, which in turn has led to the creation of learning organization as one of the goals of educational systems. In this sense, it is noticeable that the country's universities have shifted towards becoming learning organizations. In relation to this, the present study was conducted to examine the characteristics of a learning organization at Zanjan University of Medical Sciences based on five factors of Peter Senge model including the capabilities of the individual, mental models, shared vision, team learning and system-based thinking.Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive survey with 360 individuals who were randomly selected from the staff and administrators of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences. The instrument for carrying out this study was a questionnaire with 25 items. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the reliability of this questionnaire and it was 0.795. In order to analyze the data, a uni-variated t-test and analysis by variance were used. For statistical analysis of data are used descriptive statistical indices such as mean, standard deviation and paired sample T tests.Results: In this research the total number of sample was 360 people that 87% were officer, 13% were manager. The results of this research showed that the mean difference of the case group was statistically significant for subscales: Team learning, Systemic approach, Mental models, Personal capabilities, Shared vision. (p£0.050).Conclusion: The findings of the study, -indicate that at Zanjan University of Medical Sciences there not a desirable learner organization concerning personal competence, mental models, shared vision, team learning and system-based thinking.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and objective: Clinical practice is considered a very important part of the nursing education. Effective and dynamic interactions among the students, Health care providers, instructors, and the clinical environment and its elements affect their professional development. This report is part of a major study that describes the final year experience of BSN student in the clinical environment.Materials and Methods: Through this qualitative study, the data was collected from 12 undergraduate nursing students in two large nursing and midwifery schools and two new graduate students. In-depth semistructured individual interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of participants during their clinical placements and after graduation. The data were analyzed using the Straussian version (1998) of grounded theory method.Results: Professional pride as one of the significant findings of study was evident in experiences of participating students in the final year of their study. Professional pride as one of the most important results of the seminal study consisted of three subcategories: professional adequacy, being accepted by others, and professional practice. This feeling initiated and developed through the last three semesters. Participants while acquiring individual capabilities and professional competencies, due to prolong presence in clinical environments had much more opportunities to interact and to make relationship with patients and health care members. In addition, they found that they must be ready to practice in workplace.Conclusion: Professional pride experienced by student nurses coincided with entering the Internship program. Revision of the philosophy, mission, and goals of the Internship program and make any modifications in execution of program in the clinical settings can result in positive effects on socialization and role transition of the student nurses. Recommendations to enhance the clinical experiences of student nurses in the final year of their study were outlined.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: The student's academic achievement is one of the most important indicators of the efficiency of higher education system. One of the issues raised about the student's academic achievement is the study of reasons for decreased desire to continue education. The aim of this study was to study the factors affecting decreased desire of students to continue higher education.Materials and Methods: This study was observational and cross-sectional in nature. It was conducted in the academic year of 2011-2012. The population of the study consisted of students in their final year of BS degree in School of Allied Health Sciences, Ahvaz Jondishapur University of Medical Sciences. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire which consists of three parts and 16 items. The questionnaire validity and reliability was confirmed. A five-point Likert scale was used to measure respondents' answers. Data were analyzed by SPSS (version 15) using descriptive statistics.Results: Among 276 students 56 cases (20.3 percent) had no desire to continue education. The highest score was related to radiotherapy students (30.4 percent) and lowest score was related to anesthesia students (9.1 percent). Study of different reasons for decreased desire to continue education showed the most important reason was employment and the labor market (mean 2.8) and family problems (mean 1.9) were mentioned as the least important reasons.Conclusions: Overall, it can be concluded that except for the reason of teachers and departments, other reasons were a cause of decreasing desire to continue higher education.

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Background and Objective: Assessing teaching and learning can improve the quality of education and educational evaluation. It can be used to determine achievement of the faculty. This study examines the views of Lorestan University of Medical Sciences faculty about the practices, processes and quality of teaching performance in 2013.Materials and methods: This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study. A questionnaire based on Likert 5 point scale was used. It consisted of three parts of the evaluation process (9 items), different methods of teacher evaluation (11 items) and evaluation criteria (24 items). All faculty members of Lorestan University of Medical Sciences studied 108 patients using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by SPSS 17 software.Results: 72.9% of teachers agreed with the assessment of teaching quality. 19.6% of teachers were satisfied with the current trends of teaching evaluation. 35.5% of teachers considered its impact on their teaching process inadequate. 43.3% of teachers considered it moderate. 41.9% deemed it necessary. The highest and lowest scores in teacher evaluation criteria were related to encouraging students to study and research and introduce them texts and educational pamphlets.Conclusion: The majority of teachers were agreed with teaching evaluation forms and stated that the quality of teaching evaluation forms is to some extent acceptable. It is suggested that educational authorities at various levels of training to draw a more detailed plan to improve education quality.

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Background and Objective: In today's world, entrepreneurial intentions may be a valuable strategy for creating employment and entrepreneurial thinking in higher education is equally important. The present research aimed at investigating the factors affected academic entrepreneurial intention among students of Shiraz Medical Sciences University.Materials and Methods: This paper is a descriptive-correlational study based on a practical purpose. The statistical group of the present research included all students of Faculty of Management and Information of Shiraz Medical Sciences University. The sample size was determined by Cochran formula. 170 students were randomly sampled. Field research and a combination of close questionnaires were used to collect data and the Likert five-option scale was used to measure all parts of the model.Results: Data were analyzed using path analysis. A total of 9 different variables included five predictor variables (subjective norms, social norms, entrepreneurial experience, entrepreneurial selfefficacy, and risk-taking) and three intermediate variables (perceived desirability, perceived possibility, and attitude) were considered.Conclusion: The results indicated that subjective norms, social norms, entrepreneurial self efficacy, entrepreneurial experience and propensity risk taking have significant effects on entrepreneurial intention indirectly through perceived desirability, perceived feasibility and attitude toward entrepreneurship variables.

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Background and objective: Critical thinking is an important aspect of the nursing profession and is considered particularly critical in clinical activity. However, it has not been given due attention. It seems that it is necessary to assess barriers tocritical thinking in nurses and nursing students. This study investigates the barriers to critical thinking skills by nurses, nursing educators and nursing students.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional was done on three groups of teachers, students and nurses. Sampling methods for teachers was census, but for students and nurses stratified randomization was used. We used a researcher-made tool whose validity and reliability was approved by a panel of experts and test-retest method respectively. We used descriptive and analytical statistics to analyze the data.Results: The comparison of individual, organizational and personality dimensions was made by One way ANOVA test and showed no significant difference between the three groups (p>0.05). However, this difference was significant in educational dimension (p<0.02). Tukey-test showed a difference between the students and nurses group (p=0.031).Conclusion: The use of critical thinking is undeniably necessary for patient care; therefore, its barriers must be removed. Learning critical thinking is not sufficient by itself; the barriers to it must also be removed.

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Background and objective: Nowadays, effective study is considered as an important element in social development and progress through which the public and especially university students gain a lot. The purpose of this research is to determine factors damaging useful study among students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (IUMS) in 2012.Materials and Methods: This is an applied survey research in which the data were collected by a researcher made questionnaire. Its validity and reliability were confirmed by library and information sciences specialists and Cronbach's Alpha (r=82.50) respectively. Statistical population consisted of all students in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences' and the number of samples was 374. Sampling method was random stratified sampling. Data were analyzed by descriptive (frequency distribution, mean…) and inferential (T-test, ANOVA and Tukey) statistics through SPSS software.Results: The findings showed that the mean score of damaging factors on useful study among students was 2.39±0.4981 that was less than average. The highest mean was lack of concentration at the time of study with the mean 3.33±1.217 and the lowest mean was walking at the time of study with mean 1.56+0.946. Also, relationship between student's gender, residency type and educational level was significant, but it was not the same in different colleges.Conclusions: The results showed that damaging factors affecting effective study among students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences were less than average. There were problems such as lack of concentration at the time of study, study without other people's help and lack of deep breathing at the time of study. Generally, all students and educational practitioners should pay special attention to factors affecting effective study.

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Background and objective: Undoubtedly, there are some factors acting as barriers or facilitator in spreading and employing the research findings. The present study aimed at determining nurses' opinions regarding barriers and facilitators of clinical application of research results in hospitals at Gonabad.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytic study, 147 nurses working in educational hospitals of Gonabad were studied. For gathering data, a three- part questionnaire (whose reliability and validity had already been confirmed) including demographic data, barriers and facilitators of application of clinical research was used. Data analysis was performed by SPSS 16 software using descriptive statistics, independent T-test and Variance Analysis, and pearson correlation coefficient formula.Results: Major barriers acknowledged by nurses were: shortage of facilities to use research results (81.1%), lack of collaboration and participation of physicians in applying nursing research (80.5%), lack of autonomy and authority to change therapeutic and care practices for patients by nurses (79.1%) and lack of nurses’ involvement in research (79.1%). Conducting in-service training courses on new research findings (95.1%), increasing managerial support (93%) and equipping hospital’s library with various academic journals and Internet access (90.9%) were considered the most important facilitators. There was a statistically significant difference between the total score of barriers and age, experience and nurse's shift work (P<0.05).Conclusion: According to the results of the study, it appears that providing necessary facilities, giving more authority to change the care strategies and creating a supportive environment may be a prerequisite for implementing research- based practice in nursing.

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Background and objective: Learning environment is an important determinant in motivating learning. In the education environment, lecturers play a vital role at effective learning. The aim of this study was to assess the educational environment at Zanjan University of Medical Sciences from Lecturer' point of view.Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out at Zanjan University of Medical Sciences. A total of 120 lecturers was selected randomly and the modified Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) was used for data collection. Data analysis was performed by using SPSS 11.5. Descriptive and analytical statistics such as mean, independent samples t-test and one way ANOVA were used to analyze the data.Results: The overall DREEM score was (85.2±12.24). It represents a favorable educational environment. The lowest DREEM mean score was 24.82 out of maximum 44 (56.42%) in lecturers’ perceptions of the teachers (representing moving in the right direction) and the highest DREEM mean score was30.55 out of maximum 48 (63.64%) in lecturers’ perceptions of the learning (representing positive attitude to learning). The difference of mean scores in the learning domain were statistically significant on the basis of the faculties (p<0.05) and the departments (p<0.01). There was no statistically significant difference between male and female lecturers for the DREEM subscale scores.Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that lecturers’ perception of the educational environment is fairly favorable and there is a room for improvement in the educational environment.

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