Nowadays, ensuring that human rights are recognized and observed is one of the most important aims of international rights in regard with regulating international relations. The question that arises here is: how the recognition and observance of human rights in human societies and international environment can be ensured? Preventive methods which provide objective grounds for protecting human rights are, perhaps, the most tactful mechanism for attaining this aim. In terms of the system of sanction, Islam has provided preventive strategies to confront the violation of human rights in international environment. Some of these strategies are: supporting permanent peace, paying attention to comprehensive security, institutionalizing justice-seeking discourse, knowledge-centeredness and promoting science, struggling against hegemonic-arrogant culture and capitalist thought, providing a model for an agreeable life which serves as a model for regulating social relations, recommending the expansion of spirituality as the greatest support for human rights, commitment to keeping promise, confronting anti-human thoughts and schools like nationalism and racism, sincerity and spiritualism, and struggle against polytheism.