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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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From the perspective of Islamic basic, welfare inequality is only acceptable when it is not due to discrimination and considered the share of poor people in rich wealth. but in the conventional economy, effective inequality is only due to the difference in human capital. The study by using the micro-level Households’ Income and Expenditures surveys data from Statistics center of Iran over 2005 to 2014 and applying Machado-Mata and Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition measures welfare inequality according Islamic and conventional Economics. The results of the study shows more than 90 percent of the welfare inequality between the top and bottom deciles of income distribution in both Islamic and conventional economic is efficient. But the share of poor people of rich income is considerable, so that in 2008 has highest share and over 2010-2014 has been increased. In general, because of the attention of the rich to the poor in Islamic economics, effective inequality in Islamic economics is less than conventional economics. Therefore implementation of the principles of Islamic economics can provide a basis for reducing inequality.

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One of the most important criteria that decision-makers of upstream oil and gas field after Islamic Revolution always choose selected contract based on it be lack of conflict of the contract with Jurisprudential and Islamic Foundations. Accordingly, this paper with the aim of explanation of jurisprudential status of Buy Back contract for upstream oil & gas field study Legal nature and financial structure of the contract and then introduce some previous attitudes about jurisprudential status of upstream oil and gas contracts. Finally, with regard service nature of Buy Back contract and by using comparative study method is analyzed natural and structural aspects of Buy Back contract based on nature and pillars of Personals Lease contract and is concluded that nature and principles of Buy Back contract for upstream oil& gas field be conformed with nature and principles Islamic Personals Lease contract.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Postulates and Presumptions are the basis for human sciences. Theorists often assume that these are universal. So they try to extract some theories from these postulates. Conventional economic methodology does not explicitly answer the question about how we choose the propositions. The main question of this paper is what the source of ideas which are the basis for economic theories. In this study we found that there are three point of view in conventional economic theory for this question: pre-empirical, empirical and instrumentalist’s approaches. We also provide some critics for these points of view and offer a new alternative Islamic approach. This approach is based on two fundamental principles: human arbitrary and reality of revelation expressions. Based on these two principles we offer a two-layered methodological approach that extracts the universal law of phenomenon from revelation expressions and partial relationships from Lived experiences of theorist. The revelation expressions are in the first layer as the primary postulates and Presumptions and the lived experiences of theorist are in the layer two as the secondary postulates.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Iranian petroleum industry is in need of attracting investment and technology. This important issue is done through upstream contracts. In more than 100 years history of Iran’s oil, different sorts of contracts have been used. Compliance with Shariah is one of the most important criterions for using these contracts in Islamic Republic of Iran. Upstream contracts divide into two main branches naming service contracts and production sharing contracts. Commitments to outcome (bearing the risks of failing in exploration) and profit sharing (costs recovery and profit oil sharing) are the pillars of oil contracts and the main difference between service contracts and production sharing contracts is the way of compensation of operator which is in cash in service contracts and in kind in production sharing contracts. Conducting comparative analysis between oil contracts and some jurisprudential institutions we found that both service contracts and production sharing contracts are compliant with specific Ju' alah. Meanwhile, we have analyzed Buy-Back contracts (along with Long term crude oil sale agreement) and Iran Petroleum Contract.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (20)
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Due to adverse selection and moral hazard problems associated to finance contracts in conventioal banking and Islamic banking, Use of signalling effects, variables of constitute of financial contracts can be a great help to offset the above issues is have. collateral and interest rate has been considered as the most important of components the agreement in conventional banking financial contracts, and with determination and adjust them, efficiency the contract has improved.So, In this research it has been tried to develop the social aspects of contracts by considering the Islamic ethics values such as; honesty, trustworthy and so on which are effective undertaker behaviour in addition to economic aspect by taking into account the Islamic banking issues in Profit - Loss Sharing contracts and conventional banking expriments to increase finnacial contract effieancy.The point is also due to the specific characteristics of Profit - Loss Sharing contracts, specially, the effect potential signalling of component ’profit share ratio’ in the contract could be used and adverse selection, and moral hazard problems be minimized.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (20)
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resources to satisfy human material needs are limited. So if the margin of needs satisfaction becomes motivated to infinite, since resources are limited, the more benefit for rich people is equal to the less benefit for poor people. So the question arises: how can control and halter the margin of satisfaction of human needs from inside? The study of this question and its answers in the context of Islamic economics is the focus of this article.This article from aspect of content collection is library research and in the state of control components is analytical and descriptive.Control components which are identified in this study and which influence economic incentive and behavior are following:1- Reminding the death2- Impermanence of secular world pleasures3- Simple-living of officials4- A companion of the poor5- Reminding previous deprivation and compare with current gifts6- Diseases7- Changing the ignorance to knowledge8- Infag.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (20)
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Culture and economy have various interactions and links with each other; The outcome of one of these links generates a specific culture called economic culture that is focused on economic perspectives, attitudes and behaviors of mankind. This culture faces two serious harm in Iran; First, we are witnessing a sort of crisis in our understanding of issues like job, production, consumption and ethics. This may have stemmed from the second harm i.e. conflict of principles of modernity with that of Iranian-Islamic tradition. One approach to address this is to resort to an economic culture emanated from the teachings of the Holy Quran as a divine and efficient model in accordance with the country's culture. In this paper after examining the relationship between culture and economy, effective aspects of Quranic culture are explained at three levels of economic vision, attitudes and actions. In the end, instances of economic culture in the Qur'an are presented.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (20)
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the comparative nature of cooperative insurance and to explain their advantages and disadvantages compared to other types of insurance, including private and public insurance, mutual insurance, microinsurance and Takaful insurance, both for the insured and the insurer.In this regard, while defining the full range of micro and mutual insurance, as well as conventional and Takaful insurance (private and public), the advantages and disadvantages of each will be examined in a separate and detailed section from the point of view of economic and Islamic indicators.The meaning of comparative economic indicators is all that can affect the type of ownership, the element of opposition, the ability to present microcosm, compliance with the law, and the profitability of insurance companies as the main criteria of economic comparison.Also, the Islamic index in this study will be considered, comparing the insurance companies from the perspective of justice (with two criteria for the distribution of income and poverty). The end result is that the preference for cooperative insurance prevails over other insurance institutions both in terms of economics and Islam.Finally, a combination of all of the above-mentioned policies is presented, which can be considered with the least disadvantages and most benefits from economic and Islamic aspects compared to other types of insurance.The presented model is similar to mutual insurance in which the insured and the insurer are the same. It is similar to Takaful insurance in which Islamic-based investments in Islamic contracts are guaranteed and the annual residual income among members is distributed. It is similar to micro insurance in which Insurers are categorized into small groups targeting the poor, and along with all these, it is similar to cooperative insurance which makes sure that members are compensated for the priority (rather than the purpose) without receiving commission and with minimum premium.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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