ReseArching of IslAmic historiogrAphy texts will be considered As A pAth for understAnding Muslims thinking wAy About the pAst IslAmic first centuries. For this issue we cAn hAve A different viewpoint to these texts, by selecting An interpretive theoreticAl And, A semAntic ApproAch. By this theoreticAl method, the dAtA is A report of the pAst incidents to reAder –with An equAl clAim to event objectivity- bAsed on Authors of these texts, understAnding And interpreting. On this bAsis, their reporting wAy of the pAst events cAn indicAte their believes, vAlue system And whAt is nAmed As A historiAn ideology‚ thus this ideologicAl perceptive from the pAst, trAnsfers A speciAl meAning And imAge to reAder And the pAst history gets Another meAning in this representAtion And reconstruction. This Action-consciously or unconsciously-is done in bAckground of historiAn time's requirement And necessities. So, with the recognition of meAning And sense of historiAn's representAtion, we cAn understAnd the historiAn motive thAt propelled to return to history And write it with his Attitude. BecAuse A historiAn belongs to A specific intellectuAl context And sociAl forces who believe thAt contexts, he considers their interests And ideologicAl And politicAl beliefs for representing. So, the history will be reviewed And represented from thAt sociAl force view.In this Article, the history book of KhAliphe-ibn-KhAyAt is investigAted As the first sAmple of IslAmic public history. The findings of the pAper shows Ibn-e-KhAyAt hAs looked to the pAst history of IslAmic cAliphAte bAsed on Ahle hAdis view And for this reAson he hAs pushed the KhAvArej, IrAniAns And Turks to mArgin And hAs cosideres them Aliens, And hAs given prominence to the ArAbic/IslAmic identity And IslAmic cAliphAl Authority.