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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background & Aims Infant hospitalization in the intensive care unit is a psychological crisis for the family that causes stress and disability for the family. In critical situations, the knowledge of the healthcare team is devoted to patient care, while it is necessary to emphasize the needs of the family. This study aims to determine the impact of family-centered empowerment model on quality of life of premature infants parents’,were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. Materials & Methods This quasi-experimental controlled study was performed on 84 parents with preterm infants admitted to the intensive care unit. Samples were continuously targeted in both intervention and control groups. They received training sessions in four steps and 8 sessions. The ability of the subjects was also assessed by the competency questionnaire (including three dimensions,threat perception, self-efficacy and self-esteem). Demographic questionnaire, and WHOQOL-BREF quality of life questionnaire once at the beginning of the study and again one month after completion. Intervention sessions were completed and the data were analyzed using Chi-square, independent t-test, analysis of variance and Spearman and Shapiro-Wilk correlation coefficient using SPSS software. Results There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of demographic characteristics and baseline competency scores (self-efficacy, self-esteem, severity and sensitivity) and quality of life. Comparison of total quality of life score (P=0. 041) in the intervention group was significantly higher than the control group. In-group comparison, empowerment scores [self-esteem, self-efficacy (P<0. 001)] of both groups and intensity and sensitivity scores (P<0. 001) showed a significant increase only in the intervention group. In terms of quality of life, in the psychological dimension (P=0. 042), social (P=0. 003), environmental and total scores (P<0. 001) in the intervention group and in the total score dimension (P=0. 41) There was a significant increase in environmental performance (P<0. 001) in the control group. Conclusion The family-centered empowerment model has improved some quality of life factors., But further studies are needed to reach a definitive conclusion in this regard. It is suggested that future researchers strengthen the family-centered empowerment program in less effective dimensions. Further studies should also be performed on the use of family-centered empowerment program to empower pregnant women with the possibility of preterm delivery and its effectiveness after delivery.

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Background & Aims Congenital heart disease is one of the main causes of death in their first year of life. One of the most significant complications of surgery in these patients is pressure ulcers. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of using air cushion in the prevention of occipital pressure ulcer in children undergoing heart surgery. Materials & Methods The present study was a randomized clinical trial and 135 children undergoing open heart surgery aged 0 to 12 years referred to two cardiac centers in Tabriz and Tehran. They were randomly assigned to the intervention and control groups by continuous sampling during one year (September 2016-September 2017). The group of intervention used air cushions that has an air inlet and outlet pump and is filled and emptied by a pump alternately and creates 3 to 4 cm waves. This air cushion with dimensions of 30 to 40 cm waterproof and anti-allergy air cushion covered with a cotton cover. Data collection tools included: National Pressure Ulcer Advisor Panel and Braden Q. Chi-square, Fisher's exact test, independent t-test, Mann-Whitney and analysis of covariance were used to achieve the goals. Results The incidence of occipital pressure ulcer in the control group after surgery was 38. 7%, the first day after surgery was 71% and the second day after surgery was 67. 7%. However, in the intervention group no occipital pressure ulcer was observed in all periods after surgery. There was no significant difference in the scores of pressure ulcers in the preoperative times between the intervention and control groups (P<0. 05), but after operation and the second day of surgery, the scores of pressure ulcers in the intervention group were significantly higher than the control group (P=0. 002). This means that the pressure ulcer scores in the intervention group were better than the control group. Conclusion The use of air cushion appropriate to the size and weight of children is a suitable equipment to prevent occipital pressure ulcer in children undergoing open heart surgery.

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Background & Aims Peripheral neuropathy due to chemotherapy is one of the serious complications of chemotherapy and its negative effects on various aspects of patients' lives can not be denied. The aim of this study was to determine the quality of life of the elderly with peripheral neuropathy due to chemotherapy in selected educational and medical centers of Iran University of Medical Sciences in 2016. Materials & Methods The present study was a cross-sectional (descriptive) study. The study population was the elderly with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy referred to the educational and medical center of Iran University of Medical Sciences. 170 people were selected by continuous sampling method. Data collection tools included demographic characteristics form and Lipad quality of life questionnaire (LEIPAD) and research data were completed during 3 months (from September 1399 to November 1399). Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS software version 16 at a significant level (P<0. 05). Results The average quality of life of the elderly based on the total score was 59. 37 14 14. 29 (high quality of life) and based on zero to one hundred was equal to 63. 84 15 15. 37. The highest score was related to the mental function dimension with a score of 86. 06 19 18. 19 and the lowest score was related to sexual function with a score of 9. 5 18 18. 11. The results showed that the quality of life of most elderly people was at a high level (81. 8%). Quality of life of the elderly with gender (P=0. 003), comorbidities (P=0. 045), income adequacy (P=0. 002), employment status (P<0. 001) and duration of illness (P=0. 019) had a statistically significant relationship. The results of linear regression showed that the variables of employment status (unemployed) (P=0. 041), duration of illness (P=0. 033) and comorbidities (P=0. 030) significantly affected the quality of life of the elderly Has had an impact. Findings showed that 0. 22% of changes in quality of life can be explained by independent variables. Conclusion Considering that the research samples were more than the young elderly group, ie between 60 and 74 years old, and were not very old and disabled, and a significant percentage of them were married and benefited from family support, far from It was not expected that their quality of life would not be overshadowed and assessed as desirable, despite facing a cancer crisis, chemotherapy intervention, and neuropathic symptoms. However, the quality of life in the sexual dimension was poorer, which requires counseling interventions and more attention from health planners.

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Background & Aims There are contradictory results in studies on the relationship between maternal-fetal attachment behaviors and anxiety in high-risk pregnancies. This study aimed to determine the relationship between maternal-fetal attachment and anxiety and demographic characteristics of first pregnant women with high-risk pregnancies. Materials & Methods In this cross-sectional study, 200 pregnant women with preeclampsia, hypertension, and preterm were enrolled in two prenatal clinics of a selected hospital affiliated with the Iran University of Medical Sciences in 1998. The random sampling method was simple. The instruments used in this study included the demographic and midwifery questionnaire, the Cranley fetal-maternal attachment questionnaire, and the Wendenberg pregnancy anxiety questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Spss software version 16 using independent t-test, analysis of variance and Pearson correlation coefficient, and linear regression. . Results The mean maternal attachment to the fetus was 85. 26±, 12. 68 in the participating women. It was moderate level. The mean score of female anxiety was 196. 20±, 66. 34, higher than the mean of the instrument. There was a statistically significant correlation between the total score of maternal attachment to the fetus and the total score of female anxiety (P<0. 001). There was a significant and inverse relationship between education of pregnant women and their husbands, support of pregnant women, and planning for pregnancy with maternal attachment to the fetus and anxiety (P<0. 001). Conclusion Less education for pregnant mothers and, lack of planning for pregnancy, less support from spouses to pregnant women have caused them to become more attached to the fetus. The mothers were more worried in the face of preterm pregnancy. The efforts of health care providers should be for pregnancy care in this group of women with higher quality and with more consultation time.

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Background & Aims Patient safety is one of the main components of service quality in the health system. Assessing the competence of nurses is crucial to ensure the safety of care, identify areas in need of promotion, and determine the educational needs of nurses. Accordingly, this study aimed to assess the competence of emergency nurses in the field of patient safety in educational-medical centers of Iran University of Medical Sciences in 1398. Materials & Methods This study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The statistical population included 183 nurses working in the emergency department of educational and medical centers of Iran University of Medical Sciences in 1398. There were 199 nurses working in the emergency departments of these hospitals, all of whom were enrolled in the study by census method. Finally, 183 nurses expressed their written consent to participate in the study. A demographic questionnaire and translated Patient Safety Competency Self-evaluation (PSCSE) Questionnaire were used to collect data. Independent t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple linear regression analysis by SPSS software v. 16 were used to analyze the data. Results The results showed that the mean and standard deviation of the patient’, s safety competency score in nurses was 139. 35 17 17. 83. Mean knowledge scores were 18. 04 35 3. 35, the attitude was 51. 33 6 6. 20, and skill was 69. 96 11 11. 08. Emergency nurses’,knowledge was relatively high, and the skills, attitude, and general safety competence of patients in emergency nurses were relatively good. Conclusion Based on the present study’, s findings, emergency nurses’,patient safety competence was relatively high and desirable. Considering the importance of patient safety in the hospital and the role of nurses in safe and quality care of patients, especially in the emergency room, it is recommended that nurses’,competence in patient safety be assessed periodically, and following the evaluation and training needs results. The hospital nursing officials and managers should take appropriate measures to develop the nurses’,profession.

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Background & Aims Due to many professional concerns such as shift stress and job injuries in nursing, male nurses do not pay much attention to their health-promoting lifestyle. Due to the above factors, work-life quality decreases and leads to job dissatisfaction and related consequences such as stress, anxiety, and depression. This study aimed to determine the relationship between a health-promoting lifestyle and job satisfaction in male nurses. Materials & Methods The present cross-sectional study was a descriptive correlational study. The study population included all male nurses in Ahwaz City working in educational and medical centers. Finally, 108 male nurses were enrolled in the study from May 2019 to September 2019 by the available sampling method. Data were collected through a questionnaire consisting of three parts: 1) Demographic characteristics, 2) Health-promoting Lifestyle Questionnaire, and 3) Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS software v. 22. Results The results of the study showed that most male nurses (55. 6%) have a bachelor’, s degree (84. 2%), have 1 to 5 years of work experience (68. 5%), and are in the age group of 26-35 years (46/2%). The health-promoting lifestyle variable Mean±, SD score was 162. 16±, 23. 4 at the excellent level, and the job satisfaction Mean±, SD score was 56. 43±, 7. 98 at the moderate level. There was a significant relationship between some areas of lifestyle promoting health and job satisfaction. Conclusion The health-promoting lifestyle score of male nurses in this study was good but not favorable in physical activity and stress management. Also, the average score of job satisfaction and areas of opportunities for advancement and leadership style were significant. Therefore, supporting nursing managers in implementing health habits such as facilitating and supporting healthy lifestyle choices and creating positive environmental changes leads to increased health-promoting lifestyles, job satisfaction, and reduced disability of male nurses.

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Background & Aims Patient safety is one of the most essential components of health care systems and is one of the most important pillars of quality in these organizations. Healthcare providers can improve a patient's safety status by interacting with patients and their families, controlling procedures, learning from mistakes, and communicating effectively with others on the health care team. Given that nurses spend more time caring for patients than other health care providers, they should be considered as the main group for planning to prevent and reduce the occurrence of medical errors. Increasing reporting and sharing of error information increases patient safety and prevents medical errors from recurring. Explicit disclosure of adverse events can maintain trust between health care providers and patients and reduce disputes and allegations of medical abuse. Therefore, considering the importance of patient safety, the researcher has decided to conduct a study with the aim of determining nurses' perception of the disclosure of patient safety. Materials & Methods This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in the period of October to March 2020 in Tehran. The study population consisted of all nurses working in selected educational and medical centers of Iran University of Medical Sciences ( Rasoul Akram, Shahid Motahari, Shahid Hasheminejad, Shafa Yahyaian and Firoozgar Hospitals). The study was performed on 315 nurses. The sampling method in this stratified study was proportional. The tools used in this study consist of two parts: Demographic information form including questions about age, gender, marital status, education, employment status, work experience, work experience in other centers, ward, shift work and average overtime in Is the moon. Nurses' perceptions of the disclosure of patient safety incidents were measured using the Lee and Kim questionnaire. This questionnaire was translated and used for the first time in Iran. To determine the reliability of this questionnaire, the internal correlation of questions Cronbach's alpha and reproducibility were tested by test on 20 nurses at one week intervals, where Cronbach's alpha of the whole instrument was 0. 885 and its intra-cluster correlation coefficient was 0. 793. Analyzes were performed using SPSS software version 22 and using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (independent t-test and analysis of variance). Finally, a significant level was considered less than 0. 05 in the analyzes. Results The results of the analysis showed that the general perception of nurses about the disclosure of patient safety Incidents with a mean of 55. 66±, 13. 20 (based on 0 to 100). The mean score (based on 0 to 100) was highest in the dimension of "nurses'perception of facilitators of open disclosure" with an average of 71. 49 and in the dimension of "nurses' perception of the negative consequences of open disclosure" was the lowest with an average of 35. 23. Nurses' perception of the disclosure of patient safety incidents had a statistically significant relationship only with the type of employment (P=0. 04). A pairwise comparison showed that the average score of nurses with contract employment was significantly lower than formal (P=0. 033) and contract (P=0. 008). Also, the average score obtained in corporate nurses was significantly lower. It was less than conventional (P=0. 029) and at other levels this difference was not significant. Conclusion Based on the findings of the present study that nurses' overall perception of the disclosure of patient safety Incidents was positive, it is suggested that in order to improve patient safety Incidents disclosure, hospitals should create a positive culture in which explicit the disclosure of patient safety Incidents is first and foremost an opportunity Be considered to actively improve hospital safety. The people and the media must also create an atmosphere that reflects the trust and support of health care providers and institutions in exposing patient safety incidents. This allows healthcare providers to have positive perceptions of the disclosure of patient safety Incidents.

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Background & Aims This study aimed to investigate the relationship between perceived stress and the preferred mode of delivery in primiparous pregnant women in 2019. Materials & Methods The present study was a cross-sectional investigation in which the relationship between the perceived stress of primiparous women and their preferred mode of delivery was evaluated. The population in this study was all of the primiparous women attending the healthcare centers in Bandar Abbas in 2019, among which 230 women were sampled through a multi-stage sampling process. Data acquisition was performed via Cohen's Perceived Stress Questionnaire and a demographic and gynecological information checklist. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software v. 23 and Chi-square, Welch's t-test, Pearson's correlation test, and one-way and two-way analysis of variance with post-hoc. P<0. 05 was considered significant. Results The Mean±, SD age of the samples was 25. 84±, 5. 09, and the majority of participants were unemployed (86. 9%), had high school education (50%), and had moderate economic status (66. 1%), and preferred vaginal delivery as the mode of birthing (75. 7%). The Mean±, SD perceived stress score was 23. 14±, 8. 70. The results have shown that there is a statistically significant relationship between the perceived stress score and preferred mode of delivery (P=0. 033), type of pregnancy (wanted/unwanted,P=0. 029), and economic status (P=0. 004). There was a statistically significant relationship between the preferred mode of delivery and the level of the education of the participants (P=0. 043) and their spouses (P=0. 005), the employment status of the participant (P=0. 005), the number of years that the participants and their spouses were educated (P=0. 001 and P=0. 001). Conclusion Women who experience this type of pregnancy require higher levels of social support. In addition, there is a need for proper educative programs that would inform couples of the benefits and harms of different delivery.

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