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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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One of the most important factors in the survival of an organization is to properly meet the expectations of organizational stakeholders. Nowadays, organizational stakeholders with the right to choice do not accept low quality goods or services and organizations which are associated with organizational stakeholders should be held accountable to rational expectations. This study seeks to find suitable solutions to increase the satisfaction of organizational stakeholders from organizations that these solutions help managers to make appropriate decisions. So considering this hypothesis that the organizational engineering can be resulted in organizational stakeholder's satisfaction, this paper studies the effect of important factors such as organizational stakeholder's satisfaction in 10 different organizations and with 95 percent, confidence found that correlation of them is positive. It means that, all these factors can cause to the organizational stakeholder's satisfaction.

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The aim of this study is the pathology of relationships between uses of mobile based social networks with religious education of students. The main question is that, how using of mobile based social networks affect student’ s religious nurturance. The survey conducted using a researcher-made questionnaire based on cultivation, use and satisfaction theory and the Glidden's theory of structuration. The respondents of this research are Tabriz high school students who use virtual social network. Research findings indicate that, there is an inverse correlation between membership, active using and the real treat of virtual social networks contents with religious nurturance of students, that mean that the more membership, the more students actively and objective using of mobile based social networks and their real treat of virtual social network contents, the less religious nurturance of them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The family is one of the most important social institutions and sources of healthy community, and healthy family. Regarding to the growing of development and change in the behavior of human societies, the family is not deprived of these developments and in many cases; dramatic changes in its structure are accepted. Marital discord and at its peak divorce is a social phenomenon that they are Family damage. This study seeks to examine the relationship between social factors and sexual failure. Conducting the survey method the information of 200 women at 15-50-year-old that have conflict has been obtained by the time-based sampling method. According to the results of multivariate regression, sexual failure with 32% has the more share in the marital conflict. In total, 41 per cent of the maladjustment of commitments is explained by the conflict committed, religious commitments and social base (bottom). Based on Beta coefficient, the relationship between sexual failure and social base (bottom) with marital discord is direct and with religious commitments is inverse.

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The aim of this study was to determine the social and economic factors related with job satisfaction of teachers that is a cross-sectional survey. The population of the study are all the teachers in Ahar (327) among whom 180 subjects were selected based on Morgan table. The Sampling was done using stratified random sampling method. The Instrument used in this study was a standard questionnaire (JDI) and to measure the variables of job satisfaction, social capital, financial capital, religiosity and also, to test the hypothesis t test, Pearson correlation coefficient and Spearmen test were used. The findings show that, job satisfaction of teachers is in moderate to high. Also, the results of testing hypotheses show that, there is a meaningful relationship between social capital, economic capital and religiosity with the job satisfaction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study is social factors associated with quality of life of students of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz. The survey method was conducted. The study consisted of all students (31447) among whom the sample size of 323 students were selected using Cochran formula. Standard questionnaires were used for quality of life and social participation, and a researcher-made questionnaire was used for social security that their validity and reliability were confirmed. According to the results obtained in research there is a meaningful relationship between the sense of social security, social participation and quality of life. Also, there is a significant difference between quality of life by gender and faculty. But there was no significant difference between the quality of life and level of education.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper studies the relationship between managers’ communicational skills and perceiving the organizational justice with job satisfaction among the employees of Sahand Technical University. The population of the study is all employees (235) working in Sahand Technical University in Tabriz among whom 147 people were selected as the sample using Cochran formula and stratified random sampling method. The purpose and the type of this study are applied and descriptive and correlational respectively. In order to gather the data three questionnaires were used; organizational justice questionnaire of Neihoff and Moorman, communicational skills questionnaire of Barton and job satisfaction questionnaire of Smith, Kendall and Hulin. To test the reliability of the questionnaires, Alpha Cronbach was used that equals to 0. 965, also to analyze the data Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Spearman were used. The results show that, there is a meaningful relationship between managers’ communicational skills and perceiving the organizational justice with job satisfaction, and all four elements of communicational skills has the meaningful relationship with job satisfaction. However, from these elements listening skill has the lowest correlation with job satisfaction. Also, all four elements of organizational justice have meaningful relationship with job satisfaction and from those elements distributional justice has the lowest relationship with job satisfaction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of the present study is the process of the government and nation building and its role on the formation of religious fundamentalism in Middle East, as the case study of Iraq and Syria. Explanation of the components of nation building in Middle East communities, explanation of the formation and social structure of Iraqi and Syrian communities and explanation of the social origin of the emergence of ISIS are also among the aims of this study. The research hypotheses are: Incomplete government and nation building in the Middle East (Iraq and Syria) that caused the formation of religious fundamentalism, diverse structure and plural ethnic, religious and mosaic communities of Iraq and Syria, incomplete and artificial government-nation building on the basis of the Sykes-Picot agreement in Middle East countries and the process of government-nation building that caused the accumulation of debts and lack of its realization in Iraq and Syria. Case study in this research is in connection with the religious fundamentalism in Iraq and Syria. The timeframe of the research is related to the period after the occupation of Iraq and toppling Saddam Hussein’ s regime in years 2003 up to now, and also social-political developments in Syria after the death of Hafez al-Assad in years 2000 and coming to power of Bashar al-Assad.

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This paper studies the effect of media on social capital. This is a descriptive and correlational study that the population of it is all secondary and high school administrators in Tehran region 2 (298). 177 people were selected as the sample of the study by random sampling method. Delaviz social capital questionnaire was used as a tool which the normalization of its elements were conducted in Iran and also its reliability and validity has been approved. The media consumption in this study includes the use of Internet, TV and Mobile phone. The results show that, there is a meaningful relationship between social capital and media consumption. It means that, the more media consumption the more social capital will be. In this way the role of media is more obvious.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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