Languages have been born, flourished, lived, and disappeared. But nowadays they are dying with unprecedented speed. Every year 10 languages are disappeared all around the world and linguists predicted that if this situation continues, 90% of languages will be disappeared. Since cultures depend on languages, flourish with languages and continue with them, so each culture will be disappeared with death of each language, too. On the other hand, each language prepares social, economic, and ecological situation for its speakers and also provides them a special worldview. Therefore, death of language implies death of all the necessary opportunities for social and cultural life.In this article it is tried to study the death of language as cultural problem and its reasons. The methodology is documentary and the thoughts and theories of linguistics and researchers of anthropology and sociology are used and also, the recent century changes (about death of languages) in the whole countries that faced with this problem have been considered. The result shows that different psychological, geographical, economic, political, and social factors affect the death of languages. These factors include some micro reasons such as preserving the mother tongue and some macro reasons such as decreasing number of native speakers, natural phenomenon, globalization, colonialism, and role of national states. So solving this problem needs attempts and changes in both macro and micro levels.