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The purpose of this research is study of poverty comparatively in several regions of Tabriz. The research method is survey and its statistical population is families inhabited in Tabriz who are 391860 families. Stratified sampling was selected and sample size of 400 was estimated using Cochran Model. The data were collected using a questionnaire. Descriptive statistical analysis and ANOVA and Tukey were used to analyze the data. Total level of poverty achieved by calculating the total number of cultural poverty, positional poverty, related poverty, and housing poverty. The level of each of the mentioned dimensions were compared and tested in different regions of Tabriz. The results of ANOVA suggest that there are significant differences between poverty and its dimensions in 10 municipal region of Tabriz. Also the test of Tukey presents these differences more significantly.

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In the last century, especially during the last half one, process of body management and selection of life style has been changed. In the present era, regular monitoring of the body is one of the basic tools in which human being with using a type of consumption and body language in different occasions determine his own personal identity which behind this the concept of "self" is exposed to watching and evaluation.This study examined the relationship between dimensions of body management and life style. In theoretical section, using the scholars' opinions in the areas of the body and lifestyle management, a conceptual framework has been set. In order to review the body management with its basic components (i.e. makeup, health, weight control, medical manipulation) and also, to review the basic components of lifestyle (leisure activities, cultural consumption and norms and religious beliefs) nine hypotheses were tested.The research method is correlation and data using quantitative method were collected through a questionnaire. Using Cochran formula, among 351 female students of Islamic Azad University of Bukan 184 students were randomly selected. The reliability of the questionnaire is 82% which is obtained by using Cronbach's alpha. In order to determine the correlation between variables, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were used. Because the significancy test of variables is less than 0.05 of the (0.05>sig), it can be concluded that the hypothesis was confirmed and there is correlation between these variables and body management. Religious variable (with explanatory power-22 percent) has a negative relationship with the body management. Also, variables of leisure activities (47%), consumption norms (44%), cultural consumption (23 percent), and income (21 percent) can explain body management.

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The concept of metatheory in the social sciences literature has emerged under various labels such as meta-sociology, reflexive sociology, and sociology of sociology. The purpose of this paper is to introduce and analyze sociological metatheory. This paper is based on the study of the major works of metatheory proponents and critical discussions of its opponents. The paper reviews meta-theory definitions and provides a clear definition of it. Also, the relationship of metatheory with the concept of reflexivity is considered and the benefits of metatheory and criticisms against it are raised. Many sociologists and theorists have stressed the need for the development of social theory. Since metatheory is an effective step in enriching theories, more attention should be devoted to this area.

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The separation of waste is an important issue and duty in the developed cities in the world. The reason of this subject is protection of environment that healthiness of human and other organisms depend on it, so the aim of this study was to determine the citizenship's participation in separation and collection of household waste and the effect of economic capital and satisfaction of urban services on it in Uremia city. The research method was survey and data have been collected through questionnaire. The sample size was 612 who were selected via multi-stage cluster sampling.The results indicate that there is a significant relationship between satisfaction of urban services and dependent variable. Also there is a significant relationship between economic capital and participation in separation and collection of metal and plastic waste. The stepwise multiple regression analysis results show that satisfaction of urban services explain 12.1 percent of variable variance of citizens' participation in separation and collection of household waste.

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Languages have been born, flourished, lived, and disappeared. But nowadays they are dying with unprecedented speed. Every year 10 languages are disappeared all around the world and linguists predicted that if this situation continues, 90% of languages will be disappeared. Since cultures depend on languages, flourish with languages and continue with them, so each culture will be disappeared with death of each language, too. On the other hand, each language prepares social, economic, and ecological situation for its speakers and also provides them a special worldview. Therefore, death of language implies death of all the necessary opportunities for social and cultural life.In this article it is tried to study the death of language as cultural problem and its reasons. The methodology is documentary and the thoughts and theories of linguistics and researchers of anthropology and sociology are used and also, the recent century changes (about death of languages) in the whole countries that faced with this problem have been considered. The result shows that different psychological, geographical, economic, political, and social factors affect the death of languages. These factors include some micro reasons such as preserving the mother tongue and some macro reasons such as decreasing number of native speakers, natural phenomenon, globalization, colonialism, and role of national states. So solving this problem needs attempts and changes in both macro and micro levels.

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The purpose of this paper is theoretical explanation of neighborhood concept though a sociological approach and based on anatomy of community concept. Neighborhood as one of the main constituents of urban areas needs to be explained theoretically with certain characteristics. The related sciences of the urban studies such as urban management, urban sociology, anthropology, politics, architecture, urban design, and planning attempt to explain this concept according to their theoretical basics. So this study attempts to expand this concept with anatomy of community concept. The methodology of study is descriptive. The literature about community was reviewed, then with critical reasoning, anatomy of community formulated to two mixed branches: "spatial issue" as container and "social issue" as content. The findings of this study show that anatomy of community concept in spatial issue, with center and boundary characteristics, and in social issue, with common characteristics, social interactions, sense of belonging, organization has objective instances. So the neighborhood concept can be expanded by anatomy of community concept.

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At present era, the social sciences research transition from hard quantitative methods to soft qualitative methods and humanistic and interpretive approaches has reduplicated the importance of qualitative approach in social research. Focus groups are one of qualitative methods which are achieved through presentation of various and numerous interpretations of reality and creation of agreed patterns. This paper describes one of the most important methods of qualitative research, (focus groups) and aspects of its implementation including voice recording, level of management intervention, number of groups, number of sessions and type of questions, and also highlights the application of focus groups in feminist approaches. In this method, on the one hand emphasizing on group interactions and construction of meanings through interactions among individuals, and on the other hand focusing on characteristics like naturalness of environment, emphasis on social context and non-exploitativeness caused this method to be more aligned with ethical principles and policies of feminists. This has resulted in more reception from feminists in recent years, because from the feminist’s perspective this method has a prominent role in echoing the women groups’ voices. Finally, this method, like all other research methods, has its limitations and contemplation on them will help to enhance research quality. Therefore, in the present article these limitations will be referred to as well.

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The present paper studies the job conscience of government staff in Tehran and Yasooj and organizational factors influencing on them. In this study the theories of Durham, Haber mass, Parsons, and Maslow were used. The aim of this study was to identify the level of consciousness among employees working in the public sector (state, governor, and mayor) and the factors affecting on them. The research method is survey and the data were collected through questionnaire. The sample population was 386 who were selected by quota sampling. The relationship between the independent variables of the sense of organizational justice, organizational participation, role strain, role clarity and organizational and job status and the dependent variable of work conscience have been measured. The results show that the amount of job conscience is 76.3 and the average upward. Also job conscience in Yasooj is 45.3 and in Tehran are 37.3.

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