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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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nowadays, successful preventive education is carried out according to the well-known models resulted from the behavior change studies....

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Background: Marital disturbance widely impact the quality of marriage in couples. Besides, the lack of communication skills among couples is considered as one of the most significant personal factors influencing marriage distress. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the impact of communication skills training on marital disturbance. Methods: In this interventional study, the target population was all couples residing in the marginal regions of Birjand City, in 2016. Sixty couples (N=120) were randomly selected and assigned into two groups of intervention (30 couples) and control (30 couples). The data collection instrument consisted of two sections of private information and the Pines couple burnout measure. Results: Educational intervention was conducted for the intervention group in six sessions of 120 minutes. The questionnaire was completed before and three months after the intervention, in both groups. Then, the obtained data were analyzed using the chi-squared test, independent t-test, and paired t-test, considering the significant level of 0. 05, in SPSS V. 18. The Mean±, SD age was 32. 27±, 6. 24 years and 34. 85±, 5. 74 years in the intervention and control groups, respectively. Also, the Mean±, SD marriage life of couples was 7. 33±, 5. 29 years and 9. 57±, 5. 73 years in the intervention and control groups, respectively. Conclusion: The mean of marital disturbance modifications, marital distress, and physical and emotional loss significantly differed between the intervention and control groups (P<0. 05). Communication skills training can significantly reduce marital distress and its dimensions, including physical, emotional, and mental retardation, in couples living in the suburb.

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Background: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between family participation in sport/recreational activities and marital satisfaction and life satisfaction. Methods: The study was survey-correlational research. The statistical population included all families living in Mashhad City. Using the cluster sampling method, six parks were selected from the different regions of Mashhad. Then, the researcher referred to the selected parks and distributed the questionnaires to families who came together for recreation in the park. Considering the unknown number of populations, the statistical sample was determined as 384 individuals, based on the Morgan table. To reach the sample size, 500 questionnaires were distributed, however, 430 questionnaires were returned. Data collection tools included the Handrich marital satisfaction questionnaire and the Newgarten life satisfaction questionnaire. Using the Cronbach alpha coefficient, the reliability was calculated as 0. 82 for the marital satisfaction questionnaire and as 0. 88 for the life satisfaction questionnaire. Also, we used descriptive statistics, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the Cronbach alpha, the Pearson correlation test, and linear regression for data analysis, in SPSS V. 22. Results: The findings showed that 54. 18% of the respondents were female. Besides, most of the participants (75. 8%) were in the age range of 30 to 60 years. The results of the hypotheses testing showed a significant relationship between marital satisfaction and the weekly, monthly, and annual participation of families in sport/recreational activities. Also, life satisfaction was significantly associated with the weekly, monthly, and annual participation of families in sport/ recreational activities. Conclusion: Totally, 19. 99% of the total variance of life satisfaction is predicted by marital satisfaction

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Background: The increased rates of aggression and drug abuse among students are considered an important health issue. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the relationship between the emotional atmosphere of the family, the school climate, perceived social support, aggressive behavior, and preparedness for addiction among students, considering the mediating role of extroversion. Methods: This research used the analytical-correlative method. Also, the statistical population included all high school students in Tehran, during the academic year of 2017-2018. Results: The school environment had a significant direct effect on the preparedness for addiction. Besides, we identified the indirect effect of the school environment on irregular drug addiction. The hypothesized model showed the full effect and the nonsignificant direct effect of perceived social support on aggressive behavior. Moreover, there was a significant indirect effect between perceived social support and aggressive behavior. However, there was no direct or indirect effect between perceived social support and preparedness for addiction and the existence of extroversion’, s mediating function. Conclusion: Thus, teachers and school administrators are recommended to discuss the psychological environment of the family, the school atmosphere, and perceived social support.

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Background: Cancer pain affects coping strategies in patients. Besides, social protection is a tool that helps to alter the patient’, s encounter with cancer. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between social support, coping, and disease strategies. Methods: This was an analytical cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, and conducted using a self-made social support questionnaire and the Billings and Mouse coping strategies questionnaire. The study population consisted of all the cancer patients in Kerman City, from September 2016 to March 2017,it was estimated to include 1400 people. Based on the Cochran formula, the study sample size was calculated as 300 cancer patients, which were collected using a systematic sampling method. Also, data analysis was carried out using the Pearson tests and regression in SPSS V. 21. Results: The results showed a statistically significant association of social support and coping with the disease strategies (P<0. 01). Moreover, problem-focused coping has the most positive and direct relationship with social support. Regression analysis also showed that emotional aspects (kindness and shared positive actions), service-practical support, and financial support can predict the coping strategies with disease. Conclusion: According to the results, it is recommended to formulate a comprehensive care program and increase social support to enhance the problem-focused coping strategies among cancer patients.

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Background: Proinflammatory cytokines increasingly cause inflammation in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). In this regard, the current study aimed to shed light on the effectiveness of an eight-week Pilates training program in the level of interleukin-18, the severity of fatigue, balance, and physical disability, in females with MS. Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental research with a pre-test-post-test design and a control group and conducted in Sirjan City, Iran. A total of 30 female MS patients (Mean±, SD age: 30. 15±, 6. 97 years,2≤,expanded disability status scale≤, 5. 5) were selected using a purposeful sampling method and divided into control and experimental groups. The experimental group conducted the Pilates exercises for eight weeks, three sessions per week (lasting 45-60 minutes), while the control group had no regular physical activity. Before and after the training program, we evaluated fatigue, physical disability, and balance using the fatigue severity scale, the expanded disability status scale, and the Berg balance scale, respectively. Also, 5 mL of blood was taken from each participant to evaluate the interleukin-18 level. Then, the independent t-test was used to compare the pretest-posttest scores. Results: The findings indicated that the Pilates training program significantly decreased the level of interleukin-18, the severity of fatigue, and the score of physical disability (P≤, 0. 05), and increased the balance (P≤, 0. 05), in females with MS. Conclusion: Therefore, patients with MS can make the best use of such exercises to strengthen their immune systems and performances.

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Background: Hardiness as a fundamental element of control plays a constructive role in coping with stress and moderates the effects of stress. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of group-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and group-based Cognitivebehavioral Therapy (CBT)in the psychological hardiness of single mothers. Methods: The research was conducted using a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design with control group. Also, the statistical population included all female-headed families in the region 16 of Tehran. From women with low scores in the Ahvaz psychological hardiness questionnaire, 45 women were randomly selected and assigned into three groups: two experimental and one control group. The acceptance and commitment and cognitive-behavioral therapies were implemented in the first and second experimental groups, respectively,the control group did not receive any intervention. The experimental groups received nine training sessions. Then, the study hypotheses were tested using the 1-way analysis of covariance. Results: Both interventions effectively increased the psychological hardiness in the single mothers, but no significant difference was found between the two intervention groups (P=0. 38). Conclusion: According to the results, it is possible to increase the psychological hardiness of the single mothers by group-based acceptance and commitment therapy and group-based cognitivebehavioral therapy.

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Background: The Iranian society should appreciate health and well-being, food security, and social security in 2026. It is strongly related to the tasks of Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs), concerning its extent. Therefore, this research aimed to identify fundamental factors in the active involvement of NGOs and the Mashhad municipality, in sociocultural programs. Methods: This research used a qualitative approach. Also, the statistical population included the NGOs that have at least once cooperated with the municipality. The study sample recruited using a purposeful sampling technique. The collected data were generated through the design of triangulation. Subsequently, 159 concepts, 40 subcategories, and 18 items were obtained. Results: The results indicated that the maximum mutual participation is the only interaction type that could fully satisfy both the municipality and NGOs. Conclusion: A misleading, slogan-based, result-oriented participation exists between these organizations, because the principles of involvement are not observed.

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Background: This study aimed to develop and validate a well-being questionnaire based on the wisdom of Nahj al-Balagha. Methods: The method of this research was descriptive. Accordingly, based on a predefined psychological well-being model, 74 items were formulated and approved by three experts from the Nahj al-Balagha field. The statistical population of this study included all adults aged 20 to 50 years, in Tehran. Using a simple sampling method, 200 people were selected as the study sample. Also, the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated through the Cronbach alpha coefficient. The validity of the questionnaire was assessed in two ways: validity and construct validity. The correlation of the questionnaire with the Ryff questionnaire was obtained for the validity of the questionnaire, and a confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate the construct validity. Results: The data were analyzed using the SPSS and Amos software. The results showed that the psychological well-being questionnaire had an appropriate internal consistency in the range of 0. 62 to 0. 85 for the subscales and 0. 95 for the total scale. Also, the total score of the researchermade questionnaire was significantly correlated with the Ryff 53-item questionnaire, using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Moreover, the fitness indices obtained from confirmatory factor analysis showed a proper construct validity for the scale,most of the items had a factor load of above 30. Conclusion: The questionnaire indicated good psychometric properties for assessing psychological well-being in Iranian society.

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