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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Field and Aims: Cyber terrorism is a real threat to the rapid advancement of technology today. The rapid rise of Internet users and their reliance on them has alarmingly increased security risks, but despite adequate security measures to help prevent security risks, they have not been sufficient. These threats could potentially damage Iran's national security and critical infrastructure. Therefore, this study examines the impact of cyber terrorism on Iran's national security threats. Also, what are the social prevention strategies and the situation of Iran's national security threats in the direction of cyber terrorism? Methodology: Due to the nature of the subject, the present study is done in terms of applied purpose and in terms of collecting information by documentary method and by studying domestic laws, international documents and valid sources and the obtained information is analyzed descriptively-analytically. has taken. Findings: A combination of social and situational prevention strategies can be appropriate in the prevention of cyber terrorism, including the use of experts, crime based on technological advances, public awareness and information, education-oriented measures for the proper use of cyberspace, increase and upgrade Public welfare is the preparation of the ground for social justice. Conclusion: There is a direct link between cyber terrorism and the threat to Iran's national security. Therefore, the Islamic Republic needs a comprehensive strategy to deal with this issue in order to ensure security and achieve its vital interests.

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Field and Aims: Restorative justice as a model along with the traditional criminal justice model, has gained a special place in various systems, multiple goals such as reparation of the victim, reconciliation between the victim and the offender and restoring discrete cohesion Pursues crime in society as a result. Achieving the goals of restorative justice requires the existence of actors who, while familiar with the principles and goals of restorative justice, also believe in its principles. Undoubtedly, the police, as one of the most important institutions responsible for responding to the criminal phenomenon and as the first institution to refer victims after the crime, has an important role in the implementation of rehabilitation programs. The success of the police in this way requires changes in the structure as well as a change in the attitude of the police. Changing the strategy from harsh policies to participatory-oriented criminal policies, as well as moving towards a community-based police model, are among these requirements. Methodology: In terms of applied purpose, this research has descriptively-analytically examined the model of the restorative police, the supporting foundations of this model, its restorative procedures, and the benefits of implementing the restorative police model. Also, the effects and results of using this model can be effective in preventing recidivism. Findings: The model of restorative police has been studied in line with recent developments in criminal justice systems and the introduction of the model of restorative justice in the world. A model that is considered by international institutions and associations such as the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the International Criminal Law Association, the International Society of Criminology, the International Society for Social Defense and Humanistic Criminal Policy, the International Criminal Court and. . . Various conferences have been held to examine its aspects and how different legislators have welcomed the principles of restorative justice in the three stages of pretrial, during-trial and post-trial. Conclusion: Achieving a restorative approach to prevent recurrence of crime and victimization requires a fundamental overhaul of the organizational structure and goals and missions of justice institutions such as the police, the judiciary, the courts and prisons.

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Field and Aims: Participation is a purposeful action that takes place in the interactive process between the actor and his social environment in order to achieve specific and predefined goals. Paying attention to the components affecting citizen participation that lead to increasing the performance of the organization, including strengthening the communication skills of employees, is a basic necessity. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between communication skills of police executives and citizen participation in crime prevention. Methodology: The method of the present study is quantitative in terms of data, practical in terms of objectives and correlational in terms of the nature of the study. This research was conducted in 1399 in the field of police stations in the west of Tehran. The statistical population of the present study consists of all clients over 20 years of age to the social deputies of the second police stations of Tehran. Based on the stratified and then simple random sampling method and the formula for determining the sample size, 176 people as Samples were selected. The research tool consisted of a 28-item staff communication skills questionnaire and a 16-item participation questionnaire, respectively. The validity of both instruments was confirmed by face validity and their validity was calculated by Cronbach's alpha. Findings: From the sample population, there is a significant relationship between the dimensions of communication skills of police executive staff and citizen participation and its correlation in the main hypothesis test is equal to / 799. it has been shown. Conclusion: By strengthening communication skills in police stations, checkpoints and police executive units, the level of people's participation in decision-making and support for police executive programs can be increased.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mousavifard Seyed Mohammad Reza | Saadat Far Ali

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Field and Aims: Terrorism is undoubtedly one of the common pains of humanity in the contemporary era, which requires interdisciplinary and at the same time purely scientific studies to explain the various dimensions of this phenomenon, which is against international peace and security, to scientific thought and its roots are clearly visible. Methodology: Due to the complex nature of terrorism, the present study was conducted in terms of collecting information by documentary method and by studying domestic laws and international conventions as well as valid sources and the obtained information was analyzed descriptively-analytically. Findings: Given the proliferation of security approaches and the means at the disposal of such institutions in the international system, this claim should be made. Conclusion: The results show that a number of criminological approaches and a number of political variables have an important role in the instrumental use of terrorism by governments and in general an undeniable role in the exploitation of terrorist acts.

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Field and Aims: One of the main problems of the penal system in Iranian law is the lack of attention to the principle of innocence in teaching-which in Iranian jurisprudence guarantees the rights of individuals to illegal punishments and trials. Therefore, in this study, according to Article 37 of the Constitution and other principles of the Constitution, which has left the principle on the innocence of individuals, the author seeks to answer the questions that arise in this case by examining the provisions of legal documents on the subject. Including that,What effect does the principle of innocence have on the punishment and the type of punishment of individuals? And whether the above-mentioned principle is observed in Iranian law and the courts or not? Methodology: The present study, according to the judicial system in Iranian law according to the descriptive and analytical method and following the works of domestic law thinkers on the subject and using the method of library collection and Internet data is used to not infringe on the rights of individuals in court proceedings. Findings: In this study, while analyzing the position of the principle of innocence in the science of the principles of jurisprudence, the principle of innocence in legal laws has been explored as a right not to be punished. And it has a punitive nature because in teaching it is the principle of innocence of individuals so that no person is punished for no reason and in the shadow of the principle of innocence, the human dignity that God has entrusted to all human beings equally is preserved. Conclusion: The principle of innocence, which is the right not to be punished and has a direct impact on the stability of society and the preservation of human dignity and human dignity, is not properly observed in the trial and its place in the Iranian penal system has been neglected.

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Field and Aims: The statement of the Tunisian Commitment Document, which was held in 2005 following the International Conference on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning, mentions information literacy as one of the basic human rights in the digital age and the "beacon of the information society", Because information literacy allows people to search, evaluate and exploit the information they need for personal, social, professional and educational purposes at all stages of life. The role of information literacy in social and economic development is fully accepted and clearly shows that information literacy is not only related to education but also directly related to social participation, improving the quality of life and employment. Methodology: The research method was descriptive-analytical and the method of data collection was library by taking notes. Findings: From the perspective of criminal policy, this document has expressed more of its shortcomings in terms of participatory criminal policy, the participation of all nations that have participated in this commitment in such a way that the problems of the people, including economic, political, cultural, social and people should receive the necessary training in such a way that they can live in a better, more desirable and healthier way in this global arena. Our purpose in this article is to examine this commitment document from a general criminal policy perspective. Conclusion: Educating people, especially children and adolescents, from the very beginning can shape a good future for them and prevent them from committing crime and deviance. Various applied.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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