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With the advent of electronic communication technologies, facing many changes to the privacy of personal communications. Users have different communication tools and options. Although receiving illegal connections has also increased proportionally. After receiving phone calls in the past that unauthorized persons "eavesdropping" was called, already an endless array of computerized data which covers context of electronic transactions flow. However, it is more than four decades that domestic laws have been passed about electronic communications, comprehensive criminal protection of these communications has been passed less than four years. This article by studying the elements of interception offense, and laws concerning this realm, stressing the article (730) of the Penal Code, to obtain the conclusion that the existing regulations are adequate to recall, but the response of the criminal law to deter reform could increase.

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Economic sanctions can affect the performance of contractual obligations, because these sanctions are usually full of goods, services and the general benefits of international trade are faced with limitations of activities. It is clear that the contracts will be affected by international economic sanctions. If the importer of merchandise from the country that is the target of sanctions, may not export the respective governments have to fulfill the obligation to the drafters of sanctions. This issue is not only important for our country which is subject of a variety range of sanctions, but also does make sense from the perspective of Economic Efficiency because non-performance decreases the economic efficiency and on the other hand increases the transaction costs. This situation can occur for the Issuer. Active approach towards economic sanctions, the situation has somehow solves the problem of the execution of the contract, and both sides are in optimum condition. Game theory leads parties to cooperate and allocate risk, who should bear the risk that, specify sanctions.

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One of the economic crimes is cheques without fund which impose costs on country economy. Existence and growth of cheques without fund has negative effects on motivations of investment and production and decreases economic security in society. In this paper has been investigated the relationship between value of cheques without fund and economic variables in Iranian economy for the period (1971- 2011).The Johansen- Juselius test is employed to examine the potential long-run equilibrium relationship. The Result from co integration test confirms existence of the significant and positive long run equilibrium relationship among value of cheques without fund and consumer price index (CPI), unemployment, income inequality. The long run elasticity of cheques without fund relative to CPI, unemployment and income inequality is 1.89, 6.08 and 28.9. Moreover, in this study has been investigated the effects of economic shocks on quantity of cheques without fund by structural V AR model. The results impulse-response functions show that CPI, unemployment, income inequality shocks have the positive affect on cheques without fund. Real per capita GDP (proxy of poverty) shock also has the negative affect on cheques without. These findings verify the effects of economic factors on cheques without fund crime in Iranian economy. The gained results provide the economic policies that can decrease quantity of cheques without fund.

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According With The Vision 1404 document, The Islamic Republic of Iran has been considered as a developed country with the first class economy in the region (including: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Georgia, Iran Islamic Rep., Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyz Republic, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Yemen Rep.). So, there are some questions that how the level of Iran's development and also economic position of Iran have changed. So, this paper endeavors to combine six major development indicators for countries, furthermore compares Iran's position among outlook document countries. Using Standardized Score, Numerical Taxonomy and TOPSIS methods, the results of this study indicate that Iran needs an accurate plan to find out the first class economic position among the countries in the region.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Following of resumption of nuclear talks between Iran and P5+ 1 during elevnth Iranian government, American statesmen and Legislators on the basis of soft-power theory, maintain that because of de-escalation tension between iran and united states on nuclear issue and redusing authorization of imposed sanction on basis of preventing WMD, It is necessary to strengthen human rights sanctions on iran.U.S. sanctions legislation process indicate that sanctions move from hardware sanctions toward software once. In ihis approach, Washington remove military strike and concentrate to imposing sanctions against Iranian security and disciplinary sectors, Legistative power and defence knowledge basis organizations. Following above- mentioned sanctions, United States organize Psy - war against Iranian missiles threat and manage Shiite phobia for pressure escalation on Iran. In this research, addition to process analysis of American Legislation on Sanctions, landscape of U.S. sanctions against Iran will be appraised on basis of Soft - Power Theory.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Presence and influence of The Zionist regime in Azerbaijan Republic in all economic, cultural, political, military, and security aspects have been growing in the past few years, and this issue caused concerns and vocal protest of Iranian security and political officials. This article is a descriptive approach to qualitative research and content analysis techniques to assess the nature of expansion of Zionist-Azerbaijan relation and to analyze its security effects on Iran. The purpose is to answer to this question: what is the implication of this relation on Iran and what are Israeli intelligence penetration and target devices in Azerbaijan? Based on the study of available documents three important Zionist regime's initiatives have been recognized: creating social and cultural institutions, technical development, military contracts and cooperation. These are three covers for Israel's intelligence and security operation on Iran which are carried through the territory of Azerbaijan. Identifying the Zionist umbrella organizations and describing the nature and type of its intelligence operation are important objectives of the present paper. For this purpose and for understanding the fundamentals of paper, the authors have developed six analytical models.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Water resources have a key role in land planning and are a major base for economical development of any country. Water productivity (WP) index is indicator of produced crop (Kg) or crop revenue per unit (m3) of irrigation water consumed. Indeed WP could be indicator of the role of each unit of water consumed in country's GDP or GNP. Economists believe that the only solution to the problem of food production from limited water resources and reduction of excessive import of agricultural commodities is the improvement of physical and finally economical WP. From legal aspects, improvement of WP in agricultural sector of Iran has emphasized in the article no of 25 of the general act of enhancement of productivity in agricultural and natural resources sectors of Iran approved by the parliament in 2010. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to assess current situation of agricultural WP in Iran and evaluation of the policies and plans of country, especially in the last decade, in this regard. Moreover, the factors influencing the WP, the strengths, and the weak points of the plans and policies are determined and some suggestions and measures are provided. Based on results, the physical WP of the country in years 2000 (Baseline year), 2006, 2010 (control year), and 2025 (target year) was 0.70, 0.79, 0.95, and 1.70 respectively. Also the water application efficiency for the aforementioned years was 34, 37, 40, and 60 percent respectively. Improvement of WP is an unavoidable fact of the country, and by the year 2025 its value should be almost doubled from the present value (0.9-1.0 Kg/m3). This challenge requires development of new laws, rules, and institutions and update of current policies on country's water management, together with stakeholder participation, technical, infrastructural and software actions, enhancement of technical knowledge and applied research. Implementation of the article no of 25 of the general act of enhancement of productivity in agricultural and natural resources sectors of Iran could be the first and the main step toward this target.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In current century Psychological Operation is considered to be one of the most attractive methods to pressure other players in order to obtain desired goals. Any action in this regard needs to comprehensive attention toward the meaningful relationship between psychological operation and its styles which makes possible the management of this operation and increases its effectiveness. The literature review of psychological operation shows that most of the researches have been concentrated on its styles and tools and there have been less attention to its development procedures and activities. This article tries to understand the quality and formation procedure of the west's media psychological operation (focusing on medias like Radio Farda and VOA) against Islamic Republic of IRAN. Therefore, the main question of this article is that: What is the modem model of American psychological operation against I.R.IRAN? In order to answer this question, authors have studied the history of psychological operation and represented a new model of psychological operation and analysed the American operational methods against Iran such as lying, preconditioning, deceptive overall weaving, reversed naming, extreme generalization, tagging, mocking and finally demoralization and induction of hopelessness. The results of this research shows that in the modem model of American psychological operation, the deceptive exaggeration of I.R.IRAN's security targets and capabilities is the foundation of American behavioral model.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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