Regardless of materialistic conceptions which form the theoretical bases and the ideological foundations of the Naturalism school, and beyond the practical directives of this conceptual movement that encourages the anthropomorphization of habitable spaces and the reification of human beings in artistic and literary representations, the naturalist descriptions are_at least in respect to the zolians descriptive texts_substantially representative of an imagining thought; an imaginative way of thinking according to which, the objects, the individuals and the spaces enter in a prosperous fusion with each other to reduce, by this way, the terrible experience of the inexistence and to transform positively the risk of extinction to a fortunate chance of an endless life. The powerful convergence of the objects toward each other, the unbreakable adhesivity and the prosperous cohesion of novelistic characters with their habitable sphere, colorfully reflected in thematic level of the diegesis, and also the hyper connectivity of the terms, verbs, phrases outstandingly present in stylistic plan, assimilate the descriptive texts of Zola to a large painting in which the disjunction of the scattered objects, or their functional opposition are minimized to the least; a painting done with homogenous touches that represent ultimately the authors philosophical stance or point of view...