War as a blameworthy phemomenon, will offers some effects like poverty and hunger, destruction of infrastructure, destroying pastures, farmland and forests, displacement and homelessness, such restrictions regarding rights of people’s freedom like traffic, life, physical and moral integrity, employment, health, education, and in general degradation of political, social, economic and cultural institutions for communities. A system gradually formed in the international scene to limit and reduce such brutality and violence, which originally aimed to reduce human suffering and reconciliation between the "military necessity" and " human inherent dignity". In the second half the nineteenth century a committee in Geneva and to help war causalties and patients with considering the realities of the international community, Introduced the first humanize ideas of war to the world and their efforts began in 1863. "international committee to help injured" a few years later renamed "the International Committee of Red Cross", on the one hand developed its measures and activities in the diplomatic scene among the nations, and on the other hand with spreading its protective umbrella to benefit of war victims, in the battlefields, found such a place that became a model for same NGOs. In this paper we attempt to present a picture of this exquisite phenomenon and analyze its actions and explain its evolution from the beginning till now, and considering carried out activities and extracting joint parts of their activities, will note the procedures that the committee always before, during and after conflict, in order to relief several ranges of victims of war, though there exist some obstacles and challenges in the way.