Background & Objectives: Clinical laboratory solid wastes contain important portion of municipal solid waste. These wastes include pathogenic agents, hazardous chemical compounds, and sharps that affect health of staffs and patients. This survey was performed to determine quality and quantity of solid wastes in Babol clinical laboratories.Methods: In a descriptive and cross-sectional study 12 clinical laboratories were selected based on stratified sampling method. Total solid wastes of each laboratory was collected for 3 successive days and classified into 4 categories i.e. infectious wastes, chemical wastes, sharps, and general wastes according to their quality and hazard potential. Physical analysis of general wastes was carried out through weighing for different wastes using a digital scale.Results: Average solid waste of each laboratory was 193.75 Kg per month for which general wastes, infectious wastes, chemical wastes and sharps comprised 38.67%, 51.92%, 4.64%, and 4.77%, respectively. Respective values of food wastes, paper and cardboard, plastic, glass, metal, and others in physical analysis of general wastes were 37.5%, 33.06%, 25.4%, 2.42%, 1.21%, and .41 %. Maximum and minimum of solid waste produced were 1.03 and 16.50 Kg per day and average of solid waste per patient was determined as .07 Kg per day.Conclusion: Considering extensive amounts of infectious wastes produced in clinical laboratories and their hazards, continuous supervision of hazardous waste management is necessary in order to protect and promote health of staffs, patients, and customers of these places.