The aim of the present study was to investigate the simultaneous effects of calorie restriction and aerobic exercise training on plasma apelin 36 and insulin resistance. A total of 20 overweight men volunteered for participation (age: 31.5±6.3, height 179.5±4.4 cm, weight 97.7±13 kg, fat percent: 36.5±3.9, BMI: 30.3±3.7) and randomly were divided into two groups: calorie restriction (CR, n=8) and calorie restriction plus aerobic exercise training (CR+E, n=12). Calorie restriction was 500 kcal/day and 350 kcal/day for CR and CR+E, respectively. Aerobic training was performed three times per week for 12 weeks at 60–65% VO2peak. Body composition, plasma apelin 36, fasting insulin, fasting glucose and TNF-a were measured before the intervention period and 72 h after the last training session. The significance level was set at 0.05. Paired-samples t test demonstrated significant decreases in body weight, BMI (P<0.001), abdominal fat mass, fasting insulin and plasma apelin 36 (P<0.05) in both group. Only in CR+E group, fat percent (P<0.001), plasma TNF-a (P<0.005) and HOMA-IR (P<0.002) decreased significantly. The independent-samples t test demonstrated that CR+E induced a greater decrease in fat percent, abdominal fat mass, TNF-a, fasting insulin, fasting glucose and HOMA-IR compared with CR. There was no significant difference between groups in apelin 36 changes. The present study demonstrated that despite similar effects of two protocol on plasma apelin 36, combination of aerobic training and calorie restriction was a more effective method for improving insulin resistance and decreasing systemic inflammation than calorie restriction alone.