In the general policies of (change in the education system) has been emphasized on the maintenance and applying optimize staffing requirements and context to attract and retain competent teacher and necessary training, educational and moral qualifications to managers. For this purpose, this study used qualitative research approach to study of factors affecting the retention of talent in secondary school education in the city of Ardabil. The data analysis technique theme was used and the validity of the research findings ensured by the review of members, peer review, participatory research. In addition, retest reliability methods and intersubjective agreement used to assess the reliability of coding. Research findings showed that factors affecting the retention of talent can be divided into two categories: organizational and occupational factors. The organizational factors include teamwork, organizational culture, providing opportunities for growth and prosperity, information management and communication, organizational climate, empowerment, training and development, school leadership, performance management, training Need assessment, clear mission and vision, appreciation and encouragement and occupational factors including job status, job satisfaction, and employee job fit, career mobility and quality of working life.