Shahriar is included in the circle of ghose broken hearted poets who has passed theough earthly love to reach heavenly love.Shahriar's other emblems of mysticism in hid poetry are divine verses and the poems including his human and moral features.Shahriar, entering in to the world of mysticism, has totally changed his poetic atmosphere through both form and content, from woridng to meaning and theme, so that not only his sonnets, but also his whole poetic genres receive the taste and color of the other world.He belivese that respect to human hearts and celebrating their memoriaks makes human life a paradise - like world. He, being a mystic, favoring one of Abou - Saeed Abol - Kheir's sayigs, knows respecting human feelings and emotions as the best approach to join the Truth. The Allah. Lover's heartbrokenness causes his closeness to the Truth.Shahriar considers the unicerse as the revelation of Boloved's beauty beauty and human soul is derver from Allah's spirit, which is always fond of retuning to its origin.Reaching the Truth and joining the Beloved needs to follow a divine medium, which is called "leader of the mystical path".