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The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of PETTLEP imagery and physical practice of choice reaction time on simple and choice reaction time and the premotor and motor areas of simple and choice reaction time. Based on mental imagery ability that measured by Vividness of Movement Imagery Questionnaire 2, 26 nonathlete girl students (age 21. 23± 1. 2 years) were chosen purposefully and divided in two groups, each comprising 13 individuals to perform PETTLEP mental imagery exercise and physical exercise of reaction time. The Simple and choice reaction time of subjects were recorded in pre-test and after 10 sessions of 10 repetitions training by researchermade reaction time device. In the post-test, in addition to recording reaction time, premotor and motor areas of reaction time in both simple and choice situations were recorded using electromyography. For analyzing data, the statistical methods of mixed two-way ANOVA and t-test were used in SPSS 23 software. The results showed that after the intervention, the simple (P=0. 004) and choice (P=0. 001) reaction time was reduced significantly in both groups. Also, there was a significant difference between the two kinds of exercise in simple reaction time (P=0. 045). However, there wasn’ t any significant difference between these two kinds of exercise in terms of reducing choice reaction time. Therefore, it can be concluded that by solving cognitive problems and reducing the time needed for information processing, PETTLEP imagery and physical exercise help to reduce reaction time.

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Qaderi H. | GHADIRI F. | BAHRAM A.

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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of a manipulation skills intervention program, on actual and perceived motor competence of the elementary school girls by teacher centered and child centered Approaches. For this purpose, 45 girl elementary school students of Qorveh (8. 98± 0. 20 years) via a multi-stage random sampling were selected and after matching were divided into three groups of teachers centered, child centered and control. Each program consisted of 20, 45-minute sessions during a ten-week period. The results showed that in posttest the actual and perceived competence of two intervention groups were higher than control group and the childcenter group was better than teacher-center group (P<0. 05). The results show that the benefits attributed to the intervention program with emphasis on mastery motivational climate approach, have the capability of generalize in the field of manipulative fundamental motor skills.

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The aim of this study was comparing the effectiveness of two types of skilled and learning modeling on dynamic characteristics acquisition of basketball free throw. After pre-test, participants (n=40) were randomly assigned into four skilled modelling and learning modelling, physical and control groups, and practiced three sessions per week for four weeks; each session consisted of 50 trials. A retention test was performed one day after the training period. Movements were analyzed by motion analysis cameras. Elbow angle scores of each participant, were compared with a skilled pattern. Mixed Factor analysis 4 (group) × 5 (sessions) of Fisher Z scores mean of the correlation function of the angle of elbow in each group with model, showed that all groups except the control group had significant improvement in performance in acquisition tests. There was no significant difference between skilled and learning groups in acquisition phases, but learning group performed better in retention test. Investigation of accuracy scores showed that there was no significant difference between two modeling groups in both the acquisition phases and retention test (P=0. 07). Thus, according to the findings of this study can be said that both modeling methods were effective for learning and dynamic characteristics compared to the accuracy scores, is a better indicator of the effectiveness of observational learning.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of strength, special exercises, and combination of them on speed and accuracy of the elder's fine movements. Thirty elderly women with an average age of (72. 4± 1. 6) were selected using available sampling. Subjects were categorized into three groups of strength, special and combination training using pretest of Purdue Pegboard Test. In this research, the strength training consisted of standard exercises for the wrist and fingers. Subjects in special training group perform rehabilitation movements of fingers and wrist, and combination group perform both of them. All subjects exercised (20 min each session, 3 times per week) and post-test of Purdue Pegboard was preformed after 8-week training. One sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Levene`s test Analysis of Covariate (ANCOVA) and Paired t-test were used for data analysis. The Results showed that there is no significant differences among three groups in speed and accuracy of fine movements (P>0. 05). Special and strength exercises showed a significant effect (P<0. 05) but combination method had no significant effect on speed and accuracy of movements (P>0. 05). Accordingly, thus the special and strength exercises could improve fine movements, it would be recommended for elderly to perform mention above movements, at home, rehabilitation centers and elderly nursing homes for improving their daily quality of life.

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of circadian rhythms and variability of physical practice on the enhancement-based consolidation process in explicit motor memory. 40 right-handed female students of Alzahra University of physical education participated in this research. Participants were divided according to their circadian rhythm into 4 different groups. The acquisition phase consisted of nine blocks of 10 trials which constant groups from 6. 2 m and random groups from 3. 2, 2. 6, 2. 3 to practiced their darts skills. Retention test was performed by Record score of 30 trials (three blocks of 10 trials) throwing darts from a distance of 6. 2 m in three phases (immediate retention, delayed retention morning, delayed retention time). For data analysis, analysis of variance with repeated measures and Bonferroni post hoc test at a significance level (0. 05) was used. The results show that the best performance of the constant morning group was in the delayed retention morning and constant evening group were in the delayed retention evening. In general, we can conclude that most enhancement-based consolidation process occurs with 24h off line periods in constants groups and night's sleep in these off-line periods facilitated consolidation of motor memory. So, 24h offline period is the best offline period for enhancing explicit motor memory.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of neurofeedback training with a focus on handedness, on learning of dart throwing skill. Thirty-nine Students of Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University) mean age: 21. 62± 2. 57 years) purposefully participated in this research. After instructing and observing dart throwing film by participants, a pretest includes of 10 trails was conducted and then participants were assigned into four groups (right-handed neurofeedback, left-handed neurofeedback, right-handed control and left-handed control) according to pretest scores. Acquisition phase includes of 8 training sessions, participants completed 20 trials per session after neurofeedback intervention. 72 hours after the last training sessions, the retention test and then transfer test with non-dominant hand was conducted. Factorial analysis of variance with repeated measures on training sessions indicated that training sessions main effect was significant, that is, participants showed significant improvement in dart throwing performance during acquisition phase. In addition, one-way ANOVA revealed that there were no significant differences among groups in transfer test, while this difference was significant in retention test. In other words, neurofeedback groups achieved better scores than control group, but significant difference between righthanded and left-handed neurofeedback groups was not found. Theta/SMR protocol leads to sensory motor rhythm and attentional process enhancement, consequently increase in dart throwing performance. It appears that this protocol may help accelerating expertise process in dart.

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The aim of present study was to investigate the effect of neurofeedback training to facilitate the acquisition and procedural motor learning of a new task. The population of this research was all male students in Urmia University (2014-2015) from which 47 (mean age; 23. 20± 1. 96) were selected as available sample and were randomized into four groups; (NFB + MPL, N=12), (NFB, N=11), (MPL, N=12), (control, N=12). Subjects were right-hand dominant and performed the pursuit rotor task in an inverted mode with their non-dominant (left) hand. Motor procedural learning was measured as performance increment on pursuit rotor task across trail blocks on the same day and consolidation was evaluated following a 24-hour rest. The neurofeedback protocol includes activating of the right primary motor cortex and suppression of Mu rhythm (8– 12 Hz) c4 in a single session for 30 minutes. The analysis of variance with repeated measures showed that compared with other groups, neurofeedback training of (NFB + MPL) group had significantly more effects on motor procedural learning, but no significant durable effect on learning. Generally, the results showed that a single session of NFB immediately after individual training sessions caused facilitation of performance and learning and acceleration of the early acquisition of a motor procedural task.

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The aim of present study was to investigation relationship between refereeing level and type of sport field with sport referees’ amount of depth perception error in cold and warm colors. To do so, 30 referees including 15 referees of team fields and 15 referees of individual fields with different referee's degree (A, B, C, National degrees and International degrees) and 15 non-athlete individuals were selected using availability sampling method. Average age of statistical sample was 38. 53(± 11. 93). Subjects' depth perception in each color (blue, green, red & orange) have been evaluated in two continues tries by the depth, color and shape perception apparatus. The average of these eight tries was used as individuals' depth perception score. The average of blue and green colors was used as cold colors and the average of red and orange colors was used as warm colors. Data were analyzed using Spearman correlation coefficient, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Bonferroni post-hoc test. Results of present study indicated that there was no significant correlation between refereeing level and error amount of depth perception. Also, there was no significant difference between referees of team and individual fields in error amount of depth perception. However, sport referees were significantly better than non-athlete individuals. Also, in comparison the depth perception error in cold and warm colors between three groups, referees of team and individual fields were significantly better than non-athlete individuals in cold colors. Generally, this study shows that visual skills may be different between sport referees and non-athlete individuals.

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The aim of this study was to compare the effects of low contextual interference with high contextual interference on acquisition, retention and transfer of basic gymnastics skills in children with three to six years old. The study population included 52 children three to six years old enrolled in gymnastics school from which 20 children were selected randomly. Jumping skills (open-leg jack, closed-leg jack, pistol) balance skills (simple, stork, and angel) and Tumbling forward skills (closed leg, open leg, one leg) were displayed by experienced coach and then they participated in the pre-test. Performing all pre-tests were filmed and, based on total average rating of three official refers, the subjects respectively were replaced in two groups of low contextual interference and high contextual interference (n=10). The low contextual interference group practiced only one of the skills in each session and at the end of the session acquisition post-test was taken and 48 hours later at the start of the next session the posttest of retention and transfer of last session were done and then they practiced the next skill. The high contextual interference group, practiced all the skills for the nine session in each session. At the end of the ninth session, they had acquisition post-test and 48 hours later, the retention and transfer post tests were taken. The data was analyzed by MANCOVA with alpha set at 0. 05. Results showed that there were significant differences between the two block and random practice groups in all three skills of balance, jumping and tumbling (P<0. 05). Results approved superiority of random practice in gymnastic in children with ages three to six years old and emphasized the effect of type of skill in contextual interference.

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The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of special individual, group and cooperative exercises on the cognitive and social function of children aged 9-12 years. 40 male students 9– 12 years of age were chosen from elementary schools in the city of Mashhad. The DCD questionnaire was used for the diagnosis of DCD along with MABC2 test, clinical interviews and certification of a psychiatrist. Participants were randomly divided into four groups (control, individual, group and cooperative groups with two subgroups). They were trained by a trainer for 24 sessions each lasting for about 60 minutes. Before and after the exercises, the experiment groups were evaluated by MABC2, Winland and Goodenough dummy test. Data analyses were carried out by the multivariate covariance. The results showed that special individual, group and cooperative exercises had a significant effect on developmental coordination disorder (P<0. 05) and cognitive performance of DCD children, but it did not have any significant effect on the social performance on the study population (P<0. 05). In sum, the results suggest that special individual, group and cooperative exercises can help improve the developmental coordination disorder and cognitive performance of DCD children.

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