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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    1 (13)
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Hadith of “twelve Caliphates” is one of the important texts that solve the problem of ‎Imamate. Not only in Shiite books, but also this Hadith quoted in any Sunni ‎books. Again Shiite point of view different opinions and explanations about the ‎Hadith from Sunni scholars are agreed with the Sunni Caliphates.The best ‎solution for solve this problem is mention and criticize of different opinions. After ‎showing the position and value of the Hadith and mentioning different opinions of ‎Sunni scholars, the other by texts of them will provide criticisms and specifies the ‎correct interpretation from the false interpretations on this Hadith.The opinions ‎that will mention are mentioned by Sunni scholars and unni scholars opinions ‎criticized and rejected by some convincing reasons on Sunni books.

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    1 (13)
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Because of Interlaced true and false narratives about history of karbala, the commenting on this topic is a very difficulted and researching about that, is essentialed. Especially, writing on this subject during the date, is much more than other events, and so, several works written in this respect.Unfortunately, many of this books, are not available or have been damaged in the date. The purpose of this article‏, is the searching systematic study to pathological traditions of Ashura from effects, during the first seven centuries, and introducing a solution to provide a correct date of them.Thus, in this article, in addition to expression batman duties damage and Textual damage of narrative of Ashura, stating an example for each them, and analyzing reconnoiter typology damage from the perspective of narrators.

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    1 (13)
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“Nuzhatun Nazir wa Tanbihul Khatir” is of the old Shiite works. Despite concerns for it, Shiite scholars have not been unanimous for many years about its author. The known aspect of the author's life was limitted to little evidences noted by some Hadith narrators and bibliographers. His name is also referred differently in various versions and so there is even no confidence about these little amounts of data.However, through a couple of centuries, Shiite scholars have made considerations about his charachter and works, as well as they compelled sometimes to reassess their suppositions. They have examined some hypothesizes on the basis of the evidences inside and outside of the work text, and also tried to find new evidences. This study is to investigate the development of researches about the author.Moreover, it is intended to prepare the more contrast picture of the author’s life, opinion and social status, according to the rest of evidences ignored yet.

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  • Volume: 

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    1 (13)
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This article, in two separate parts is dedicated to review the history of desecration in ‎hadith and history, and Sireh Masuman in encounter to desecration. Hence it tries to ‎show that always there was a group of dissidents who endeavors to stop the ‎Invitation to the right by using desecration against masuman and their Teachings.By ‎reflection on the sireh masuman we can find the way of their encounter to these ‎desecrations. This sireh can be our guide in finding the due way of encounter to ‎desecration and avoiding any retaliation approach, which is one of the targets of that ‎group of dissidents. In addition, this sireh can be our guide in eliminating excuses of ‎enemies' desecration.In addition to these, findings of this article show that in sireh ‎masuman, desecration of dissidents can' t be a true cause of withdrawal of religious ‎duties.

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    1 (13)
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Correct exegeses of the Verses of the Holly Quran; since the beginning of Islamic history, has always been one of the Islamic necessities. An important prerequisite to accomplish a correct exegesis is being skillful and also committed to scientific regulations of the Qara’at of the Holly Quran.Therefore; different types of Qara’ats could play an important role in doing exegeses of the Holly Quran and also on the exegetical comprehensions of interpreters. Whereas “Majma’ol-bayan” is a resourceful exegetical book revealing such different meanings due to different Qara’ats, there in this research has been tried to recognize the level of influences and the ways such differences affect understandings of “Sheikh Tabarsi” and there also has been tried to scrutinize and analyze types of comprehensions based on the differences of Qara’ats.The range of attributions and attention of this magnificent interpreter in considering such differences have also been clarified. Finally his selected model of research and the ways to deliver it have been distinguished.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (13)
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Same type of benefit, the originator of various interpretations. “Mohammad Ezzat darvaze” from the Sunni Scholars the variety in the interpretation of the way of preparing chapter has borrowing on interest. And of the Quran, Al-Hadith, critic of these companions, sink, dictionaries.He is relying on the order and the saq, the sink and the tradition of makkei and civil, and your poiai using thought to some votes. Drvazeh always use wisdom and efforts and, of course, look to the analysis of the verses and Hadith sect. And verbal topics and jurisprudence, with the Shiite opposition.This article is a kind of fundamental research and analysis with the use of resources of the library in the author describing the variety of interpretation resources, some of its privileges and costi is shown. And Some of the tanzili interpretation, interpretation of the failure is shown. Note the reference to the concept of the transparent words, pronoun, evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of Gospel. This is the interpretation of the privileges.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (13)
  • Pages: 

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Some narratives Imams (p.b.u.h), pointed to cases that whit the outward and superficial look, from religious (Shiite) critics, bode to distorted the Holy Quran. between It’s, the narratives of Imam sadiq (p.b.u.h), is important and extensiv, and divided into the following models: The narrative implies the increase words to Quranic verses, turns out the Quranic words, different readings and reduce Quranic verses.This article attempts to implication and criticism documents series and contents each of the narratives, and finally, express the correct way of them. Should be told that, the main purpose of word “distorted” in this narratives, refers to the content and spiritual distorted. And the main purpose of Increasing or changing Quranic words, refers to the words Increased to interpret and explain verses or differents readings.The words “Tanzil” and “Ta’avil” in this narratives, refers to the revelation expression, and the only Hadith was narrated from the respected Imam, and refers to the reduction of the Quranic verses, in addition to be rarity and public opposition Imami scholars, transported from incorrectly book.

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