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Undoubtedly, Mathnavi Ma’navi by Mowlavi is the great mystical epic of Persian language. From the early centuries after Mowlavi, commentators have tried to explicate its mysteries and difficulties and each of them has explained this work with regard to a particular school of thought and point of view. Mowlavi conveys his transcendental thoughts to readers via narrative. Thus, one should pay attention to narrative and fictional aspects of this work in order to decode the mysteries of the poems and understand the coherence of Molavi's thought. This study, first, proves that narrative element is important in this work, and that considering the coherence of verses in the context of narrative is necessary for its understanding. Hence, the commentators who have considered Mathnavi as a long circular fiction and have remained in such circular pattern in order to decode its mysteries, and have used Mathnavi itself for explaining it are more successful than those who have explicated the verses and tales separately. On the basis of this, Mathnavi's commentaries are investigated and criticized.

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Lexical collocations, which occur based on semantic relevance between lexicons, are of considerable importance in any language and are in close relation to morphology and semantics. Recognizing lexical collocations in different authors' works is an essential issue in Persian language; therefore, the current study aims to assess the underlying reasons of lexical collocations in Nizami's Khamseh. On the basis of this research's findings, there are three classifications of collocations in Nizami's Khamseh which are as follows: the first category consists of those collocations as synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy, which make semantic relevance between components; the second category includes combinations of noun and adjectives; and the third isallusion collocations which itself consist of two other types of collocations derived from the Holy Quran or Persian mythology. Indeed, assessing lexical collocations in Nizarni's Khamseh helps us to find out the style of this fifth century poet. It can confirm the features of coherence, stability and elegance in Nizami's compositions.

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One of the greatest poets of the sixth century and the peaks of Persian literature is Hakim Nizami, who founded a trend of composing in the style of Khamseh after himself.Khamseh can be studied from various perspectives like ancient astronomy and astronomical data used in it. Astronomical phenomena have long found their way into literature, paving the way for high literary themes and meanings.As an astronomical phenomenon, the Moon, that is reflected abundantly in people's lives, was chosen to be studied for its application in Khamseh. Astronomical terms, especially those regarding the Moon, are frequently used in Khamseh. Method of analysis of Khamseh in this study is based on the version by Vahid Dastgerdi.

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Proverbs comprise one of the most important and interesting section in the folkloric literature of any nation which reflect their feelings, thoughts and beliefs. They are one of the most effective and clearest linguistic topics which have become richer throughout history. One of the factors which have had a deep influence on proverbs is Quran. This study categorizes and explains proverbs under seven title sand then mentions the corresponding Ayah or Surah from Quran. It also reflects how much people regard Quran and its direct influence on the proverbs.

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This paper attempts to analyze the semantic spatialization of some abstract concepts in the language of Quran. It has been carried out based on Lakoff-Johnson's 1980 theory of cognitive metaphors-orientation metaphors. The main research question is whether concrete space concepts influence the transition of abstract concepts or those not related to place or space, and whether the mapping of these two concepts can be dealt with through cognitive theory of metaphor. For this reason, words, expressions, and metaphorical focuses denoting the spatial concepts of "front, back, near and far" were extracted from the Holy Quran. The findings show that the abstract concepts of "importance, attention and failure" are spatialized through FRONT/BACK concepts. Moreover, "greatness, enmity, and doing affairs" are the non-spatial ideas, conceptualized by "FAR/ NEAR" concepts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Studying a literary work to understand the psychological characteristics of its author is a trend of psychological criticism. In this study, the elegies of Khaqani Sharvani and occasionally those of some other Persian poets were dealt with in the light of the contributions of psychologists and researchers in the area of death and mourning. According to these researchers, mourning causes reactions in emotions, mental states, and physical and behavioral conditions of the individual. These reactions, and the different states of a mournful person in general are reflected in the elegies of poets composed for their cherished ones.Considering that Khaqani Sharvani himself experienced painful sorrows including his child's death, and emphasizing his proper psychological characteristics which distinguish him from other poets, and also considering his ability in brilliantly describing states and excitements derived from his mournful state, the general conclusion of this study is that the elegies of a mournful poet like Khaqhani reflect the psychological and behavioral states of a mournful man.

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This study is an effort to identify the literary genre of Naghib-ol- Mamalek's two works, named "Amir Arslan" and "King Jamshid, Asif's Spell and the Crystal Bath's Spell". Theories of Narratology and Structuralism proposed by Todorov, Scholes and Fry have been referred to. It was indicated that the most important characteristics of the genre romance appear in Naghi-ol-Mamalek's writings. These elements include presenting an image of idealized world which is based on the sequence of amazing events in the plot of the stories, the triad steps of quest for adventure, ultimate battle and the glorification of the hero which relies on the love and bravery themes carried out by simple characters with the abilities beyond normal human beings, and the ambiguity of place and time. On this account, Naghi-ol- Mamalek's writings can be considered as instances of late Persian romances.

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Mohammad Hosein Shahryar is one of the most famous poets of contemporary lyric poetry. In addition, he has composed in different areas of poetry, and he has also paid especial attention to religious themes. What distinguishes Shahryar from others in religious thinking is his scientific interpretation of and commentaries about religious issue. This aspect of Shahryar's thinking is the most unknown side in his character which, in spite of many of his poems, essays, and interviews, it has been disregarded. Shahryar tries to prove many religious issues through a scientific approach; however, much of his reasoning is invalid or unacceptable. Some of the religious issue she has studied scientifically include: eternal life, the couple elements in the world, sedition of apocalypse, invalidity of the physical world, the creation of the world, resurrection.

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Epistemology is an important Issue III the field of Philosophy. Educational activities are performed according to epistemology and other dimensions of Philosophy. In order to enlighten the quality of cognition, it is necessary to re-analyze the viewpoints of experts. Molana Jalal-a-Din Muhammad Balkhi, is one of such great thinkers whose ideas and works are greatly valid in this field. Accordingly, in this research, the quality of cognition was investigated based on the point of view of Molana, and its educational requirements were extracted and analyzed. The research method was qualitative and the data relevant to research purposes were gathered from his works and then were subject to analysis. The results of this investigation demonstrated that Molana had presented significant concepts and impressions about the quality of cognition according to the characteristics of his desired human being. In the present study, after epistemology, the status of science and knowledge were also analyzed from Molana's perspective and thereafter a brief discussion about imitative knowledge and realized knowledge and their differences was provided. Moreover, the most important cognitive tools and resources including senses, heart, etc. were introduced. A brief discussion was also presented regarding the barriers of cognition from the viewpoint of Molana. At the end, the educational requirements including the virtue and status of science and educational methods and contents were pointed out.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mathnavi Ma'navi is the greatest of mystical works in Persian literature which enjoys comprehensive dimensions and different literary styles. Among the expressive features of Mathnavi is the use of numbers seven and forty in a variety of forms.Through analyzing verses in six books of Mathnavi, and also by using experts and critics' views, this study points to philosophical, religious, and scientific views about numbers and the role of numbers seven and forty in Persian literature, and then analyses and evaluates literary and meaningful application of these two numbers in Mathnavi Ma'navi. Numbers seven and forty are used in Mathnavi in relation to concepts of paucity, pluralism and equality. In most cases in proportion to the subject matter, both numbers are used for expressing mystical concepts, and creating imaginative and literary figures.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today, in scientific research, including the study of literature, referencing is important and needs to be considered carefully. Although it is a long time since the appearance and development of modem methodology in literary research, and despite the fact that many journals, especially scholarly-research ones, offer guidelines for doing research, there are still some drawbacks in this field. Some of these drawbacks arise from the same guidelines and some are the result of negligence and carelessness on the side of the authors of articles. Considering various scientific articles published in journals, particularly scholarly-research journals, this study tries to determine the problems, and to suggest solutions in order to achieve a fundamental way of carrying out research in the field of Persian language and literature.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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With a glance at the stories and adventures of travels in "Shahnameh" by Abolghasem Ferdowsi, it is realized that special conventions and traditions were considered in these travels including those related to the return of travelers and the manners of greeting and welcoming. It is obvious that the quality and observance of these conventions can be indicative of the sense of hospitality, the power of a government, and the respect for travelers. Based on an examination of travels in Shahnameh, this study proceeds to investigate the manners of greeting the travelers, the people who welcome travelers, and their motives for greeting and hospitality; therefore, it sheds light on the background of Iranian hospitality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Rudbari is a prevalent dialect in the southeast parts of Kerman province including Jiroft, RudbarJonub, Kahnuj, Manujan, QaleGanj, Anbarabad 'and Faryab. This dialect is one of the dialects of Bashagardi and therefore, it belongs to the so-called southwest Iranian languages. In the vast regions of south of Kerman, innumerous geographic species of Rudbari is prevalent. These varieties have phonological, lexical and rarely grammatical differences, although communication happens among all speakers in this region. This study examines the historical phonology of Rudbari and aims at providing the development process of Old and Middle Persian phonemes in this dialect; it also examines the most significant phenomenological features of this dialect from a historical viewpoint, and points out its differences with Dari dialect. The study covers those versions dominant in RudbarJonub and Kahnuj, and the" Mohmedi" dialect that is prevalent in South Jabalbarez from the environs of Anbarabad. The corpus for this study was gathered through interviews with a number of native speakers and by recording their speeches and also from writings about this dialect. The evolution of some phonemes in Old and Middle Persian were studied and some examples were provided. In some cases comparisons have been done with Baluchi dialect and also with translation of the QodsQuran that belongs to southeast part of Iran.

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Man's social, physical, verbal, emotional, and internal conflicts with himself, with other human beings, and also with nature has always been one of the important subjects in psychology and literary domains, and fiction is the best place for representing these conflicts. Stories of Shahnameh, with their motifs of battle and struggle, represent these conflicts more prominently and appropriately. The story of "Rostam and Sohrab" is one of the multilateral tragedies of Shahnameh. In this story a father and a son that seem not to know each other, have verbal and physical conflicts. However, in the substructure of the story, where they feel affection toward each other, one observes the most profound internal and emotional conflicts. It is tried in this study to proceed different types of conflicts by investigating this element in the story of "Rostam and Sohrab", and by studying and exploring this subject, one can realize the deep structure and also the psychoanalytical aspect of this story.

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Emphasis refers to the intensification or highlighting of a word, a phrase, a clause, a sentence, or a discourse for rhetorical purposes. Lexical emphasis may be implemented by such devices as collocations of synonyms, as well as adverbs of emphasis or terms of absolute certainty, while semantic emphasis comes to be realized through binary conjunctions, adverbs of manner, complements or emphatic states of being, concepts split in distiches, superfluous and non-superfluous morphemes, exclusive-inclusive statements, superimposition, passive verbs, exclamation, exaggeration, post- clausal assimilating attributes, and metaphors. This article aims to compare and contrast emphasis in Persian and Arabic with regard to the facts that statements of absolute certainty and adverbs of manner are syntactic issues, lexical emphasis and binary junctions are matters of morphology, statements of exclusion- inclusion and superimposition are semantic devices, and similes as well as metaphors are rhetorical concepts.

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