Patulin is a mycotoxin with mutagenic (1), neuro-toxic (2), immunotoxic (3), genotoxic (1), and gastrointestinal effects which often found in fruit and fruit products (e. g., fruit leathers). In recent years, methods for preparation fruit leathers transferred from a homemade preparation (tradi-tional methods) into commercial techniques. In commercial techniques fruit pulps are mixed with appropriate quantities of sugar, pectin, acid, and color and then dried into sheet-shaped prod-ucts. Due to the high presence of sugar content in fruit leathers which is suitable for fungal growth, there is an increased probability for patu-lin production in this product. Furthermore, the surfaces of damaged fruits are suitable hosts for mold growth and the subsequent production of patulin (4). The U. S. Food and Drug Administra-tion (FDA) has recommended a maximum con-centration of 50 μ, g/L patulin for apple products (5). Most surveys on patulin incidence concerned apples, apple juices, apple purees and other fruit juices, but a few reports on patulin in apple leath-er or other fruit leathers could be found. The present study was carried out on a total of 46 samples (23 traditional fruit leathers and 23 commercial fruit leathers), including fruit bars prepared from peach, orange, kiwi, pomegranate, apricot, barberry, plum, apple-sour cherry, apple-plum, cherry, greengage, strawberry, barberry-pomegranate, apple-pomegranate, green apple, sour cherry, apple, apple-apricot, raspberry, sole and fruit leathers include a mixture of sour cher-ry, apricot, cornelian cherry, and greengage. Sam-ples were randomly purchased from different su-permarkets during 2019 in Tehran, Iran. The de-tection of patulin was accomplished using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. Patulin was detected in 25 samples (54. 34 %) at concentrations ranging from 1. 44 to 32. 62 ng/mL (Table 1). The mean patulin concentra-tion was 16 ng/mL. Any of the fruit leather sam-ples investigated had not patulin level higher than 50 ng/mL. The highest level of patulin concen-tration was related to kiwi leather (32. 62 ng/mL) made by commercial methods and the lowest was related to barberry leathers (1. 99 ng/mL). . .