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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Introduction: Burnout is one of the key factors of reduction in performance. Due to the fact that many stressors are in intensive units and paying special attention to the characteristics of nurses such as their resilience in various units, research on decreasing burnout and increasing satisfaction in the life of the nurses is necessary.Aim: The aim of this study was identifying and comparative analysis of life-satisfaction, resilience and burnout among intensive and other units’ nurses.Method: This was causal-comparative study; population was all nurses who have worked at Tehran hospitals in 2010., (304) that were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. Data gathering tools were Conner-Davidson resiliency scale (CD-RISK), Diener satisfaction with life scale (SWLS), and Maslach burnout inventory (MBI) and Personal Information Questionnaire. Their internal consistency reliability (Chronbach’s alpha) were a=0.80%. Data were analyzed by one way ANOVA and software SPSS18.Results: Results of variance analysis showed that nurses in intensive units had less life-satisfaction and resiliency than other units (p<0.01). And burnout for nurses in intensive units is significantly higher than other nurses (p=0.001).Conclusion: Since working in intensive units causes increase in probability of burnout and as a result of, it decrease in lifesatisfaction and on the other hand, high resiliency in nurses is a protective factor against burnout, it is recommended to use nurses with high resiliency in intensive units and enhancement of nurses’ hardy personality rather than just decreasing environmental stressors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: It is vital that the managers identify and use some appropriate methods to increase job satisfaction. Performance appraisal is one of the essential task for managers to achieve organizational goals, improving the quality of services and one of the factor for job satisfaction.Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the correlation between quality of performance appraisal and job satisfaction of nurses in hospitals of Arak University of Medical Sciences.Method: This study was a descriptive–correlation that all nurses (133) in teaching hospitals of Arak in 1390 were selected. Data were collected by two questionnaires; performance appraisal had 44 and job satisfaction had 20 questions. Their reliabilities were 0.85 and 0.72 respectively by Cronbach Alpha. Data analysis was done by Spearman correlation coefficient and used software SPSS 13.Results: Results showed that nurses believed that head nurses have moderate competence for the implementation of performance appraisal (80.5%). Also, qualities of process and outcome performance appraisal were average level; respectively, by 50.4 % and 60.9% of nurses. The majority (72.2%) of nurses expressed moderate level of job satisfaction. There was a significant relationship between a feeling of job satisfaction and nurses’ perceptions of head nurses’ competence, process and outcome qualities (P<0.05).Conclusion: Regarding the results, it is necessary all nurse managers try for self- empowerment and promote the quality of the performance appraisal process.

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Introduction: Organizational power is effective factor on nursing profession’ productivity, nurses’ practice and their job satisfaction. Nurses’ perception of power in nursing profession can facilitate them to achieve mentioned aims.Aim: The aim was assessment of nurses’ perceptions of nursing power based on King Model.Method: A descriptive study was conducted in medical-surgical units in teaching hospitals in Tabriz 2012. The data were collected from165 nurses who selected randomly. For data gathering (SKAGPO: Sieleoff-King Assessment of Group Power within Organization) questionnaire was used and their points computed in 8 sub scales of it. Its reliability was 0.89 by using of test-retest and its’ validity was received by content validity. Data were analyzed by One-way ANOVA, t-test and by using software SPSS18.Results: The results showed that 77.94% of nurses had limited perception of organizational power in nursing profession. In subscales of power concept; outcome attainment (mean=3.93), and effectiveness of power (mean=3.87) had a very high perception. But in resources of power (mean=1.78), effects of environmental forces (mean=2.15) and effectiveness communication (mean=2.11) had limited perception. There was significant correlation between nurses’ experience with environmental forces (p=0.002), role playing and supervision subscales (p=0.04). Also, there was significant correlation between nurses’ age with environmental forces and role subscales (p=0.007).Conclusion: By considering these findings, it is necessary to clarify the power concept and organizational processes by orientation programs, that nurses educated with nursing models. Also, change in managerial structure, applying suitable strategies and readiness for nurses’ autonomy in decision making in health care system are necessary to promote organizational power.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Professional responsibilities, causing the nurses are confronted with crises of anxiety and stress that theses reduce quality level of their services. Thus by identifying coping styles of nurses, can reduce job stress based on their personality characteristics.Aim: The present study was done to determine the relationship between personality characteristics and coping styles with job stress in nurses.Method: This study was descriptive-correlation that was done in 2012.By using cluster sampling random 108 nurses selected from various sections of public hospitals in Hamadan. Data collected by three questionnaires: 1-personality characteristics’ of NEO, COPING strategies of Lazarous and Job Stress of Spilberger that samples completed by self-reporting. All tools were standards and their reliability by Cronbach alpha was between 65% - 85%. Data were analyzed by Pearson Correlation (p<0.01) and ANOVA by using SPSS software.Results: The results indicated that majority of nurses had high moderate level of stress and they like to use positive reappraisal for coping strategy. There was significant relationship between neuroticism and job stress (r=0.297). In addition, there was relationship between neuroticism and avoidant-escape coping strategy (r=0.428). But there was no relationship between coping strategies and job stress. Avoidant- escape coping strategy can be mediator role in relationship of neuroticism and job stress.Conclusion: Regarding to results coping strategies have a differently mediator in relationship of personality traits and job stress in nurses. Therefore we suggest for selecting nurses assess their personality trait and coping strategies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Rcently the focus of attention of patients and care givers has shifted to non-pharmaceutical methods, that so called “complementary medicine”.one of the key roles of nurses is pain relief that should be applied in this direction.Aim: The aim of the present study was identifying of barriers to use of complementary medicine (non-drug) in pain relief of patients by nurses, from the views of nurses and supervisors.Method: A descriptive-cross-sectional study was done in one of the selected hospital in shahrekord in 1391, that all nurses of medical-surgical wards (23) and supervisors (7) participated in it. Data was collected by two questionnaires 1-demographic questionnair 2-barriers to use of complementary medicine in pain relief questionnaire with 21 item in 4 domains: nurses personal barriers, managerial barriers, executive, patients personal barriers based on likert scales.this questionnaire is made of by researcher. Contentvalidity was dones with use of literatures and based on knowledge and reliability was done with test-retest (a=0.88).Results: The findings showed, that the majority of nurses were 30 to 40 years (56.67%) and 33.34% of them had 1 to 5 years experience. In the Supervisors, the majority of them were 40 to 45 years (85%) and 71% of them had 15 to 20 years experience. The greatest barrier to the use of complementary medicine in relieving pain that mentioned by nurses and supervisors was lack of knowledge of nurses in this field. The 20 of nurses (86.95%) and 6 of supervisors (85.71%) agreed with lack of knowledge of nurses.Conclusion: Regarding the most barriers to use of complementary medicine was the lack of knowledge of nurses, applicable in service training as a strategy is recommended.

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Introduction: Today, increased patients’ knowledge about their selves rights about safety care resulted that nurses confront with legal issues. So, it is obvious that their knowledge about law and legal for self and their patients’ protection is necessary.Aim: Assessing nurses’ knowledge, attitude and knowing how to practice about professional.Method: This cross sectional–descriptive study was done in 2011. All of nurses who worked in teachings hospitals in Boshehr provenience were participated. Data were gathered by questionnaire that was prepared for measuring nurses’ knowledge, attitude and knowing how to practice about legal in nursing care. Internal consistency reliability (Cronbach alpha) was a=0.80. Also, data analyzed by SPSS and t-test and ANOVA statistics tests.Results: The results showed that nurses’ knowledge levels were 2.6% poor, 90.7% moderate and 6.7% high. Also, nurses’ attitude levels were 24.7% low, 73.7% moderate and 1.5% had high. And level knowing how they must be behave only 5% of them were poor, 61.3% moderate and 38.1% of them had high level.Conclusion: It is very important that nurses have high level of knowledge, attitude and practice about legal in nursing profession, but results showed that they had not. So, nurse managers must be implement in-service education about it for them.

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Introduction: Researchers are trying to identify the different components of job satisfaction to measured relatively important components. It is essential that the concept of job satisfaction is explained properly and transparently. Unfortunately, many tools on the job satisfaction, the concept have not been defined in clear form.Aim: In this study, we tried to explain the nature of job satisfaction concept in literatures.Method: An integrative review of literature conducted to clarify the nature of job satisfaction concept. We used key words job satisfaction/dis-satisfaction in key words, text and title in nursing and health allied articles, by using electronic databases Medline, CINAHL, SID, ERIC, and PsychInfo. At last 38 articles found that were printed from 1986 to 2012. Their entrance criteria were Persian/English language had key words in text or title and keywords. Commentary or editor letters were excluding. Each article was examined according to subjects; definition of job satisfaction, theoretical aspects, outcomes and antecedents of job satisfaction. For analyzing, controversial content analyses was used.Results: In order to answer the research questions, the seven themes were extracted from the review of articles. These themes were: Job satisfaction as a pleasant feeling, a positive attitude to job satisfaction, job satisfaction as a judgment and as a value. These themes were identified from existing theory. Job satisfaction as a multidimensional construct, job satisfaction as a dependent and an independent variable, job satisfaction as antecedents and consequences were derived from review of literature.Conclusion: This study showed that job satisfaction has a dynamic, complex and multi-dimensional nature. Some components of this concept are abstract and are rooted in existing theories. In order to design valid and reliable tools for measuring job satisfaction it must be defined these abstractions aspects quantitatively and objectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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