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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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To recognize the strengths and weaknesses and level of organization’s achievement to better quality and better performance, Use of organizational excellence models for assessment the organization’s performance is effective. The purpose of this research is assessment of Tehran municipality’s human resources management based on the EFQM model.This research is a Survey with descriptive and Cross-sectional method that assesses the organizational excellence of Tehran municipality from the perspective of human resources managers of it in 1392. The Statistic society of the research was included 30 persons of human resources managers that selected by census method. The Standard questionnaire of EFQM model that has 50 questions was distributed to collecting data. The questions have been customized according to the requirements of Tehran municipality. The validity was measured by the use of expert's opinions, and its reliability was measured by Cronbach's alpha that was confirmed 0.88. Data was described and analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA. In this assessment, HR managers of Tehran municipality devoted to the evaluation of 609.85 points, Enablers areas 296.34 points and field results were 311.51 points. The results indicate that the evaluation model described is an appropriate tool to identify strengths and improve the performance of Tehran Municipality Obviously the better implementation of programs and the pursuit of excellence are made possible by continued cooperation. According to the results, although the human resource managers who evaluated the quality criteria were different in education degree and work experiences; their opinions had not significant difference.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Stable income to funding urban services is the one of important problems of municipalities in all over the world. Over reliance of many of municipalities -particularly Tehran municipality- to unstable incomes, is the cause of their many problems. Hence, the study of world municipality’s stable revenue resources and use of the experiences of cities which have similar Structures like Tehran, can be partially overcome the problems of Tehran Municipality. The methodology of this research is quantitative, survey, and cross-sectional method and its mail goal is determining stable revenue resources for Tehran municipality. accordance with comparative and field studies in this survey, after reviewing the earning ways of municipality around the world, a standard questionnaire was prepared to analyzing the stability of revenue resources and the ability to implement them in Tehran, then the questionnaire was distributed among the members of Tehran city council outstanding professors, managers and experts of income areas, the municipality financial experts and Revenue recognitions. The data was entered to "SPSS" software and research assumptions were examined by using T-text and Friedman test. The research results show that the most stable revenue in Tehran is included: transfer tax from government to the municipality, (if the cost of services, municipal taxes and the tax of urban reconstruction) are the stable revenue sources for Tehran municipality.

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Nowadays, use of public transportation is one of issues that is associated with different aspects of life quality. According to measures taken in our country in order to targeting the subsidies, it is necessary to work more researches in the field of transportation marketing and Recognition of passengers or customers types in this market. To develop strategies for increasing the use of urban public transportation, it's important to recognize their needs. Traveler’s segmentation helps decision makers to identify and response to them. The purpose of this research is segmenting the transportation market according to attitudinal factors. Statistical society in this research is Tehrans sixth residents that was selected 391 persons by random sampling. To analyze data we used cluster analysis. From results of the cluster analysis that done based on attitudinal factors, we recognized three segments of the market: the first section who gave much importance to productivity and beneficiaries were named, the second part who gave great importance to the comfort and welfare and comfort seekers were named and the third segment, who called time-based because the speed and timing were important for them. Also the relationship between diverse demographic variables with segments was studied and recognized that: age, education, marital status, preferring to use transport is related to clusters.

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This research has been done to examine the effects of covering insurances on the Performance of Tehran municipality. Also, designing an urban insurance package is one goal of this research. To do the research, first we reviewed performance measurement models, then we selected balanced assessment models as a preferred model for the municipality of Tehran metropolis and finally we defined quadruple aspects of the model parameters included: financial, internal work processes, learning and growth. This research is a survey and in this way, after distributing the questionnaire among urban managers, we determined the present and preferred situation of Tehran municipality performance. The results showed that there is a significant gap between the present and preferred situation of the performance indicators. Maximum distance belongs to learning and growth dimensions and minimum distance belongs to internal processes. The managers opinions confirmed the improvement of municipality performance after using some of covering insurances that finally we offered a complex named urban insurance package include more effective coverage.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Housing-price is one of the indicators that help much to provide Housing projects through identification the factors effect on it. Checking the quality of residence and better understanding of investment opportunities to stimulate the development of urban fabrics - specifically fabrics that are being renovated-is required the detailed information of property prices. Tehran's Fatemi District has been faced with renovation, because this location has a special situation and high value of property large changes in housing prices. The spread changes of housing prices in this District will lead to the heterogeneities in the renovation and following it, reduction in integration of spatial District. This research has been studied with purpose of review the effective variables on housing prices, according to the research literature and empirical studies. These variables are include: building density, access to main thoroughfares, dilapidated areas and commercial lease prices and land area that in scale of block and were measured for the Whole of the District. To analysis the correlations between discussed variables as independent variables and housing prices as the dependent variable, was used from stepwise regression analysis. The results of this analysis show that the variables of "cost of commercial lease prices" and "access to main streets" are significantly associated with housing prices with a coefficient of determination of 64.0 (99% confidence level). In connection with the results of the analysis, it must be added that, in each District, according to the specific characteristics of that District, we can find other variables -except the 5 studied variables- effects on the housing price and its changes. Also the results of this research necessarily cannot be generalized to other localities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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According to increase of urban population in recent decades, if we want to response to modern requirements and share of resources for future generation in the development of cities, we should do a plan for managing the cities based on conscious participation of citizens. District based citizen participation in urban management is one of these fields and the main goal of this research. The methodology of the research is descriptive, analytical and survey. We also used research tools such as interview and researcher-made questionnaire to collect data. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for reliability was 0.86. also the validity of the questionnaire of teachers was positive. We used Vikor technic to analyze data. Usually this model is used to assessing the options that simultaneously prioritize the criteria and finally are a base for following conclusions. Bukan’s population -the statistical society of this research- based on the Census report of 1390 is 171773 people and the sample size of the research was 4oo persons that was calculated by Cochran formula and selected by random. The result shows that the citizens are not satisfied from the level of their participation in the Districts and this reflects the lake of their participation in their districts. Also the role of institutions (NGOS, City councils and associations) are at the second level of their dissatisfaction. Final level of dissatisfactions is at the group of urban management that based on points received in the model, shows the relative satisfaction of citizens. Since we have discussed the participation of the citizens of the city managers in this article, the performance or non-performance of urban managers, could not reflect an Optimized city. So, by creation different institutions at the district level, we can end to a stable relationship between the residents and urban managers (city council and municipality).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Renovation of urban distressed areas has been on the government and municipalities’ agenda because of the extent of it in the country and probability of large and average earthquakes in it and the vulnerability of these areas. So due to intersectional nature of the subject and necessity of Cooperation between actors, it is necessary to design an integrated management system in this scope. Also based on outsourcing and privatization Approach in national and municipal scope, identifying the transferable activities and using the capacities of private sector are from priorities of urban renovation.Identification of fundamentals, processes and activities for renovation of distressed areas, public sector actors and executives or in state, public and private sectors, decisions about outstanding, and designing an outsourcing system for renovation the distressed areas are the goals of this research.This research is practical in term of Objectives, descriptive in term of data collection and a survey in term of accessibility to parameters of statistical society. Also in order to gathering basic data, the researchers used documentary and field study methods and descriptive statistics for analyzing data. In this work, city of Tehran, has been intended as a context for study due to the ease of access to its information. After gathering data and analyze them, governing Principles of outsourcing, process, renovation activities, and actors or executives in different levels were identified. It was given an opinion through consulting with experts about the activities to be outsourced and outsourcing activities.This research shows that renovation of Tehran distressed areas is a system included 3 levels of: management, backing and administrative. At the level of management, renovation organization of Tehran municipality as the trustee of the process, has played and direct the activities through coordination with regional municipality (as the trustee of the process at the backing level). Major part of processes in executive level could be outsourced to private actors, organizations and the of residents distressed areas.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Components such as: Partnership, consciousness, solidarity, trust and social networks in every society are the causes of development. The purpose of this research is assessment of the distribution of Social capital in urban Districts and its role in development of Social Justice in Kermanshah. This research is an applied research and its Methodology is Cross-sectional, Documentary method and the field of study has been used to collect data. This research was prepared to response to the following assumptions: 1- Social Capital in Kermanshah has been the main factor of social development in the field of: Trust, partnership, social confidence and local networks.2- The balanced distribution of social capital and social justice in Kermanshah have a direct relationship. This research uses from vikor model, inferential and descriptive statistics to Analyze data (particularly: T-test, Friedman test and correlation matrix). The results show that there is a positive and significant relation between the factors above except social confidence that has a weak significant. The results of analyzing Vikor model shows that the second and fourth urban areas of Kermanshah Respectively are in the first and the last rank of this city’s areas.

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