The purpose of this study was to compare anthropometrical, body composition and physiological characteristics between Futsal players of Iranian national team and premier-league of Futsal. A number of 16 futsal players of Iranian National Team (INT) (25.93±3.88 yr, 174.38±5.61 cm, 74.40±10.87 kg), with a number of 16 players present in Iranian Premier-league (IPL) (26.12±4.01 yr, 173.71±5.61 cm, 68.63±5.94 kg) of Futsal were tested. As anthropometrical characteristics, the circumference of thigh and calf, the length of thigh, calf, and lower body were measured as well as height, weight, body fat percentage, BMI measured for body composition profiles. Physiological profiles were composed of aerobic and anaerobic power, speed, agility, and flexibility tested by 20m shuttle Run test, Sarjent Jump, 10 &20 m speed running, Illinois, and Sit and Reach, respectively. Data analysis showed that there is a significant difference between INT and IPL groups in lean body mass, BMI, agility, and 10m speed running, (p=0.031, p=0.017, p=0.009, p=0.05, respectively). However, there is no significant difference between INT and IPL groups in BF%, anaerobic power, and aerobic power (p=0.98, p=0.14, p=0.56, respectively). In summary, although some factors were similar in INT and IPL groups, results of present study showed that some of body composition and physiological’ characteristics were higher in INT players than ILP players. These results could be well gaudiness for coaches in players choosing.