Uniformity Social Policy in different level and dimension is effort for favorable and coordination outputs in social policy making. Among social policy stakeholders, women is important subject, because, they play an important part in social services as providers and receivers of them. The status and role of women make them the subject of direct and indirect social policy, including education, health, employment, child care and so on. But, social policies of women in Iran have never been without challenge. One of the outcomes of policy making for women are inconsistent and paradoxical effects on the situation of women. Education policy, with the development of higher education and employment policy are two examples of these imbalance social policies that have dissimilar effects on the status and situation of women in Iran. On the one hand the policy of the development of higher education inevitably leads to “ active citizenship” of women and Preventive employment policies involved with “ gendered citizenship” , on the other hand. So the question is what effect does policy making have for women on the situation and statues of women? This article with historical institutional approach and documents analysis shows that some Dissimilar and non-coordination outcomes of social policy for women consequence non Uniformity input of Policy education and employment. While, in order to achieve optimal policy outcome, policies should be adopted that will ensure coherence in implementation and strengthen institutional capacity. Realizing this goal involves the evolution of the institutional system, and then moving from the individual preferences of the policy maker to institutional decision making.