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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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چگونگی رویکرد بشر به سلامت و درک عوامل موثر بر آن در طول زمان تغییر نموده است. انسان در ابتدا با رویکرد غیرعلمی به مقوله سلامت و بیماری می نگریست و خرافات، ارواح و سایر دلایل ماوراء طبیعه را در ایجاد بیماری دخیل می دانست. با پیشرفت علم و بخصوص با اختراع میکروسکوپ و رشد علوم زیست شناسی، موجودات جاندار ریز قابل رویت خصوصا میکروب ها به عنوان عامل بیماری زا کشف و معرفی شدند و بدین گونه رویکردهای علمی به سلامت امکان ظهور یافت.با پیشرفت علم و تکنولوژی، درک موجود از بیماری و سلامت و رویکرد متخصصین به آن دچار دگرگونی شد، لذا علوم بهداشتی نیز دچار تغییرات تکمیلی و تطابقی مهمی گردیدند که از آن ها به عنوان انقلاب های علم بهداشت یاد می شود. در کشورهای پیشرفته این تغییر جهت، ابتدا از رویکرد خرافی به بیماری به رویکرد پزشکی (انقلاب اول بهداشت عمومی)، و سپس به رویکرد روانشناختی (انقلاب دوم بهداشت عمومی) متبلور شد. گزارش لالوند در سال 1974 و متعاقب آن انتشار اعلامیه آلما آتا در سال 1978 با ارائه رویکرد جدید جامعه شناسانه به سلامت، به عنوان نقاط عطف انقلاب سوم بهداشت عمومی و موج اول علم ارتقاء سلامت مطرح شدند. انتشار «منشور اتاوا» در سال 1986 در اختتامیه اولین کنفرانس ارتقاء سلامت که توسط سازمان جهانی بهداشت در کانادا برگزار شد، به عنوان تاریخ رسمی تولد این علم محسوب می شود.

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Background: One of the principal methods for informing tobacco consumers about the risks of smoking is the warning message on each cigarette package. The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes and reactions of smokers to warning labels cigarette packages.Material and Methods: This cross-sectional was conducted on 300 smokers residing in Bandar Abbas in 2013. Subjects were randomly selected from 10 urban districts. Data collection tools included demographic characteristics, attitudes and reaction of smokers. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS software 19 and descriptive and inferential test.Results: The mean age of smokers was 36.8 years with a standard deviation of 9.9 and range varied from 18 to 70 years. The mean history of smoking was 13.6 years and average number of cigarettes smoked daily was 13.3.Respectively terms of education, most of smokers (41.3 percent) had a high school diploma. Descriptive statistic revealed 2 percent poor, 44 percent moderate and 54 percent of smokers had good attitude towards health message.44 percent of smokers had good reaction (notice, talk about messages, reminders, disgust, fear) to health warning message. Chi-square test showed a significant relationship (p<0.05) between smokers, reaction to health messages and their attitude. Smokers have a good attitude to messages, their attention was drawn to the message, when smoking messages were remembered and talked about the messages and Messages leading to fear and hate them.Conclusion: Based on the results, it is suggested to strengthen features such as attention, awareness, remember effects of smoking, thinking about the effects of smoking, raising concern, fear and hate in health warning message on cigarette packages that response to the message and will be followed to reduce smoking.

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Background: drug abuse considered as a social phenomenon at present and health problems. Increasing rate of dependence drugs can be investigated in relationships among family and person. The present study was performed with aim to determine influence of family function about youth dependence synthetic drugs based on Mc Master Model of Family Function.Methods: This research was a Cross sectional study that performed among two groups youth of Esfahan city include; 183 dependent and 207 non dependent drugs. Data collections were; fourteen demographic questions and Family Assessment Device (FAD) standard questionnaire. Data were analyzed by spss-18 with descriptive and analytic statistics such as ANOVA and independent t-test.Results: All domains of family functioning in dependent communication, roles, affective; group included responsiveness, affective involvement, behavior control and general functioning was more inappropriate significantly. In dependent group, inappropriate foundations of life, low level of their education and parents, lower living standards, father and brother addicted and high the prevalence of drug use among friends were significantly more than nondependent group. Highest substance abused in depends group was methamphetamine.Conclusion: Family functioning in the two groups was different. So we can suggest Family functioning had role in young people tendency to synthetic drugs.

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Background and aim: Given the increased of prevalence and be used to beginning of Cigarette and other drug in high school students, and the role of knowledge and attitude of people on their behaviors, this research is performed with the aim of studying The effect of education about prevention of addiction through health belief model (HBM) on knowledge and perceptions of high school students in Saveh.Materials and methods: This quasi experimental study that was before and after test, from ten high schools, 387 students selected through application of randomized cluster sampling methods. Health Belief Model used in education. Subjects are evaluated in two stages; primary test before application of educational program, and secondary test after educational program implemented by questionnaire which included the identification, knowledge and attitude questions. The statistical analysis carried on paired t-test, Χ Square, ANOVA and Pearson correlation co-efficient.Results: Comparisons of between mean of knowledge, attitude scores of students indicated significance deference before and after educational program implemented (P<0.0001).There was positive correlation between knowledge and total perceptions scores before and after education (r=.31, r= .37, p<.0001). There were significant relationships between knowledge and parents’ literacy (p<.01, p<.02), fathers’ job (p<.01) and kind of high school (p<.0001. Also there were significant differences between perceived barriers and mothers’ literacy (P<.02), family history of addiction (p<.01) and between perceived benefits and kind of high school (p<.01) and between perceived sensitivity (P<.04) and between perceived sever and kind of high school (p<.02).Conclusion: health education through health belief model with the aim drug abuse prevention have a positive effect on knowledge, perceptions of people, and in primary prevention of drug abuse, it is a cost-efficient strategy. This study is considered as beginning of a more research this area.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Addiction is one of the fundamental problems in society that led to the loss of the national capital and the most disruptive of order and security in society. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence and patterns of drug use among prisoners.Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study among 615 prisoners associated with murder, robbery and dispute in Kermanshah city. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed by use of statistical software SPSS-21.Results: 39.4 percent reported a history of drug use before prison. Opium (33.2%) and crystal (27.1%) was the most used drug among prisoners.9.3% had a history of injection addiction. Onset age of drug use was 9-34 years old with 14.36±4.97.Conclusion: The low age of drug abuse and the prevalence of intravenous drug addiction among offenders can be as a warning for responsible; in this regard, implementation prevention programs to risky behavior and harm reduction among high-risk groups can follow useful results.

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Background: Iron deficiency is one of the most important cause of anemia, the aim of this study was designed to investigate the effect of health education based on HBM model on knowledge, attitude and practice of Gorgan guidance school students about anemia.Methods: A quasi experimental study was performed on 400 students of grade three in guidance school of Gorgan which were selected via cluster and simple random sampling method. Subjects divided into intervention and control groups. Data collection was performed by a questionnaire include 51 questions based on health belief model in prevention of anemia. Analysis was performed by SPSS software and T test and chi- square tests. A p-value less than 0.05 were considered assignificant.Results: The difference between knowledge and attitude and practice about anemia before intervention was not statistically significant but after intervention knowledge, attitude and practice of intervention group and control group was significantly deferent (P<0.05). The findings show that the mean score of all dimensions (except perceived benefit and barriers) of HBM model in intervention group increase after educational intervention compare by control group.Conclusion: This study finding show that education based on HBM model can affect on students knowledge and attitude toward anemia. Therefore we suggest implementing an educational plan for student in large scale about anemia based on HBM model.

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Background: Primary prevention is the efficient method to prevent of incidence and increased prevalence of addiction in the society. This study performed with aimed to determine the role of fathers’ behavioral intention and behavior about prevention of children tendency toward addictive drugs.Methods: This was a descriptive cross sectional study. The research community was Yazd fathers in a sample of 180 that were selected in multistage random sampling method. Data collection tool was a questionnaire in three parts, seven demographic questions, behavioral intention five items and nine questions in behavior that completed in self-report.  Data were analyzed by use SPSS-18 by independent T-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient and regression at a=0.05.Results: Points higher were acquired in intention structure tendency to behave since next six months and in behavior, talk to children correctly and reasonably and friendly relationships. In intention 64.04 and behavior 68.11 percent of the maximum score that available to acquisition was acquired. Behaviors fathers with bachelor education (p<0.001) and without a history of addiction in friends and family (p=0.004), and intention divorced fathers (p=0.014) were higher. Significant correlation existed between two structures and behavioral intention predicted 17.9 percent the variance of behavior (p<0.001, r=0.423**).Conclusion: According to the prediction behavioral intention about performing preventive behaviors, recommended to develop and implement education programs, items how talk correctly and reasonably and friendly relationships with children to be more attention and education.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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