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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Nowadays medical education programs are developed with an emphasis on building competencies required of medical students. Competencies which are needed to perform their tasks as a physician. These competencies are mere than clinical skills, including communication skills, cooperation and management. This study aims to identify the managerial skills are needed by medical students.Methods: This study is a qualitative study. Samples were selected using classified method that included medical students and doctor–managers, doctors who have managerial positions in health system. A total of 13 semi-structured interviews with physicians and 3focus group discussions with 19 students, were conducted. Data were analyzed using framework analysis and Atlas-Ti 5.2 software.Results: The main themes emerged included the need for management skills to medical students, managerial skills training barriers and medical students’ managerial skills needs including six sub-themes: technical skills, human resource management, communication skills, negotiation and contracting, team building and teamwork, planning and leadership.Conclusions: All participants in this study have positive attitude toward training of managerial skills requirement to medical students and belived that tranng by avoiding were theoretcally, should be presented practically, as well as focusing more attention to change attitude.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Studies that have been carried out in Iran suggest widespread use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the general population. This study was conducted to assess the attitude of clinical medical students and residents to CAM. It is expected that the relevant authorities plan appropriate training in complementary medicine subject.Methods: The study was conducted in autumn 2013. 228 undergraduate and postgraduate students (residents) of Guilan University of Medical Sciences participated. To assess the knowledge and attitude of the medical students and residents, a translated CAIMAQ questionnaire was used. validity and reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed content validity and cronbach’s alpho (0.851) respectively. To describe and analysis the data, we used descriptive statistics and factor analysis, respectively.Results: 77.2 % of the participants were extern or intern and others were resident. 70% of participants were male. 94.6 % of participants believed that mental health has a great impact on the improvement of the disease. Factor analysis of data showed that the five factors explained 48.09 % of the variance of the participants’ opinions. 97.4 % of respondents have a positive attitude to progressive patient-physician health care role. The 55.3% and 64% participants had a positive attitude to complementary medicine and relaxation techniques, respectively.Conclusions: This study showed that participants’ attitude to CAM are low to moderate thus continuing education are necessary to improve attitude of medical students about complementary medicine.

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Introduction: Construct of self-efficacy in an educational setting is of utmost importance. Self-efficacy is in the context of social cognitive Bandura’s theory. This study was based on Bandura’s theory in order to determine the correlation between self-efficacy and clinical performance of the Intern ship nursing students. To pay attention to learners’ abilities and beliefs toward the teaching - learning process and the results are given in order to enhance students’ clinical skills.Methods: This cross - correlation study performed on all students of nursing (51) selected through census method of Islamic Azad University of Rasht.Tools of study were a Questionnaire “Clinical performance self-efficacy” with 46 items in four domains and a “researcher -made Check List” with 28 items and Likert -five points about clinical performance of nursing students. The face and content validity of tools was determined. Cranach’s alpha coefficient for the final utility “function clinical efficacy” was a=0.92 and for checklist it was a=0. 87 respectively. Clinical practice of students of the surgical and internal wards of selected health centers during their intensive training were observed and evaluated, by means of the checklist. Data was analyzed, descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation) with a significance level of 0. 05 using SPSS version 16 was used.Results: Results showed that the average and standard deviation of scores in self-efficacy in clinical performance tool was 66.50±11.21 and clinical performance of nursing total scores has been on 3.74±0.47 well as between self-efficacy in clinical performance and nursing clinical performance there was a significant positive correlation. (r=0.286, p<0.003) Also, only a positive significant relationship between average and self-efficacy in clinical performance was evident. (p<0.04).Conclusion: Efficacy of the training relates to its impact on the future performance of students. Academic knowledge and skills in clinical practice is only one of the affecting variables. Teachers should also consider other factors such as student self-efficacy. Therefore, it is important to consider the promotion of non-academic factors, such as efficacy, especially in the clinical setting, resulting in more accurate assessment of students’ performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Integration as a key strategy in the educational system has been accepted. In Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, pathology integrated with pharmacology and internal courses is offered at physiopathology level. This study to try compare the test scores of pathology courses in the pre-Internship before and after integrated with Physiopathology deals.Methods: In this cross sectional study, 97 medical student’s scores of Pathology Courses before and after integration implementation (between March 2011 until September 2012) were analyzed. Overall evaluation based on student Pre-apprenticeship exam scores was conducted. Data using descriptive and inferential statistics (mean, SD, independent T-test) were analyzed (using SPSS software).Results: of 97 students, 60 and 37 students were before and after integration, respectively. 39% of students were male. Of ten questions pathology, scores obtained before integration program was 3.93 SD 1.19 and after integration was 5.32 with a standard deviation of 1.41 that the difference between them was statistically significant (p<0001). The differences between pre-internship means scores between two groups was 11.5 and mean scores integration group were significantly higher than second group.Conclusions: These results indicate that the integration improved Pathology course scores in pre- internship exam.

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Introduction: Patient safety is a global concern in all areas of health care. In addition to inflict pain on humans, uns afe care, also brings heavy economic costs. Our study aimed to evaluate patient safety in education and treatment centers of Rasht city in 2013.Method: This cross -sectional, descriptive study was undertaken in the summer of 2013. all educational centers in Rasht with PSFH1 guidelines (choice of hospital wards, patients and staff interviewed intelligently) were evaluated. Data was collected by mandatory standards of patient safety friendly Hospitals checklist and analyzed by SPSS software and descriptive statistical parameters.Results: Average score for rule and leadership was 64%. In community participation and interaction with patients 36%, in evidence-based clinical services 63%, in safe and secure environment 93%. The average overall safety score was 64% and showed an average performance.Conclusion: Patient safety status in studied centers is not desired. Identifing and concertrating more on patients compliance and consent before any treatment is recommended.

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Introduction: Residents are considered key elements in promotion and development of health and education performance. Thus, specifying factors inducing resident’s job satisfaction is of high importance. The aim of this study was to determine residents’ job-education satisfaction rate in Guilan University of Medical Sciences (GUMS).Method: In a descriptive study, job-educational satisfaction rate of 176 residents in GUMS was measured using questionnaire based on Herzberg Theory. SPSS software ver.16 for data analysis was employed.Results: The mean age of residents was 31±3 and most of them were male, married, native and first or second year assistants. Regarding payment, training and occupational motivation, most of residents scored low and in other areas they got medium. A significant relation was found between job satisfaction and job experience (p=0.035) and mandatory medical plant (p=0.026); but in other areas it was not significant.Conclusion: Since most of residents (% 83) seem to be dissatisfied with their salary, residential training and job motivation, special remedies are necessary to fulfill these drawbacks.

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Introduction: Achieving professional skills and clinical education are very important in nursing and midwifery courses, so that clinical education is considered as the basis for two professions.Methods: In this cross-sectional study that was conducted by census Samples were all faculty members, nursing and midwifery student in Qazvin university of medical sciences participated. The instrument was a questionnaire with 32 items that organized into 4 categories. data was analyzed by spss version 16 using chi-square tests and Fisher test. Results: The results showed that among four effective filed in achieving professional skills, learners characteristics consider the most important factor from the viewpoints of teachers and nursing and midwifery students. There was significant differnces between teachers and students viewpoints based on chi-square statistical testing.Conclusion: Improving professional skills need to use of effective educational program in clinical settings. Also, promoting teahers function and encourage professional cooperations in improving clinical education and achieving professional skills can be effective.

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Introduction: Today use of internet as a learning tool speard out in education field quickly. In this regard, the present study aimed to assess the impact of learning on students’ final grades has taken place.Methods: In this Semi-empirical study conducted on Radislogy student s in the first semester of 2011-2012, parallel to attendance and traditional teaching sessions (classroom training) for Physics, web- based training was simultaneously used. At the end of period, by Compaing of the students scores who partiapate in this research, the impact of web- based education in students” learning was evaluated through a researcher-made questionnaire (relibility 0.8) information about advantage, disdvantages, amount and quality of learning were collected and analyzed.Results: Comparing of the averaged end scores of the experimental group and the Control group show that there isn’t any significant difference between two groups of students in amout of learning and success at the end of the test. All of students in this study Considered relationship between teachers and students (90%), Telecommunications and academic exchange (81%), access to electronic resources in the world (79%) and lack of space and time limits (64%) as the main benefits of web- based training and lack of resources and facilities, low speed internet and lack of universal access to the internet, as disad vantages of this type of education.Conclusion: Although students show interest and acceptance toward web-based education by considering some elements in including no familiar with internet, communication infrastructure and the quality of course content offered on the web. It is necessery that further review is done to improve this type of training.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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