Introduction: Mentoring Functions Questionnaire (MFQ-9) is one of the prominent tools for assessing vocational support, psychosocial support and role modeling from mentor/manager /supervisor in the organizations. The aim of present study was to evaluate the psychometric properties and confirmatory factor analysis for MFQ-9 in hospital personnel.Methods: Methodology of this study was descriptive and validation. Statistical population included all of physicians, nurses, radiology and administrative staff and service workers of Poursina State Hospital in Rasht.403 employees were selected by quota sampling in 2013. Three-factor solution structure of MFQ-9 and also its internal consistency reliability, construct validity and concurrent validity were examined. All statistical analyses performed by SPSS-20 and AMOS-21 softwares.Construct validity of MFQ-9 was evaluated by other measures that theoretically expected to have relations with them, such as organizational justice, organizational commitment, job satisfaction and quality of work life. Finally the concurrent criterion validity of MFQ-9 was evaluated by multivariate regression analysis.Results: Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the ratio χ2/df is 3.75 for MFQ-9 threefactor structure and fit indexes are satisfactory for this structural model (RMSEA=0.083 , CFI=0.970, TLI=0.954, NFI=0.959, GFI=0.953). Internal consistency of MFQ-9 were considerable (vocational support=0.84, psychosocial support=0.82, Role modeling=0.85 and total questionnaire=0.92). The item-total correlation coefficients after deleting item obtained very strong in the range of 0.60 to 0.80 for each of the items. Total scores of MFQ-9 predicts a significant proportion of the scores variance in tests of organizational justice, organizational commitment, job satisfaction and quality of work life and it was correlated with them in expected directions.Conclusion: MFQ-9 has appropriate psychometric properties and a good fit with three-factor structure and can be used in managerial-hospital situation.