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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Equity in the field of education is one of the important indicator of comprehensive improvement of educational systems that prepare situation for appearing potential talent and abilities in enormous steps. This study with the aim of explanation of educational equity from Guilan medical sciences students and educational custodians viewpoints was performed.Methods: In this qualitative content analysis study 39 students of nursing, operation room, anesthesiology and 4 educational custodians were attend via targeted sampling process.Data collected through interview format with concentrated groups for students and individual interview for educational custodians were recorded in 2 semesters of 2013-2014. Data analysis were performed by approach of contractual qualitative content analysis.Results: Results in two principal themes of facilitator factors and deterrent factors were obtained that respectively contain of classes of: (fruition of equal facilities and equipments, professional teachers, targeted educational plan, coordination and relationship between theory and practice, relationship between education) and (undesirable clinical realities, lack of expert and specialist teachers in practice, interpersonal communication, unsuitable evaluation process) that each were effective in developing clinical educational equity process.Conclusion: due to results of this study educational equity means fruition of equal educational facilities among all students of university of medical sciences despite their field of study which performed same actions for creation of suitable equipment and situation, clinical expert teachers, decreasing distance between theory and practice for all students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Emotional creativity as one of creativities in emotional field needs to removing ordinary emotional reflectives and creating innovative emotional this regards, academicenthusiasm refer to behaviours that are related to learning and promoting.considering the importance of creativity and academic enthusiasm among students, this study has been done for studing relationship between emotional creativity and academic enthusiasm in public health students in Gonabad university of medical sciences.Methods: This is a descriptive- analytic and cross-sectional study.The study population included 352 students of the school of Public Health in Gonabad University of Medical Sciences in 2015.The sample based on kregcie and Morgan table was 185 students that were selected through stratified random sampling method. For gathering data the questionnaires of emotional creativity Averil (1994) and academic enthusiasm Frederick et al (2004) with reliability of (0.89) and (0.72) were used respectively. Data were analysed using SPSS, Pearson correlation and regression test at the significant level of 0.05.Results: The results showed that the level of students' emotional creativity and academic enthusiasm School of Public Health were above average. There was a relationship between the emotional creativity and academic engagement (r=0.494, p=0.001) and components of emotional readiness, effectiveness and genuineness were the components of anticipating students' enthusiasm (p=0.001).Conclusion: Given that there is a relationship between emotional creativity and academic engagement Therefore, the authorities of university must be reinforce students' emotional creativity and academic engagement Through educational courses and workshops.

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Introduction: Psychological empowerment and job burnout in faculty members are very important issues that could be influenced by several factors including occupational adjustment. Thus, the aim of this research was to study the relationship between occupational adjustment with psychological empowerment and job burnout in faculty members of the university of Sistan and Baluchestan.Methods: this is a descriptive and correlational study. Statistical population included all faculty members of the university of Sistan and baluchestan that 183 of them were selected as sample through stratified sampling method. Research instruments included occupational adjustment questionnaire (Purkabiriyan, 2007), psychological empowerment questionnaire (Spreitzer, 1996), and job burnout questionnaire (Maslach, 1993) with an alpha coefficient of 0.76 0.87 0.79 respectively. To analyze data, Pearson correlation coefficient and simultaneous regression analysis were used via SPSS.Results: According to the results, the correlation coefficients between occupational adjustment with psychological empowerment and job burnout were respectively 0.736 and -0.687. Moreover, the results of multiple regression analysis revealed that occupational adjustment can predict %56.9 of the variance psychological empowerment and %49.6 of the variance job burnout.Conclusion: According to the positive relationship between occupational adjustment with psychological empowerment and its negative relationship with job burnout, human resource management of university can take advantage of work counseling in occupational adjustment method to enhance psychological empowerment and reducing burnout faculty members.

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Introduction: Mentoring Functions Questionnaire (MFQ-9) is one of the prominent tools for assessing vocational support, psychosocial support and role modeling from mentor/manager /supervisor in the organizations. The aim of present study was to evaluate the psychometric properties and confirmatory factor analysis for MFQ-9 in hospital personnel.Methods: Methodology of this study was descriptive and validation. Statistical population included all of physicians, nurses, radiology and administrative staff and service workers of Poursina State Hospital in Rasht.403 employees were selected by quota sampling in 2013. Three-factor solution structure of MFQ-9 and also its internal consistency reliability, construct validity and concurrent validity were examined. All statistical analyses performed by SPSS-20 and AMOS-21 softwares.Construct validity of MFQ-9 was evaluated by other measures that theoretically expected to have relations with them, such as organizational justice, organizational commitment, job satisfaction and quality of work life. Finally the concurrent criterion validity of MFQ-9 was evaluated by multivariate regression analysis.Results: Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the ratio χ2/df is 3.75 for MFQ-9 threefactor structure and fit indexes are satisfactory for this structural model (RMSEA=0.083 , CFI=0.970, TLI=0.954, NFI=0.959, GFI=0.953). Internal consistency of MFQ-9 were considerable (vocational support=0.84, psychosocial support=0.82, Role modeling=0.85 and total questionnaire=0.92). The item-total correlation coefficients after deleting item obtained very strong in the range of 0.60 to 0.80 for each of the items. Total scores of MFQ-9 predicts a significant proportion of the scores variance in tests of organizational justice, organizational commitment, job satisfaction and quality of work life and it was correlated with them in expected directions.Conclusion: MFQ-9 has appropriate psychometric properties and a good fit with three-factor structure and can be used in managerial-hospital situation.

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Introduction: in clinical training student in interaction with instructor and in real situation and patient use some theoretical and practical concepts which had learned in the past, so any weaknesses in clinical education affect the quality of graduated performance. many studies indicate that relatively deep gap exist in scientific education process and clinical education in nursing and midwifery students and current clinical education is not appropriate to create essential abilities in students to present clinical skills.Methods: In this descriptive study, all of 7 and 8 midwifery students were selected through convenience sampling method. Data collection tool was two-part questionnaire consist of demographic data and 30 questions to assess clinical problems in three areas of personal factors, factors related to coach and environmental - physical factors and an open question about presenting appropriate solutions for enhancing the quality of clinical education.collected data were analyzed through descriptive statistics (mean, frequency) by using SPSS software.Results: In this research, 88 percent of students believed that personal motivation and interest of students in courses can effect on internship clinical performance quality.97 percent stated that the number of students in each group affect the quality of internship clinical education. 92 percent of research units expressed behavior of personnel and also training facilities and equipment in internship site effects on clinical education quality.Conclusion: based on findings, employing experienced clinical staff, efforts to improve learning environment, developing cooperation between instructors and clinical departments and considering to coordinate between the content of theoretical education and practical issues can lead to improvement in clinical training.

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Introduction: Bronchoscopy is an indispensable tool for patient airway management for diagnosing and therapeutic goals, however the acquisition of sufficient training because of technical and ethical reasons is challenging Several methods have been used to teaching this technique to assistants. In this study, the effectiveness of web based bronchoscopy simulator on tracheobronchial anatomic knowledge of anesthesia assistants was evaluated.Material and methods: This quasi-experimental study was performed on 28 anesthesia assistants of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. Assistants randomly were divided into two traditional (14 numbers) and web based bronchoscopy simulator (14 numbers) groups. At the first, pre test including 15 tests, had been taken from both groups. Then according to the groups, the necessary training were given and again, the test was taken from both groups. Demographic variables (age, sex, educational grade), pre and post test score was recorded. All data were entered and analyzed by Spss software with paired t-test and Independent t-test.Results: There was no statistically significant differences in variables such as age, sex and educational level between two groups. The mean and standard deviation of pre- test in control group was 55.38±17.82 and in simulator group was 66.33±13.71 (p=0/280).But in the post-test score, the mean and standard deviation has been elevated in control group to 90.83±10.84 and in simulator group to 119.17±14.43 (p<0.0001).Conclusion: Based on the result of this study, using web based bronchoscopy simulation, increases trachea-bronchial anatomy knowledge and lead to improve bronchoscopy skills of assisstants.

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Introduction: Today, Electronic Learning System is an important teaching method in the world. Elearning is a relatively new teaching method in Iran and the world, so considering knowledge and attitude of students as an important element of educational system is necessary. The aim of this study is the comparison of knowledge and attitude of virtual and non virtual students towards Elearning.Methods: In this descriptive–analytic study, 93 virtual students of Guilan University and 130 non virtual students of Guilan University of Medical Sciences in 2014 by stratified random sampling methods were selected. To measure attitude, a three parts structured questionnaire covered demographic data, Information Technology knowledge and Mishra’s E-Learning Attitude Scale was were analyzed by descriptive Statistics (frequency distribution, mean & standard deviation, analytic statistics (t-test) and SPSS software.Results: findings showed that the mean age of virtual and non-virtual students were 33.92±7.2 and 23.32±2.8 years respectively. The mean score of e-learning knowledge in virtual students was 6.15±2.6, and in non-virtual students 5.03±2.1.although virtual students achieve higher mean score in e-learning knowledge; it shows significant differences between e-learning knowledge of virtual and non virtual students (p=0.001). The mean score of attitude in virtual students was 36.93±9.2, and in non-virtual students 36.62±9.6. There was no significant differences between their attitudes.Conclusion: results show that students knowledge toward E-learning in two groups was low while their attitude was positive so, in order to creating appropriate situation to develop and utilizing Electronic education, promoting students knowledge and institutionalize in this regards based on students needs is necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: One of the most important developments of health sciences education in recent decades shift from uniprofessional education to interprofessional education approach in the world wide, in terms of meeting needs to promote the quality and safety of treats and cares.This study aimed to introduce the most prominent applied models of inter-professional education in health sciences in the world.Method: This review study has been done in 2015 using review strategy from York university with search in Pub med, CINAHL, Ovid, Science direct data bases as well as Google search engine, also validated related journals and educational organizations, in English language between 2000 to 2015 with main key words such as “interprofessional education” and “applied models. After evaluation of articles based on qualitative criteria, final papers were selected. Of 3137 primary articles retrieved, eventually 15 articles were qualified. Results were analyzed based on theorizing approach of Melies 2011 in three categories including: "scientific basis and conceptual framework", "administrative framework and educational interventions" and" evaluating educational outcomes" of interprofessional education models.Results: Seven valid models of interprofessional education were identified including: models of British Colombia and Dalhousie universities from Canada, Florida, Rosalind Franklin and Washington universities from America also Linkoping University from Sweden and Leicester University from England. The purpose of interprofessional education in these models are gradual promotion from unimprofessional identity to interprofessional identity in health sciences students.The conceptual framework of all models were based on valid personal and social psychology also educational theories. Administrative framework were based on development of cooperation and interaction between professionals based on providing health services and community – based learning. Outcomes were assessed in three area including students, faculty members and patients with qualitative and quantitative instruments.Conclusion: Applied interprofessional education models with focus on creating vast interprofessional interactions according to health needs of communities, not only provide appropriate situation for promoting of professional socialization process of health sciences students to achieve professional identity alongside interprofessional identity, but also necessary competency and ability for providing comprehensive patient –centered team care in graduates of health systems.

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