Background: Teaching and evaluating fetal development are essential for evaluating maternal and fetal health in the midwifery profession. Objectives: The present study was carried out to examine the validity and reliability of the fetal Development Assessment Information Scale (FDAIS). Methods: The study data were collected online between March 25 and May 15, 2021, via social media accounts of midwifery students with convenience sampling. 410 midwifery students were included in the study. The data were analyzed using SPSS-AMOS software version 20, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency, and frequency percentage), Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The suitability of the data for factor analysis was investigated by the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin coefficient and by Barlett’, s test of sphericity. Results: The content validity index of the draft scale was 87%. Kaiser Meyer Olkin test value was 0. 927, and the sample was found to be adequate and appropriate. On the other hand, the Bartlett test was obtained as χ, 2(253) =2648, 074 p<0. 001, and it was accepted that the scale fulfilled the requirements for exploratory factor analysis. The scale took its final form and consisted of 23 items and one dimension due to the exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The total percentage of variance explained was 36, 50%. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the scale was 0. 89 high. According to the results of the CFA analysis, when the FDAIS goodness-of-fit indexes are examined,RMSEA 0. 046,While it shows acceptable agreement with χ, 2,GFI 0. 916,CFI 0. 918,It was found that it was in perfect agreement with (p=0. 000). Conclusion: According to the findings, the Fetal Development Assessment Information Scale (FDAIS) is a valid and reliable measurement tool for undergraduate midwifery students in Turkey and can be used in studies.