Management in the joint stock public companies forms the economic cornerstone of the countries in the world, and plays a vital role in the promotion and the increase of production, job creation and employment, and market development. The science and the art of management which can provide opportunities for the implementation of short and long term planning which are approved by the general assemblies, can cause increase in the production, boost industrial and service units such as transportations on land, sea, and air, as well as decrease in unemployment, increase in exportation, and finally lead to economic prosperity. In this regard, selection of managers by the regular general assembly and the delegation of widespread powers to them, and their observing the sincerity and trustfulness have been considered by legal authorities. The legislator has predicted sever responsibilities for the managers who are not able to use their possibilities to direct and manage the affairs in the best possible way. In case of infringements, they have to compensate for the losses they have imposed on the company and on shareholders. In this article an attempt is made to discuss about the powers of managers according to the law of Iran, France, and the U.S., and compare their civil and criminal responsibilities. At the end, some suggestions will be made on the way of compensation for the present legal defects.