Over the past few decades, critical theories in international politics, believing that the analytical deficiencies of this field are rooted in the analytic constraints of the prevailing current, criticized positivist (rational), rational, materialist, and domineering and steadfast attitudes toward the flow of ideas and emphasized the need for transformation in The world of Western-oriented attitudes has emphasized international relations theories and have emboldened post-truthful, reflective, imaginative, and emancipatory attitudes, and the source of analytic inability has returned many of the ideas to the above-mentioned factors. However, they are less concerned with the root and origins of the dimensions of these challenging factors in what the fundamental foundations are, and what is its relation to the secularization process of this science? This paper, with the idea that the materialist view of international relations, which is the legacy of the authoritarian rule of secularism in this field, is one of the factors contributing to the emergence of analytical challenges of existing international relations theories, attempts to draw the share of secularism in the emergence of these deficiencies and Demonstrates how the process of secularization of international relations science has redefined the opportunity for a free thinker to analyze objective facts from theories of this science, and the origin of what critical theories take over the dominant microcosm is rooted in the secularization process of this trend. He also states that his critical currents have not been immune from the pest because of adherence to secularism.